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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2015 in all areas

  1. So, this video has went viral: Not "OMG! Millions of views!" viral, but 30k views [at current count] for a 30 second clip that I posted on Monday night is rather impressive to me. According to the Facebook graph API, it's been shared over 300 times Mood is currently: WAT?
    3 points
  2. Just had another think about this and would suggest that the first thing you take off is the engine side cover over the clutch, if there is a problem in there it might save you having to take the engine out, you might as well do the easy things first cos you never know it might save you time and money, the next thing I would do is take the rocker cover off and see if you have a dropped valve, should be easy to see and you can check your springs as well cos if one of those is broke then you have an immediate solution to your problem, as I said I would start with the easy things first. good luck mate.
    2 points
  3. I'm now imagining if this had been in Glasgow, rather than Manchester. I could see the cyclist getting up and trying to 'square go' the bus... "Ye 'hink yer 'ard do ye? Ah'll 'ave ye! Square go, pal. Square fuckin' go!"
    2 points
  4. That's exactly what she was "fashion before comfort" The annoying part was that we took her to the shop so that she could choose a coat for school and one for "social" with her mates, bearing in mind she was only thirteen and we weren't going to let her go out at night but only to go down town at the weekend. I don't know if your secondary modern school girls do the same but ours tried to make their school ties as short as possible.
    1 point
  5. Ten years ago when my daughter was thirteen she set off to school in January/February, (bearing in mind we were under about a foot of snow at the time) she wouldn't wear the coat that we bought for her (that she chose) for this type of weather. Fortunately, or unfortunately I wouldn't let her go out of the house unless she wore it. She refused to wear it so in front of her I rang her school to say that she won't be coming to school and why. It wasn't the type of coat, but that she wasn't going to wear any coat at all. Anyway, to cut a long story short, she never refused to wear a coat again when it was cold. But, now ten years later she is the she the perfect daughter/lady that we could wish for.
    1 point
  6. Yer as Slice said buddy, it took me 3 months to do a full rebuild of my XVS650 motor. the bitch part is getting the rotor off so that you can split the crank cases. also a full engine gasket set is a healthy £177 off Wemoto. First few mins are of the engine build (excuse the cheesy music it was the only good one youtube had haha)
    1 point
  7. Usually you can get the heads off and the barrels but after that it's a bit more complicated, if you need to get at the internals of the engine then it is only possible to do that with the engine out, at least that's been my experience. Your bike might be different but it's best to take the engine out as it makes it easier if you have it on a bench and can get at it. It does sound like something has come adrift in your engine from what you describe I would guess at something in the gearbox but that's just my opinion. Good luck with it and DON'T resort to a big hammer and lot's of swearing, slow and steady is the best, just do what you can and the minute you feel the need to hit something make a cup of tea.
    1 point
  8. Any number of things can make your engine not turn over, dropped valve, broken selector fork or broken gear, piston rings jammed, clutch chain broken or clutch gear jammed, cam chain broken or stripped. These are the most common, so you need to rock the engine back and forth with the plugs out to see if it will move the pistons up and down and where the thing stops moving, listen for a sudden "clunk" if it stops suddenly and that will tell you if it's something broken off, one thing you should check is, as Noise says, is there a full amount of oil in the thing cos if your low or maybe even empty then there's your problem.
    1 point
  9. Shes in a bit of a sorry state but is coming apart well only worked on it for an hour tonight and ready for engine out. Aiming to get all original lights clocks etc to restore her to former glory. Got a spare engine with her as well which is a bit of a bonus. Its actually 1972 not 68 my Grandad got confused but hes old, so easily forgiven still ace for what it is though.
    1 point
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