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MT-10SP, MT-10, MT-09SP, MT-09, MT-07, MT-03, FZ1S, FZ1N, TDM900, XT660, XJ6S, XJN6N, FZ6S, FZ6N, Scorpio

  1. Started by monkeyjim,

    I know this has been asked before but will ask it again as someone may have done it recently. I need to replace my bars as they are bent. New Yamaha ones are £100 plus vat . So I thought about some Renthals or Rizoma bars . I don’t really want to deviate much from the style and shape of the original bars and don’t need fat bars . All Renthals are wider than original bars so I don’t want to get into messing about with fitting longer cables etc but not exactly sure what the style of there shortest bar will be ie is it similar to original. Rizoma only show one bar when you put XJ6 in search box and it is much closer to the Yamaha dimensions. Wha…

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  2. Hi, my bike since new has this strange vibrating noise around 5000 rpm when accelerating especially on low gears. Something is rattling. I eliminated most obvious things like: plastic terminal covers on front break handle switch, loose fuse box cover underneath the seat, also under the seat set of Yamaha tools I removed temporarily, starter slide button as well as indicator switch seem wobbly, but I taped it for a ride and that didn't help, I also checked the buzzer. No luck so far, and this noise is pretty annoying. Motorcycle have only 500km on the clock and in the middle of beak-in process. Interestingly on the YouTube review I'd watched before I bought th…

  3. Hello, I bought YB125 last year and convinced company to print me wiring diagram and technical specifications. I scanned it and I'm posting it for you. Images are in resolution from scanner, they all have 9.5MB. Preview: Links to big images: Wiring diagram (3.5MB) Key to diagram Technical specifications 1 Technical specifications 2 Technical specifications 3 Technical specifications 4 Technical specifications 5 Technical specifications 6 Technical specifications 7 I hope it will be helpful to someone. If anybody has information about hacking ECU or other usefull information about EFI on YBR125, please post it. I discovered one thing…

    • 5 replies
  4. Hello everyone. I'm writing here, as I could not find the information anywhere, so I hope that here I will get my answer. I have a Yamaha XJ6N 2010 year model, and I damaged my front side fender (first picture, position 1). Since I will change the cover, I wanted to change it with a different color. I wanted it to be matte black, but none of the variants for 2009-2012 have a matte variant, only glossy (I don't want to buy Chinese variants from Ebay/AliExpress). I have noticed that there is a variant for 2013-2016 model to be matte black, but the shape and screw count is different (second picture, position 1). From looking into photos, it looks like the holes could be…

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  5. Hello , I am carrying out a rebuild of my 2009 XJ6N and it is stripped down to bare frame . Frame is rusty on seams and I would like to get it blast cleaned and powder coated. There is a white sticker with frame number and other info up near the headstock and a vertical frame number that looks to have a clear sticker protection over it and that is on the head tube itself as I guess you all know if you have one of these or a Yamaha of a similar age. I would like to know if the clear sticker is actually protecting a number stamped into the frame or is it a clear resin type sticker with frame number within? Obviously I would rather not loose eithe…

  6. Started by Jules65,

    My brother-in-law has a 2000 Fzs fazer 600 and needs to improve the headlight bulbs. He doesn't want LED. He has looked at Osram. I tried the 150% brighter version on my XJ6s, but the plastic lens got really hot, so I've reverted to 5000k 55/60 H4. If anyone has any ideas for the Fazer, it would be appreciated. I have attached a pic of the Fazer's headlights.

  7. Started by Stig136,

    Hi ive not had the ybr long its done 30k I've given it a full service oil an plug ect . I get a vibration/ noise that can be felt through the bike and its around 5000rpm and stops as soon as you come off the throttle.

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  8. Started by Tony1303,

    Hi, I have just bought some oxford heated grips for my 2020 (new shape)Tracer 700. There is no dedicated grip wiring as per the previous model that I could find, it only has the auxiliary connections for USB and Aux power outlet and these are only protected via the same 3A fuse. As the grips are rated up to 4A I was going to use the heated seat wiring to power them, but it appears they have deleted this too. Anyone know if there is a suitable switched power supply that I could use instead, as I don't really want to power them direct to the battery as per the instructions. Thanks.

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  9. Started by TMC,

    Hi, I've just brought a 1999 SR125 and I have no spark. I have fitted a new spark plug, coil and a new battery. It has power to the coil and it has good earth and what an I missing? Any help is appreciated James

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  10. Started by MT03Tim,

    Hi, I have a problem with my MT 03 (660) instrument cluster, and as these bikes are as common as hens teeth there are not many spares about So it may be a silly question but does anyone know if any of these clusters are interchangeable between similar models?

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  11. Started by nigxl,

    Hi is there much of a following on here for this bike? Ive just bought my second one after maybe a 10 year lay off and can't seem to find much of a following for them any more?

    • 4 replies
  12. Started by Connar,

    Sr125 lacking on power topping out at 40 mph should be 50+. Checked valve clearance, compression and tried fuel air. Power is very jolty at higher Revs. Problem could be fuel air still any help working out if it’s too much or to little fuel or to rich/lean. Any other common problems cause power loss ?.

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  13. Started by jsp,

    So I was thinking to buy this bike 2010 XJ6 with over 60000mls for under 1K GBP And I was wondering how to fix the speedometer? Seller was saying it reads half of the real speed.

  14. Started by Alex,

    Well it obviously had to happen, tightening down the last nut the stud started turning in the alloy cush drive. It felt wrong tightening to the specified torque settings, but I stupidly continued. Anyone know what helicoils I need to refit a stud?

  15. Started by donchadh,

    Hi all, Just joined! Anyway my bike is a XJ6N and been in the gararge for a couple years. Main issue is the chain as it had snapped. However I put in a new battery and some petrol and it started straight away, so quite chuffed. Im looking for some advice. To replace the drive chain, I will need to take the swing arm off, meaning it will be challenge to keep the bike raised so I can do the sprockets/chain. Does anyone know of any good means to lift the bike with the swing arm off? Ive had a look and got some ideas but maybe someone here will crack it :-D There seems to be little area at the bottom of the bike to add things like an axel stand and so on. But w…

  16. Started by Xj6nTrav,

    Hey everyone, just trouble shooting here. Bike (09 xj6n) has been working fine no issues at all and now this happens when I switch ignition on. Error code ER_1 and shows temperature and engine warning lights! The speedo doesn't change from 0 while riding aswell since this code has shown up. Anyone every had this?I've read it may be something to do with ecu. Where should I start? Thanks in advance, any help would be great

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  17. Started by Ban,

    Hello everybody happy hollydays.. Can someone help me with finding the owner manual? Also i bought this bike with 30k km on it.. and planing to go for about 30k km trip in africa with it.. What do you think will the ybr make it? And how do you think i should get preperd?

  18. I have a September 2009 XJ6 N in Cloudy White. I bought it new and it is my first big bike . Used daily for work and it has now clocked up 23,000 miles . Brilliant bike for newbies and commuting , extremely reliable . I am wondering what sort of mileage and thoughts , problems other XJ6 owners have or had ? Brief history of mine as follows : 1x service at main dealer ?( first service) the rest by me ( qualified technician) using genuine parts. 2x sets or the original equipment Battlax BT021 tyres , each set covered just over 10,000 miles before replacement . Found one side of the front tyre wore a lot faster than the other , common BT021 problem. 1x set of …

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  19. Started by Supkri,

    Dear all, I'm a new user to this club so hello to everybody. Very happy to be part of this community. I have been riding my 2007 Yamaha XT660X for a while now and it rides amazing. However, some time to time bike has a bad habit of cutting off when releasing the trottle. I've read a lot about the common issue with the ECU for these bikes, also I suspect that the problem lies in ECU because after every cut off I need to turn my key on and off for bike to start again. So my question is: If I'd buy a new ECU what difference is between the one with the Orange label (B) and the one with Blue label (P)? Also, if you have a better solution for the problem than cha…

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  20. Started by nJoy.,

    Hello, I hope I am posting in the right forum. So I have this question about my Yamaha FZ8 '12. I noticed whine coming from the gearbox or the engine. Can't really make it out. I am not sure if this was there before or not. I have recorded a video, maybe it will help. I am not sure if this is normal and should I worry or not. Nothing else seems off. Bike is at 30k km. Thanks for helping out! Video Link:

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