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The Bar

A laid-back spot for off-topic conversations, mingling, and building camaraderie among motorcycle enthusiasts.

  1. Started by Beezkneez,

    Anyone see Suzi Perry on a question of sport?...what a babe she is....schwwinnnnnggg tent pole :wink:

    • 13 replies
  2. Started by Pete,

    .....with the new forum template. Looks great!

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  3. 8) 8) 8)

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  4. Started by paul,

    good news saddam to get the death plenty #-o bad news david beckham to take it :wn :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: http://bigmixup.com/rockpapersaddam/

    • 7 replies
  5. Started by Froggy125,

    Hello everyone!! I am new to this forum...u mite hav guessed. Just thought id introduce myself b4 i get started! I currently own.. a dt125lc and a dt125lc for offroading.i have a roadbike tzr 250 and my big bro has an R1 but he don`t trust me on it!!! anyway i hope i have an excellent experince here!!! 8)

    • 10 replies
  6. Started by R1caz,

    from a long line of bikers or the first in the family?

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  7. Started by JohnR6,

    Hi guys, I'm bored shitless at work at the moment, just wondering what you guys do for a living. I'm a computer programmer in Manchester working for Sharp Electronics. Wish I was out on two wheels at the moment! :cry:

    • 46 replies
  8. Started by Beezkneez,

    my record is 969.5 give it some http://www.andrewconner.pwp.blueyonder.co....pinguxtreme.swf

    • 11 replies
  9. Started by liquidcooled,

    so many bikes going up the road past my house the last few days. there is a camp site a few miles along and i think there must be a club meet or something happening. i have listened to everything from, big 4 sports bikes, to ducati's, harleys, classic japs, even some old brit iron 8) i had a nice run with a z1000 owner the other day, he came over to to me in the petrol station and asked the way to portpatrick, so i said he could just follow me as i live there. very nice guy he was too, the biking spirit is still alive 8) now i must go along to the camp site and see what's happening

    • 3 replies
  10. Started by Pete,

    She signed up yesterday and after a bit of research by Baz we've discovered a bit about her. She's from a Russian bride site, 23 and her name is Yana. So...who's gonna step up to the plate first? Gotta be axl surely?

    • 13 replies
  11. I thought id better say hello properly, cos you be seeing me around on the notice boards. The names Matt, Im a 35 yr old bike fanatic, if its got 2 wheels and an engine im probably gonna like it! Been riding for 14 years, the ex wife made me sell my bikes to finace some rug rats so there was a 6 year gap. But as soon as the divorce was through (5 yrs ago) the bikes came back. I live on the Dutch/belgium border with my lovely cloggy woman who accepts that bikes are my first love! My daily ride is a Thunderace, my mistress is a GSXR 750RR, in the winter i ride a moped and i got a project or two (which might or might not be put back together!). I see that there is abit b…

    • 30 replies
  12. Started by Divvy_Rider,

    Hiya everyone I have signed up at last, I've been lerking on the forum for a few months. I passed my DAS on the 22nd of june Yay! Then got my Divvy last saturday been having loads of fun since, Its a big difference from my old bike dare i say it (a ho*da) but fear not, im not gay!. it has been a good bike, it's been my work horse for the last 2 years, and enabled me to save up enough cash to do the test and get the new bike so i am greatful for it, ...... Needless to say I have given it away to my bro the day i got the divvy .. Didn't want it anywhere near it Something i did want to ask from the other divvy riders was what kinda mileage do you get out o…

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  14. Started by Pete,

    ....at 10pm..."Britain's Funniest Amateur Amputations!" followed by "Geraldo Rivera's Monster Moustache Olympics!". Great stuff.

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  15. Started by Pete,

    .....for any of you thinking of switching to Honda ownership! This is how you'll end up you know! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

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  16. Started by liquidcooled,

    any of you guys and girls got a tat? if so what is it and where 8)

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  17. Started by Tym,

    hows the yams doing? Took a ride to the Tail of the dragon last weekend, left at 1500hrs Sat, got back 1930hrs last night, trip ran 2038 miles. Bike ran well, wish i mounted my big windsheild and handguards, it was cold and wet in dem dar hills That pic is from the NC side of the dragon, on the 10se side i scuffed my right boot in a turn, first time i have ever touched down any parts in a turn riding my KLR :!: see better pics and info at http://www.tailofthedragon.com This is a motard friendly road fir sure This pic is from the blue ridge parkway, over 500 miles of stuff like this: Old church in Tennesse

    • 12 replies
  18. Started by JohnR6,

    Hello, Does anyone have a bike but not a car? Can it be done? Do you think I can do with selling my car and get a bike? Do you guys still ride to work during winter when it's snowing or pissing it down hard? Also, how would I do my weekly food shopping with the Mrs on the bike? :? Is all this possible and wise? Or shall I just save up to get a bike and keep the car? I'm just weighing up my options for when I pass my DAS.

    • 16 replies
  19. Started by JonRisby,

    Just thought that you might like to know that i passed my A2 today with only 2 minors How about that then skyline!!! 1 Day after Yours p.s I need a cheap first bike... any ideas??? Thanks

    • 7 replies
  20. Started by skyline,

    did my test this morning and passed yeha :D got 10 minors though, but that was for going to slow and been hesitaint and road posistioning. now i can finally get my vfr400 and have some proper fun wooooooooooo

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