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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Some auld Scouse bloke left his bike beside mine whilst he was away stealing hub caps
    2 points
  2. I'm used to that from the wife!
    2 points
  3. Several years ago the late Mrs meat and myself gave her dad a garden bench for his 80th birthday, Well years roll on and now the house is up for sale, the bench which had been neglected for several years was looking a bit sad but I took it home and spent a day doing a few repairs and a giving it a couple of coats of paint and now sits in my garden where it gets the afternoon and early evening sun, just right to sit down and have a beer or two when I return after a day out on my bike.
    1 point
  4. Bugger " missed this,,, was working till 2.30. , must meet up in summer jim" am 2 hrs N/E of you,,, bike look well boys" . out on Dt tonight, up some remote Glen, got puncture,[rear] . fk it , rode it down to civilization . then pillion home, to get trailer,,
    1 point
  5. Well, he made it to mine, then I put him on the ferry but his bike was running good and the rain had not caught up with him yet. He should be well into his 3rd or 4th Beer by now
    1 point
  6. we should do this next time when you go at squire https://youtu.be/cc6c3VMW7EU is a bit expensive but lot of fun
    1 point
  7. BH, bikesure have the option for personal injury, you just need to add it .. and carol nash I think they live on another planet, I have quotas from bikesure, bennet, mce, hasting direct. etc, on all of those I add, helmet-leaters, personal injury, breakdown, ride other bikes, etc, prices between 270-400.. carol nash= 1200
    1 point
  8. Just so I know you understand, is "similar" the same as "the same"? Cos if there are even the smallest differences your going to spend a lot of money and time building a self destructing engine. Not saying you can't do it, lot's of folks have great ideas and carry them out with skill and flare, but is engine building one of your skills? Cos this is NOT engine rebuilding, which is easy, this is engine building which isn't. Good luck and hope you put up a thread to either make us all jealous or warn others NOT to try this in the future.
    1 point
  9. No didn't disregard his advice just didn't realise how bloody fast it was going, it was only when I looked down and saw 140 that it occurred to me that I was passing stuff like they were stood still. I am going to have to learn how to ride with one eye on the road and one on the speedo. But I have to say that if I had smiled much more the top of my head would have fallen off
    1 point
  10. I like the rear sets, and the tail tidy!
    1 point
  11. mines £25 excess for 2 bikes at £97 inc uninsured loss and breakdown cover
    1 point
  12. sounds just the ticket and you got the weather too they are a thing of beauty must admit
    1 point
  13. That's a serious bit of kit slice, . the tank as DT50 used to say,,,[ hes not been back ] Paul " whats with the gay coloured DT avatar,,, .. you coming out
    1 point
  14. haha so you paid scant regard to Ttasmasters words of wisdom
    1 point
  15. Last bit of painting done today. All needs to be cut back a wee bit to get some runs and orange peel out, but generally really happy with it for a first go. Bit of a shame about the orange peel as there was hardly any on the first set of green bits, but we've got a good cutting agent so i'm positive i'll get it looking good. On to the rebuild!
    1 point
  16. nice pictures sir. i have to admit i also sadly have a thing for ww2 german tanks lol.. nice looking mk1 tiger you have sir
    1 point
  17. Ha ha! Dammit, our cover is blown Tommy...
    1 point
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