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DirtyDT last won the day on August 14 2017

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  • Current Bike(s)
    Just two now.

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    Top bunk, Hut 7, Stalag 17
  • Interests
    Two piece jigsaw puzzles.

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  1. Well that's what it says in the Daily Mail today. LINKY I always knew the RD's were rapid!
  2. My 2p's worth. I always said I would never buy a bike with ABS. My main bike now only comes with ABS so I bit the bullet. I can't say I really think about the fact it has ABS. I did have an issue with the brakes, they kept going spongy. I just tied an elastic band around the break lever and throttle to keep the brake on for a couple of days and it has been fine since. Mind you, all of that technology didn't stop me from getting caught by a mobile speed camera 3 days after picking the bike up - I should have chosen the "radar" option! My car has keyless opening, push start, electric handbrake and a whole host of other err..... stuff that I don't know how to operate. I love the keyless bit, My key just sits in my pocket and I can lock, unlock, start and drive it. I wasn't sure of the electric handbrake at first. I have left the handbrake off and got out of the car once but it operates automatically when the car is switched off. and disconnects when I pull away. All a far cry from bikes with cable disk brakes or cars with no servo and only one brake circuit. All that said, you can't beat oldskool.
  3. I am still around John, I just don't tend to post. Sold the FZ-8, sold all the RD400's even sold the Suzi TS250. Still have the YA-6 and brought a new Duke Scrambler Full Throttle last year - it had it's first annual service last week. Just pushed for time at the moment.
  4. DirtyDT

    Liked this

    Me riding my unfaired one in France - back in the day
  5. DirtyDT

    DDT new ride

    The FZ8 has gone and has been replaced with a Ducati Full Throttle. Just hear that exhaust howl.
  6. There is a Victoria Cross winner and a victim of Jack the Ripper both buried there.
  7. Wantsead Flats is in East London (Manor Park E12) Slice. I guess the City of London Cemetery? Down to London then hit the North Circ. Easiest is come off at the Redbridge roundabout, It is only a few minutes from there.
  8. 1.3 Ltrs of Yamaha Gear oil B. I have one of these too.
  9. Another beautiful restoration. Love it.
  10. Not until June, John. I can't wait until we get real global warming haha. The workshop is half full of firewood for the fire.
  11. I went for Sealy's (on the right of the picture). Can't fault them.
  12. "Unfortunately with this I personally become liable for the protection of all the data, even though it's all just mostly shite"........ I didn't know anyone read my posts.
  13. They are not with me Paul. I have just been busy.recently.
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