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Let us know what you're up to with your latest restoration, repairs, how tos and mods

  1. Started by DirtyDT,

    Well, being a Mod on the forum and not having a Yamaha for a while I saw an abused YA6 local to me for sale on fleabay. I bidded a few hundred quid and won it. Then the thoughts of "what have I done" started. This feeling is quite common for me. Anyway, the bike has been imported from the USA and came with the customs declaration saying that all duties had been paid so that was a good start. These bikes were made from 1964 to 1966. The frame number puts the bike somewhere in the 65/66 ballpark but more about that later. The YA6 was a single cylinder 2 stroke 125cc bike with a fantastic amount of technology for the year. The spec includes; Autolube - the bike is…

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  2. Started by Jonnydoby,

    I'm 16 and have been trying to fix my DT 50 October last year. Every time I fix something another problem seems to arise but I'm always able to fix it in the end. Although this time I am stuck completely, I have ordered a rectifier as there is a problem with the electricals but I cannot seem to find where the old rectifier is located to be able to change it. If anyone knows and is able to help me this would be muchly appreciated I love my bike and do not wish to have to buy a new one if I cannot fix her :'(

  3. Started by wild foamy,

    Most people go on holiday and bring back crappy souvenirs like t-shirts with "I <3 NY" on them, or a plastic version of the eiffel tower, maybe even a snowglobe with a tiny little castle in it... But I figured I may aswell bring back something I'd be able to have fun with. So, ladles and tablespoons, let me introduce to you... 'Tiny Urban Road Demon' It's a Yamaha LB80 Chappy, picked it up off craigslist from California, had the offer of two of them but due to space limitations on getting it home I could only take one, so I got the one on the right. needs a bit of TLC but runs decent enough, plan is to use it for getting around the airbase and local area back home, …

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  4. I've finally got a new project to get my teeth into. I still got to go down to westbay to collect it which im hoping to get it next weekend or some time. Anyway its a XJ600 diversion which was my mates old instrctors bike which was rear ended at a round about at low speed, its got no seat and apparently the piston rings have blown and its all in bits in his shed. Now for the price........practaly given it to me and only wants £50 for it! Yes i did just say £50!!!! Im looking at either doing a cafe racer or a streetfighter but once i get it home i will decide which way im going with it. It will become my wet weather winter hacker.

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  5. Started by wild foamy,

    Well peeps, picked up another little project tonight. Was a bit interesting getting it home in the absence of my big truck. Can you tell what it is yet?...

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  6. Started by ShaunLacy,

    Hello, and pleased to meet you all! I am in the process of getting my XJ9 (85) back on the road. Poor things been stood in my garage for 3 years partially built. I think I have a common problem, the manifold studs are mostly sheered off, and require removing and replacing. Can anyone in the North West point me to a decent engineer who can sort this. I would also welcome any tips or info that would help, and any decent suppliers of second hand part would be great too! The bike doesn't need an awful lot to get back on the road, replacement tank, front left stanchion, rear shocks and the manifold studs sorting. So any help would be very gratefully received. Many thanks Sha…

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  7. Started by markles,

    Hey. So I have a 2003 Fazer 600 with a foxeye fairing. I am planning to remove the fairing, just feel like changing the look of the bike. I want to put new lights, indicators and gauges on. I already have LED indicators on. I need a bit of advice for the speed and rev gauges. Are they easy to change? Is it just a case of ordering the new ones and plug and play once they arrive? Any brands that anyone can recommend? Thanks for the advice.

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  8. Started by Noise,

    Right here we go! this thread is a walk through talk through of how to attempt to rebuild the XVS 650 Dragstar engine. I am not a mechanic, nor will i ever use mechanical terms. I am just a keen DIY'er with a Haynes Manuel and a little knoledge of Mechanics. If there is some thing ive missed or you would like to know then i will try and help with extra pics etc if not as we are on a forum.................................um, i guess you can ask everyone else. I DO NOT KNOW EVERY THING................................................... so be warned i maybe doing things completely wrong and you can laugh point etc and watch me further fuck up my bike, but at the …

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  9. I aquired a 1981 Yamaha RH 550 Seca. I got it home and found that the 15 years sitting outside it didnt have spark plugs. I fianlly got the motor tore apart and now need help with the next decision. The choice is have the barrels honed to remove thr damaged parts, buy a used undamaged part. The last one is to take it and have it bored. The question is can I have the 550 barrels bored to 750 and then just buy stock Yamaha 750 ring seals and jugs? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  10. Started by NEV,

    A good call for putting up a Project thread.Seeing as I picked up my frame and swingarm yesterday, I'll take advantage,and post my project up here for all to see, and hopefully it may help others who are thinking of starting their own project As said earlier I just picked up my frame and swing arm from powdercoating yesterday, I just have a few more bits and bobs to sort out first i.e re-spraying tank,new wiring harness, and rear shock, then I can start getting on with the re-build. This is how it used to look, up to a few weeks ago Yes it looks o.k but the plastics seem to hide a multitude of sins theres rust everywhere, plus all linkages were seized up afte…

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  11. Started by Royston,

    Sure didn't know what I let my self in for when I picked up this half started trike conversion.. Bike had been sat in old shed for nine years. No exhaust pipes ,seat and many other small electical bits like fuse box ,flasher unit .etc.. ..clutch appears to be seized ,other than those little problems it seems to be fine.!!!,,, so question ,is the clutch easy to get to?? ....

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  12. Started by lallasro,

    hey guys! I just got an FJ1200, 1992, 46.000 miles, I ride it home 150 miles to home, is going very well but I have some problems with the clutch. I also plan to make her looking better (cleaning, paiting and if I can get the help of a friend, I will remove the engine to paint the frame). also I need to repair the fairings a bit.

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  13. Started by hubert1977,

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  14. Started by Tommy xs,

    been going to it for the last two summer's when the weather gets warm enough & just not got round to it but this year it got to happen. been messing round on paint and have decided to go with this although I am attempting to do it myself so f#ck knows what it will turn out like was wondering if anyone else has any ideas although I am pretty set on this now

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  15. Started by drewpy,

    Its finally arrived, I can't put it off any longer. I have finally made a start on the little Gilera here's what I found with the frame Oops its broken what's that smeggy thing on there? cut that thing off and read up on slugging the frame off the chopper underground I lost my lathe virginity today, and it was great. There is something cathartic about cutting bar on a lathe. It was a bit daunting at first, as it had a plethora of knobs and levers but I soon picked it up. Apparently all the kids just put a programme in and watch their steel take shape. I did it the old school way well my new slug fits great and j…

  16. Started by tiko,

    well guys few months ago i bought my first xs 250 stood for four years in a barn with seized engine rusty chrome parts and dodgy wiring well i have now managed to unseize engine and have had her running reoplster the seat bought new fron light igntion switch handle bar switchs and clock pans so all coming allong nice will upload a few pics when i get chance to i apoligise for my spelling and grammer as i have a slight dslexia problem

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  17. Started by Moonmanzn,

    Hi I bought xvs650 off noise on here, I'm busy redoing her to my liking, not massively far as of yet but getting there ( lack of garage and space means I have to work around the wife in the kitchen ) thought I might add some pictures of progress as I know how much I love seeing other people's pictures That's the day after I got her from previous owner, since then I stripped her down to 4 boxes of bits, That is the bike stripped and stored in the kitchen, I then started stripping down the engine to replace the gaskets and repaint in matt satin black I then noticed that it was weeping from the cam chain tensioner housing so I replaced that from the usa for 2…

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  18. Started by funkymunkydavid,

    back in the tail end of may,i managed to find my old dtr. after 8 years of looking it turned up on ebay.... after some haggling between me,the owner and what turned out to be a bike breaker it was mine for the princely sum of £375 it was mine again

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  19. Hey all, My first bike is a Yamaha YBR 2009. Here she is when I first got her home: I'm actually surprised that I managed to get her home. On the next day I decided to do a few checks. With the bike on the centre stand, the oil didn't even mark the gauge. When I put tyre pump on, initial pressure didn't even register. The chain was so loose that it may have fallen off at any time. NOTE TO SELF: pick the bike up in a van in future... I knew that the bike needed some work but I had no idea what I was getting myself into, especially as this was my first bike and I had no idea how to maintain it. So I bought a Haynes manual and decided to learn, I felt that…

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  20. Engine seized up as result of exhaust side of piston's skirt breaking apart and falling into lower end of engine. Yes there was engine oil and also coolant, both before and after the "seizure"... or that would have been a big lecture to the boy! I read on another blog this is usually the result of running to lean, thus too hot and pop??? In hindsight, the bike was accumulating some oil/sand at the exhaust port/muffler connection on the cylinder. It was initiated by an over full oil condition, which was corrected, weeks before. But, maybe that popped the seal. The bike started, ran well, plenty of power, it was odd. Another blogger suggested it is caused by too muc…

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