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407 topics in this forum
Hi guys just brought a dt125r 1989, for some reason the old owner put a 2005 loom on it and could not get a spark, could anyone give me a simple diagram to follow to enable it to run ? Thanks Ben
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Been after one of these since I was a teenager...sooo happy to own one now. Some background...apparently this bike stood in Germany for 20 years before being brought over to SA. The owner here was a Brit who owned it for 2 weeks with the idea of restoring it until his existing bike blew up and he needed some cash in a hurry. Says he had 5 buyers licking his backside but I was the only one who was happy to pay his price and so it arrived at my house after a 700km trip down our East coast on Monday. So some pics: Very tatty..but very original. (nice to get original exhausts) Tank will need to be done..looks bad inside too. Not sure if radia…
- 123 replies
So after 5 years of being in bits and strewn across my garage floor, and the rolling chassis stood under a tarp in the garden, my genesis is back on the road. Still need a new exhaust, front stachions and plastics. But so far, she is looking and sounding good. And now all ready to rock
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hello all! I have a very rough MX250 that needs some love. So far I've pretty well stripped the chassis. The engine is off to the local engine wizard to be assessed leaving me with the chassis work. Since this bike needs EVERYTHING done to it so I thought I would take the time to address some of it's flaws during the rebuild process. Right now I would love some advice on the length of the swing arm and rear shocks. I read somewhere that the DT swing arms are 1" longer after the shock mount and that they bolt right in. The idea is to lengthen the wheel base and hopefully get an easier handling bike out of the process. Any advice on aftermarket shocks as well? peace, Bruce
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Hey guys, I've recently acquired a 1982 Yamaha XS250 (YICS) basket case project I'm looking at partially restoring it and turning it into a café racer/bobber style of bike If anyone has any prior knowledge of these bikes your help would be greatly appreciated along the way Before: After:
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Hello guys , and thanks for the welcome let me tell you a bit about this bike. Ive always been a bit of a Brit bike man , mainly BSA,s,not because I didn't like Japanese stuff , I did , a BSA was always easier to work with ,mechanically they were good , my mate did 100 000 miles on his A10 , same engine. they sounded nicer to me and not wanting to go into warp drive at every traffic light they suited me , yes I did get fed up of pushing an A65 lightening home from work , but that really wasn't BSA,s fault , it was joe lucas.....prince of eternal darkness. Then I had this prang in the ninetees.....put me off bikes for a bit. so lets jump forward to april 2014 , and …
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Ok, as described in the welcome section. Got a beaten up bargain for £240. So can afford to spend a bit on it. full engine rebuild, lots of new parts and a respray. First time doing this and have already snapped a head bolt, oh and the bloody sump plug refuses to budge, got a mate to sort that for me. Thoroughly enjoying doing it though so as I do the work I will update snd post pics. Stay safe.
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Hello everyone I have inherited a lovely old DT1/2? to restore. Its currently stripped down and i'm removing the paint form the frame ready to be redone. Everything is going to to stripped and cleaned and restored where needed. Currently I am trying to identify what i have actually got. I have found the frame number which is only 9 characters long starting with DT1F-2**** from looking at a few websites its indicating that it is a DT1E. Heres some pictures anyway to tide you over to the next installment!
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Hi I am putting my YB100 back on the road after the engine seized when the oil pump stopped working two years ago. I have managed to get the engine re-bored and can find all the parts needed for the engine, but I am finding it difficult to source a new or used seat base that in is better condition than my current one. It was stored outside by its previous owner and the base has just turned to cheese over the last 25 British summers. Can anyone point me i the right direction to finding another base and or a chromed front mudguard as the one on there is what looks like to be off a trials bike.
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After months of thinking ,research etc, I have taken the plunge and stripped the the DT. The bike is original including indicators and clocks, but someone has been over most of the cycle parts with black Smoothrite or similar paint. It came apart eventually, with the swing arm pivot bolt seized and monoshock to swing arm seized, the most challenging parts. All parts now boxed ,bagged and labeled where necessary. I am leaving the engine complete at the moment and concentrating on the cycle parts. Frame is stripped of every part including steering lock and off to the powder coaters soon, along with other parts. Which brings me on to a question. Frame should be gloss …
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I did enjoy this ol thing. Triumph bars and end cans. Custom alligator seat and a bare metal strip down.
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Hello there, I've been reading this forum for a while now and finally decided to start my own project thread. I bought a reasonably priced XJ 600. Facts about the bike: - a runner requires only valve adjustment and a little carb cleaning. - one of the exhaust manifold gaskets is dead and it causes a clicking noise (I hope that's the case) - front caliper is likely to be seized (only one) - rear shock is dead seized, the linkage is even worse - front fork legs are mismatched (I think) - and that's it , I rode it back home. My plan is to transform it into a daily commuter cafe racer. I'll upload some pics as soon as I figure out how to do it.
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I am going to start sorting the RD's out soon. One slow project and one tidy up RD project. One tidy TS project and a total rebuild on the YA-6. This thread will be RD's as the other bikes are already covered elsewhere. Before I start I need somewhere to work. I have filled my 8x6 shed and there is no room for me left to stand in it. This means I need a bigger shed. I have a space but it needs some groundworks doing. Groundworks booked to be done 15th ish April. Main shed brought and booked for W/C 21th April. The smaller, gardening stuff and storage shed, will wait until later. I went for a 16 x 10 for the main one . Stuff being ordered and already sitt…
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Hey peeps! i picked up another DT50 yesterday, and it starts and runs!, matching frame/engine numbers, all original albeit missing the usual parts (switchgear, wiring looms, lights) buuuuuut... when i went down to swansea i happened upon a most magnificent workshop, the best way i could describe it was the size of an aircraft hangar, divided into 3 levels with every single bike parts you could possibly imagine, there were fireblade parts, RD parts, suzuki parts e.t.c, boxes full of indicators and control cables, it was the sort of place i could get lost in for days! and in the back of the workshop i found a DT50 paris dakar bodykit! , so have now decided to turn my …
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Hello Everybody First time posting anything so bear with me, but I can't think of a better place to start - I need to crowd-source some wisdom, and hopefully lots of help Long story short - I have no experience whatsoever in fixing bikes. Or maintaining them. I've never even changed the oil in my car. But after I finally got round to getting my bike license (after a number of unfortunate setbacks) I decided to whip the dust sheet off my pristene DT 125 RE. It may be eight years old, but it only had 4000 miles on the clock and was in brilliant nick. So I thought. Turned out a friend of the family had 'borrowed' the bike as part of some…
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Hi guys, There have been a few really great bobber projects on here, and I've had my brother in law off load his one for small money to me. So I thought, why not? It's been left out in the rain for the best part of 7 years and it shows, during the strip down I used about a gallon of WD and rounded 60% of the bolts and screws on it.... Anyway, You might help with some forward planning. The look I'm going for is nothing unique against what the other guys did, but I do want to put the fattest tyres I can on it, particularly on the front. Has anyone experience with this? How big will I get away with? Are we talking batman tumbler big
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Almost forgot about this one. I picked up what remains of an FJ1100 from the same guy I got my 1200 from back in December, it had been robbed of its running gear for a trike project and basically just left in the garage in pieces. Using some spare parts I had left over from the FJ1200s I broke last year I've now got most of the parts needed to put it back together (the engine was an eBay purchase and is an original 1100cc unit with similar mileage) Also has a set of krauser K1 panniers which is a bonus. I'm still undecided whether to keep it or get it up and running and get rid of it, but atleast it's been saved from the scrapheap.
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OK. I haven't picked up the bike yet but want to be prepared. List of things to do ,what order, what may need replacing etc At the moment I don't even know what year it is ! Just know its a pre Divi XJ600. What I'm thinking ( in no chronological order ) is the following: 1 : Fuel Tank. Rust inside ? Old Fuel ? 2 : Fuel lines. Knackered/perished ? 3 : Carbs. Stripped & cleaned ? 4 :CDI how to check ? 5 : Oil & Filter. Change before or after getting engine turned over ? 6 : Battery. Probably knackered from sitting outside for years. 7 : Rear shock. Repairable or pick up something 2nd hand. May be seized. 8 : Brake calipers. Rebuild or r…
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I am new any kind of motorbike mechanics other than a general service. I have recently acquired a 1975 DT 250B, and always wanting to embark on the restoration of a classic bike I thought I would dive in and start here. Bike is was very rough and engine was ceased so have stripped it all down and am starting to clean in up. Here is photo of when I first collected And now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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So, me and a buddy of mine are starting a new project with his old engine which he heat seized(He found it cheaper to buy a new engine at £175) the plan is to rebuild and run in this old engine with a fresh bore and over sized piston kit. We're uncertain about several things... seeing as we don't know how to mount it to our frame. We haven't got the frame yet but it's a bog standard foot down and go frame. My idea was to fit a separate gear shifter onto the frame and have a dual system the system would work that when the gas pedal is up the clutch is in and as you apply more throttle the clutch gradually releases this may seem stupid at first but allows quick and fast shi…
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