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Everything posted by NE0

  1. I've used various methods, drill and stud extractors i use as a last resort. Mole grips ruin most chances of success quite a bit. I tend to use my cam stud extractor if theres any stud on show and providing you can get enough clearance. Use with plenty of penetrating oil. Keep it as flat as possible, any lift will shear the stud. available on ebay I dare say
  2. i thought this would generate a lot more comments ......... afterall its not been photoshopped.
  3. I got to get me one of these gas tanks!
  4. Not a great deal I'm sorry to say!! I assume you're referring to lessening your chances of being taken out by a car turning into your path? Reflectors are of little value and require a light source to reflect off to make them visible to the person looking at them! The reason why your rear reflector works is because the car driver who is looking at you has his headlights on, REFLECTING off your reflector. During the day time you don't see a reflector...unless you happen to have the sun shining on it and that means you got to be riding with the sun on your back...........ALL the time............You'd ride in a 180 degree circle! Flourescent jackets increase your chances of being seen........but contrary to belief .....not by much! I work in A&E and there seems to be just an equal number of cyclist and bikers wearing day glo's to non wearers...but the vast majority are still taken out by car drivers who did'nt see them! However, If Brussels get their way you'll have to have them! but until then. More lights on your bike might help, Scooters in the 60's and the mod revival of the late 70's/80's saw lambrettas with loads of lights, but they still got knocked off. Whilst YOU might be riding with due care and attention, the car driver will have plenty of distractions:- car radio, CD, back seat passengers, kids, eating,you name it, oh and .......mobile phones! the lot!! All of which the car driver will rarely think it's his or her fault!.....its the bikers FAULT for being on the road. Seriously, Riding with ALL your senses fixed on self preservation is the best mod! Headlight on, and with a truck right up your own backside is best! ......They will see the truck first! and rarely does a car pull out into the path of a truck!
  5. I've just seen your other thread showing your bike and also your other scooter. Why don't you simply have your headlight package delivered to you at heathrow when you land there and take it home? If not you must know someone who works there who would bring it to you by having it delivered to them? IF I worked there i'd help you!
  6. where's that then? The US is not listed but........ If its a fancy name for barbados? then it is listed in the yuniparts shipping to. use ebay.co.uk NOT .com looks like a "round tube swinging arm" you have there, so probably late 70's................1978?
  7. I've just spent a bit of time 'googling' on riding motorcycles in Germany. I found this.. If you ride in England and your motorcycle's headlights have an area to the right where the bright part of the beam is raised up to illuminate roadside signs, put black tape on the part of the headlight that makes that. but I also found .....not ALL motorcycle lights have this...modern ones do! but not Old DTs or old 400'4s In the UK more modern lamps have reflectors which dip the beam to the left and not straight ahead! My DT certainly dips down but it doesn't go to the left!..just tried it and it went through the MOT last week, they just checked the height. Yellow lights are banned! so much for my idea! and i also found BMW R1100S headlamp can be adjusted by getting into the back of the headlamp unit, loosening three screws and turning the bulbholder to the right so that the dip beam kicks up to the left for driving on the left Pauls right! it's a German thing! I guess there must be some European tourers which visit this forum, Come on guys what do you know?
  8. Are you sure the glass etch on a single light vehicle is aimed to the side of the road? True a car which has a handed glass lamps will throw the beam to the left if its right hand drive like UK and the lamps are etched to throw it to the right on a left hand drive car, but for a bike..... surely the beam just goes straight forward? Its angle can be adjusted up and down but it doesn't angle it towards the kerb. I've just had a look at my car, the etch on the off side lamp is angled to the kerb, no doubt and the near side is etched forward. On an imported car the lamps are the other way around, I know this because mine's an imported Opel and I still have the original lamps upstairs. but only one is etched to the side. My DT has the etch forward with no visible etch in the glass that suggests otherwise. I'd venture to say i wouldn't bother with a lamp from germany, its probably different part number because it's yellow! Nice to hear that converting a bike to 12v is known as a "Neo conversion" chuckle chuckle!
  9. I knew you'd know! Thats incredible you know the breakdown of what the yamaha codes mean, i knew they must mean something but...wow!....... you're the man! I've just been looking at the codes.........so 06 are M6 and 08 are M8's.......simple when you know. I bet it is a metric fine, because genuine ones are expensive for a nut! and metric fine always seem to be more expensive than regular nuts! nuts oooooh hazel nuts! OOOHH Cadbury take them and they make 'em in to chocolate. Who remembers that?
  10. Had the MOT today, went through. However, the only problem was the swinging arm nut was loose and needed to be tightened up. I tightened it up of course when I replaced the whole at lot at Christmas: a few weeks ago. So I was a bit surprised to see it had shaken loose . On closer inspection the blue nyloc bit had broken away, so it wasn't doing its job. I'll need to replace it. Its a 17mm socket job. I can of course take it off but its raining hard outside and I'm not going out to the shed!! So in the comfort of a warm house......... Is it M10 or 12 ? and I suspect its metric fine pitch 1.25...............looks like i'll be going to in the morning! to get a new one! I'm sure Paul knows what size it is!
  11. MOT due next week, so mileage done so far on the DTmx175 is just a little short of 1400. By the time the MOT is done I'll be just over it I guess. The 400 did a little over 400. Not quite as much as you 2 wheels.
  12. NE0


    Excellent service from them, have used them many times. Never had to worry about post as they are only one mile away from my front door. All the guys ride motorcycles themselves and all parked outside. They have always been friendly and certainly take an interest in either of my bikes when I go there. Their website doesn't always find what you want even though they stock it, the search needs to be exactly as they list it.. I wanted a new front M14 castlellated nut, if you look for Nut M14 you wont find it, neither will castlellated, but it can be found under castle nut You would have thought nut would have found it, but it doesn't you just have to think how they would have described it, other than that I've never had any problems.
  13. Plus if it don't start it stays in the shed too!!!! My DT wouldn't start this morning!...................got it going eventually, but I've noticed when the temperature drops, she's not so willing to spring into life! takes quite a few kicks to get her going! When the temp is around 3 degrees and below, I get difficulty starting. My 400/4 always starts, but then its electric start and I keep the choke flaps shut between rides to stop the cold air getting in...not sure it works like that but it certainly starts each time when i do. The choke on the DT doesn't work the same does it!
  14. Seems I'm not the only one then that rides in all weathers! well done noise! I only saw two other bikes, normally see at least 10 (mostly scooters)...but not today! I've been riding with the handlebar muffs on these past few weeks and my hands were only slightly chilled but not as cold as they were with just the gloves exposed! bearing in mind its minus 4 this morning plus the wind chill of riding through it, I think the muffs worked bloody brilliantly, shame they look like shite! but with only 2 other bikers to see them I don't think they gave a toss! The coldest parts were my thighs, my fullface and balaclava kept the cold out of my face but the cold air rushed over the tank and straight into my lap so poor old percy shrivelled up!!! Hope it recovers!! Have to park it somewhere warm tonight.................and the bike!
  15. Woooow, i don't see anyone being rude here! Your descriptions have not been ideal, so posting photos will help us work out whats wrong. I think you'll find Airhead is an excellent source of info and posts and replies on an unbelieveable number of topics. So far he's replied in detail based on whats been asked. I'd delete or revise your above reply carefully.
  16. yeah over 5 grand! back then!! Unbelievable price for what they were. They had a Reliant 850 engine apparently! My DT175mx was around £570 in comparison
  17. Emmm ....Reminds me of my friends mates Quasar back in the 70's http://feetforwardsi...rld/qsrads.html he never had gyros to keep him upright!
  18. Last job for 2011 was to refit the tyres onto the refurbished rims and replace the wheels onto the DT. The ebay temp wheels, which have rusty spokes as bad as mine before I had the spokes replaced show up against the new spokes. Heres a couple of shots to show how much improved they appear, and all coated with Q20 for the winter!
  19. yup, absolutely! the 6v battery runs the tail/brake light. pilot light, indicators and horn The headlight runs off the lighting coil of the magneto. Of course you could always convert it to a 12v system! it just so happens theres a 12v conversion topic explaining how to do that to a 175MX here! Which i think is the most read topic this year!.(in the workshop section)........ not sure who wrote it though
  20. I went to see my doctor the other day with my wife. He asked what the problem was and i said, " well doc, you see neither one of us suck cock!" Can't take the credit it came from a Jethro DVD!
  21. Hi Ray, Spot lights are single filament bulbs, so they are either on or off, Only bulbs with dual filaments ie main beam and dip have a dipper switch( to change from one of the other.) The spots do need to be independent of the headlight, and you could either wire them as dual lights or have them switched independantly of each other, up to you really. The only thing to consider is the watts the 3 lights, will consume, i.e the headlight and two spots. The power of all these lights will have a draw on the battery. You don't get something for nothing. If its just short rides with them all on, you could drain the battery, so be prepared to charge the battery up occasionaly. As regards to direction of the beams, you can aim them where you like, the spot is just a spot. Keeping them low will keep on coming cars and other riders happy.
  22. Way back in the 50's and early 60's In the days of Mk 2 Zephyrs and Zodiacs the true Spot light was fitted on the A pillar and often had a handle to direct the spot, it was more like a minature search light, i had one on my Consul. Later on in the 60's, cars used to have a spotlight and a fog light as extra's on an accessory bar! above the chromed front mudguard! The left or N/S light, on an accessory bar! was the 'spot' it produced.....a spot! of light! This was normally angled towards the kerb to light it up in the distance, so you could see where the road edge was!, the fog light was fitted on the O/S was a wide low beam to shine 'under' the fog. Today modern cars tend to be fitted with underslung fog lights more commonly called 'driving lights'. Both are wide low beams which light up the area just in front of the car. Running lights as OG says are on all the time, .On trucks and rigs the running lights are often all those little coloured lights which are on all the time too!! Cars have them as either sidelights, or inside the headlight bowl as pilot lights! bikes tend to have them in the headlight bowl, as those somewhat dim bulbs or....running lights! i.e they are on when the engine.......is running!.........or Not! Headlights are fitted on your head!........only kidding! just seeing if you'd got this far! The rules and regulations of fog lights, and headlights are in the highway code, and if Brussels get their way in the future.....motorcyclist will have them on all the time............and so will cars!........... and I'm not just talking about volvos!!!!!!! merry christmas
  23. What an excellent post, shame you don't live near me, i'd happily strip my bike down to its last nut and bolt to reward you for your initiative and enthusiasm. Your approach is exactly how I learnt about mechanics, I used to watch my friends and neighbours then helped out, although i was only 12 at the time, it led onto me stripping and rebuilding my first motorcycle engine by the time I was 15 (that was back in the 70's) Today I pride myself on still being able to strip and repair practically anything! Hopefully somebody in London area will help you out....you deserve it :thumb:
  24. The wheels are back Emmmmmm Shiney wheels...................... They also gave me a can of Q20 to protect them from all the road salt to come, (after abit of sales pitch!) mind you an interesting video on you tube shows an electric drill run underwater!!! with an advice NOT to try this at home!............Nutter!!
  25. Seana, you often post at or around 1 a.m.....are you some sort of owl? 5ish? is that 5 am
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