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new member with xz 550

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hi there . im a new member and Im looking for some advice . i have a Yamaha XZ 550 that has been converted to a trike . i want to put my own finish to it . One of the changes is to change the handlebars and wondered if anyone knows if i can change the top yoke for something that would allow this and what is most likely to fit. thanks . Rab .

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Hi and welcome to the forum Rab.

This section is for new members to say hello. You would be better posting the handlebar question in the workshop section.

That said, there are only a couple of bar thicknesses. 7/8 and 1 inch are the most common. Different once may need changes to the lengths of the cables and the clamping of the switchgear. Start a new thread in the workshop section and get some pictures up. Non standard fittings are better with a few pictures to help replies.

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Also, you might wanna put an Intro in the New Members section, as a matter of manners/'nettiquette First-time questions from strangers are usually met with silence, as we get a lot of one-post wonders.

Something short will do, just a bit about you, where you're from (town), age and riding/mechanical experience. Helps us to better find solutions, y'see, especially any local stuff.

Is it the 'Vision' model, like this:


Please tell me you're putting everything back to standard??!!
This thing looks like an absolute Streethawk 1980s JOYGASM!!!

I mean, just look at this Dash:

As for your bars, you should be able to get suitable adapters for either clip-ons or a single bar. Just a case of Google-Fu mostly.

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good luck trying to find a top yoke that will fit, im converting one to cafe-racer spec (gradually) and finding a direct fitment yoke is a pain in the ass, trial and error is your best bet here bud.

alternatively, ditch those gay-ass risers and machine yourself some nice retaining clamps to fit on the ends instead, then add ace/club bars as im doubtfull you will get a set of clipons to clear the tank

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Did Yamaha ever sort out the fuelling on this model.

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Welcome rab. :jossun: foamy thers an article on the turbo 650 in Practical Sport. bike mag this month...

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Hi and welcome to the forum Rab.

This section is for new members to say hello. You would be better posting the handlebar question in the workshop section.

That said, there are only a couple of bar thicknesses. 7/8 and 1 inch are the most common. Different once may need changes to the lengths of the cables and the clamping of the switchgear. Start a new thread in the workshop section and get some pictures up. Non standard fittings are better with a few pictures to help replies.

hi . thanks for the heads up on the wrong section . im a newby as far as computers are concerned . i will move my request for info to the workshop section . im new to the trike thing but i can turn my hand to most things on a bike . anyway no more waffling in this section . lol . look forward to reading up and chatting about yams and such . thanks .

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