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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. OMG, no wonder the poor thing is struggling, ya fat bloater!!!!! Nah, you're fine, mate - That's only about 14st, which is roughly what I weighed back when I had a Baby Drag. So you weigh 95kg... The bike will handle a maximum of 183kg - That's the total weight of rider, passenger, cargo and accessories, according to the official owners manual.
  2. Yeah I assumed you were being lighthearted. Although I do personally find adjustable spanners of use and very occasionally the stilsons, but only because I use my tools for more than just bike maintenance... and the adjustables sometimes come in handy, especially for weird bikes like BMWs! But instant gasket... That one is a serious eww. When I first got my FJ, it had no gaskets anywhere and the PO had applied so much that it was gumming up the engine. Since then, I've pulled it out of water jackets, valves, cams, timing chains, exhausts, fuel caps, brake calipers, between piston rings and more... I wouldn't mind so much, but I was only helping out while dropping by for a cup of tea and the only reason I made money was from guilt payments because "a quick hand with this engine" so often turns out to be "Ah shit, take the whole thing out. It needs a rebuild"! Then again, I've helped fix a clutch that was superglued together, so it can always be worse!!
  3. NOT kidding about the Instant Gasket? But it's such horrid, nasty, evil stuff that previous owners never know how to use... I actually make a tidy side-living from helping a mechanic friend, doing jobs that almost always involve removing shedloads of IG before we can fix it! Ooh, I might be interested - Can you get steak, too, as I fancy me a pie...!
  4. Is he not undoing the clamps first, or something? The FJ has one of the world's easiest carbs to remove and pretty darn easy to reinstall (just requires a touch on finger strength and more than three braincells). *I* can do it all by myself, without fuss, delay, error or damage, so any half-competent spanner-jockey ought to sail through. If he/she cannot, then he/she is the aforementioned tit.
  5. Socket set (one Halfords fancy set, one VERY heavy duty über-pro set) Screwdrivers (from tiny jewellers to 3/8" dia ones) Allen keys Grips set (pliers (snub and needlenose), mole, snips, etc) Spanners would normally be on the list, but both socket sets include a good range (5-19mm) of 'em.
  6. I just tried it, but it comes up as blocked by work!
  7. A potential danger perhaps and something to watch out for when crossing such junctions, if you can... but just as with "He flashed his headlights to let me out", it's down to the individual driver to see that the lights have/haven't changed.
  8. Stop being a lazy git and take them off. It makes the actual cleaning of them far easier!!
  9. That's what the pillion pad currently mounts to anyway, so yeah it bloody well should be...!! You should have an a-frame kind of affair directly beneath the rear mudguard (fender is what the Americans call it) or a pair of solid support rails with a big metal plate, either of which forms part of the main frame and are perfectly load-bearing.
  10. Yeah, but you're still a real dead-ringer for love!
  11. Long hair, leather jacket, Cruiser rider, wondering whatever happened to Saturday night...
  12. Is Nina Simone really a One-Hit-Wonder, though? "Feelin' Good" and "I Put A Spell On You" seem to get played and covered all over the place... Tubeway Army were apparently a 1HW, but only because they changed to reflect Gary Numan as a solo career. Still like their stuff, though. MARRS with Pump Up The Volume is pretty memorable.
  13. Ooh... dibs on a Micrometer, please!!!! If you are literally chucking this stuff, not wanting any money for it, I suggest listing the items in a For Sale type thread (although you're not actually selling anything) and just request people pay the postage on the bits they want.
  14. Because a one-day travelcard at the times I have to travel costs more than £40 and the journey takes up to 3 hours... oh, and public transport is shut by the time I come to leave!
  15. More likely I'll lose my forum access...! Nah, the Search function works just fine and I've already cluttered up the previous years' threads on the matter.
  16. I'm not Tim Curry here!! At best, I am Richard O'Brien, having now grown out of my Meatloaf period...
  17. No worries - I'm sure you'll get the next one!
  18. One of the benefits to banning the populace from owning anything more dangerous than a tea cup. I myself actually carry a 'lethal weapon', in the form of a 1" folding blade on my keyring - Why lethal? Because it has a safety lock. Apparently all locking blades are now illegal, lethal and highly naughty, despite it being a *safety* feature... Then again, with road tolls like this, I can start to see why...!
  19. YAY, I win!!! Yah-boo-sucks to you, Slicey!! This is the one: http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-xvs650mmc-2000_model10856/tensioner-assycam-chain_11h1221002/#.VSamGi4vubg Can probably find it cheaper, mind...
  20. I've no idea what part that is... The only thing it looks like from the parts catalogue is part of the cam chain tensioner assembly. How big is this? Where exactly was it attached? What year is the bike? Hang on... That's not part of the ignition barrel, is it?
  21. Hmm.... Maybe I've just gotten a bad selection of textiles to experience, then.
  22. Tried one of those. She got too expensive, wanting things like food and water all the time...
  23. Nah, they'll just get the bailiffs in to sieze everyones' vehicles... and there are enough jobsworths in this little island who would do just that!
  24. Tried that... flipping things have these waterproof panels that block the fly off!!
  25. Nah, ruled those out - Not waterproof, which I guarantee I will need on the one day I don't carry a rainsuit, and they're usually cut too high for comfort in the daddy-bag area. I do have an undersuit, Drewps, but they still just get sweaty even when it's freezing outside.
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