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Everything posted by liquidcooled

  1. happy birthday young lady hope you ad a good day any shiney bike bits?
  2. and to think you called me a woofta for buying a honda look forward to the pics mate
  3. welcome back mate . if you hear any stories about me riding a gay assed honda now......they're all true!
  4. never mind, i'll get down to wales at some point an we'll meet up pete
  5. liquidcooled


    word! .....
  6. nice one! mini forum meet on the way
  7. well wont be getting that particular ypvs due to the ebay fuckwit selling it fucking around. knob only stays half an hour from me too. might go give him a hiding
  8. cool mate! i'll get in touch with you closer to the time and we can arrange something. might be able to get a few members there?
  9. i'm supposed to be there staying with my uncle! but couldnt get a ferry ticket in time, as they're all booked any forum members there? to make up for it i'm going to donington in july! 800 mile round trip on the vfr, cant wait so if any of you lot are there give me a shout and i'll come say hi
  10. good on you ross. i'm currently trying to get hold of a rd350ypvs i've seen as a second bike. my only excuse is that i'm a stupid boy
  11. aye pete, i'm going to buy that for him. he'd love to see him in action again
  12. my da's just been telling me all about his hero jarno. best racer of all time according to him... oh yeah and he's just said over my shoulder...''73? fuck i'm getting old!'
  13. just realised i've told you that already baz doh! oh well, can't have enough compliments
  14. that looks awsome baz, nice work m8
  15. liquidcooled

    its my birthday

    sorry its late but happy birthday. good luck with biking.take it easy, just ride smooth and safe and you'll get more respect(that doesnt mean boring slow btw just safe ) i know its only a 50 but scraped darren managed to come off his
  16. liquidcooled

    Bad news

    smitty just stay if you wanna. most havent got yams now tbh . it's yamaha based, but most importantly it's about bikes. so if yer a biker, stay
  17. fuck that! cop off wi plain jane down the pub and buy another bike/leathers/lid/insurance and go for a night out on the town. simple as that
  18. cheers game arrived today. it's awsome!! best bike game i've played yet
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