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Let us know what you're up to with your latest restoration, repairs, how tos and mods

  1. Started by AndyDtr08,

    I know, i know, I havnt yet finished the DT200WR is what I keep saying to my family and friends but hey I'm young, theres plenty of time! So I helped a friend get a DT125R after a few years of no bike after his last 2 were stolen in one night. It brought back the memories of my DT125RE and I always loved his blue one. I like the slighlty more square plastics and always felt they had more character than the later electric start models. That coupled with my plan to make a 33bhp DTR urged me to start sourcing parts.....and i don't do things by half! That lot I had shipped down from Scotland on a Pallet. I also bought the following. Frame wi…

    • 67 replies
  2. Started by NathanH,

    Hi all Ive not had my DT long and have only done about 1000 miles on it when it decided to go pop. During a spirited ride the big end decided to give up the ghost. Not one to do things by halfs I decided to completely rebuild the bike as it has a few bodges I wasnt happy with. enjoy. Day 1 On inspection it looks like the nut wasnt torqued up properly, its ended up coming off and chewing off the threads, the woodruff key as moved forward disengaging the balancing shaft drive and its gone down hill from there... Stripping One of many bodges 17" rim to be laced to the TDR hub Ready for shot blasting Custom chain…

    • 12 replies
  3. Started by M0j0,

    Hey all this is the story of my 1984 XT600 I purchased it in feb 2011 as a bit of a dog it had 32km on the clock and a horrible paint job I then resprayed it and had it mot'd and it passed first time it then looked like It then got stolen in mid march 2011, police couldnt find it and as my excess was so high i didnt claim and just took it on the chin. Yesturday (26/7/2012) i went into my local bike shop (in the same town i live in!) to look at a white xt they had as a field bike, i told the bike shop owner i had one stolen and he was nice and wanted to make sure the one he was selling wasnt mine so i got my v5 (i never declared it los…

    • 10 replies
  4. Started by The Flying Scot,

    Well I have finally got round to starting rebuilding my TZR, not bad progress for the first day.

  5. Started by neversaydie,

    Managed to get the old exhaust off today, lucky enough to get it off with all studs intact no problems. Old one is shagged, would never have passed MOT. Just waiting for delivery now of the replacement. Back wheels out, gonna clean the chain up, clean the shite out of the front sprocket cover area, repair the front fender, chuck some ACF50 over it, than just ride it through the winter. Come spring, I'm planning a resto job on it

  6. Started by Ranger100,

    Hi. Have just purchased a Yamaha as a future project.. I am told it was a USA Import has a E Reg plate and I am told it is a Yamaha 750cc Midnight Maxim year 1988. From Initial research it appeared that the 750.. Midnight Maxim stopped manufacture in 1986. The bike has been registered with DVLA previously (showing date of Registration 01 09 1991 (DECL/D MANUF 1988 )and both Frame and Engine numbers on the bike are shown on Registration document.The bike is shown as Imported vehicle was registered / used overseas. Declared manufactured 1988.Can anyone help please to Identify model and correct year to inable spares etc. to be obtained. Thank You

    • 4 replies
  7. Started by seanmo117,

    Hello and thank you for any help on answering this post. I have found this on the side of the road and was wondering if this Yamaha is worth restoring. The motor in it is seized but still would be really fun to ride if i got it working? here are a few pictures. Thank you again.

    • 10 replies
  8. Started by 67bonanza,

    Just finished my resto on a 67 YCS1 180 twin. had it since 1991, been in family for 13 yrs before that. You can see whole build at http://www.rebeldevil.com or at https://www.facebook.com/RebelDevilCustoms

    • 0 replies
  9. Started by drewpy,

    thanks to Oldtimer and my persistent nagging, he's finally gave in and let me have his old FZ600 for FREE! cheers Paul anyway, this won't be started till the Gilera's finished, but I may just change fluids etc and see if it wil pass an MOT it'll need a paint job and the camchain rattles

  10. Started by flyday58,

    It just followed me home, Ma. Can I keep it, puh-LEEZ???

    • 24 replies
  11. Started by m3stone88,

    Hi All, I'm mid way through a restoration of my 1993 SR250 only I didn't think to take any pictures throughout the process which i'm pretty gutted about now i'm on the forum. I'll try my best to give you an idea of the state it was in when I bought it. The tank had been resprayed matt black and had white paint flecks all over it where someone must have been painting something else nearby. The frame and pretty much everything else (litterally everything) had been hand painted with black gloss which was about 4-5mm thick in some places, and still wet underneath! Lot of gloss drip marks on the engine and chrome parts. There was a home made sissy bar on the back w…

    • 2 replies
  12. Now that i have worked out how to put pictures up, thought i would share my project ! 1982 Moto Guzzi V50 Mk 3 . . not a yamaha, but i think its gonna be a wee while before i can take this out for a spin instead of my XJ ! haha Costs so far - £50 for the bulk of the bike - bought from a friend, £260 for new drive shaft + rubber plan is to firstly get her roughly assembled to the point where we can fire the engine and run through the gears to check she works, before stripping down, and building her up to factory spec as i got her . . First thing to do, was to check the clutch, as we suspected that the inte…

  13. Started by Tamster,

    I had one of these when I was 12 years old, and had to have another one. I just got this bike, and I have zip for information on it. Can anyone tell me what type of oil the bike uses? Also, Gear oil? If memory serves me correctly I did not mix the oil with the gas. Right? Where can I get more information quick - I really want to try and get it started. Thanks Tamster [email protected]

  14. Started by armfaw,

    we are restoring our old rd400, will the fork stantions fit from a lc? i want to put twin disc on the front....

    • 5 replies
  15. Started by mikeyp86,

    for my first big bike i managed to pick up a xj600 for £200 it has only done 800 mile since 2004 and stood for the last 3 years, so obviously needs some work, all the electrics work, the tank had been disconnected to stop old fuel sitting in carbs and it has had a refurbished set put on it by previous owner, i have tried to get it to fire and it will turn over very well with the new battery but wont fire, how can i check if the fuel is getting to the engine. i have checked the spark plugs and that its sparking. cheers

  16. Started by Mhudsy17_1,

    Heres my first "big bike" The 1991 Yamaha XJ 600 Pre Diversion. Mechanically sound, was just cosmetically rough. Engine has covered just shy of 47,000 miles.... I have very limited knowledge on bikes but want to undertake as much of the work as i dare. I have owned the bike just under 2 weeks now and have done a fair amount of work to her. I will be uploading pics soon. All comments, Advice and Criticism welcome Thanks for looking

  17. Started by evozcom,

    I have a 96 XJ600s Seca II. I just got it and it does not start. i dump the old fuel from gas tank and put new fuel in. i all so checked lines for leaks or clogs. Im getting spark but no fuel. Is there a way to test the Carbs and or Fuel Pump in cold start. PS: bike has not been ran in 1 year.

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  18. Hey guys, I have a 74 Enduro DT125 in great shape except that I can't get it to start. When I first got it, it started and ran for a few weeks. After that, I couldn't get it to keep running without holding the throttle open. Then it started to redline without touching the throttle and I'd have to kill it. Now I can't get it to start. I haven't fiddled with anything but the choke. Any thoughts? Thanks (I'm in Everett WA, the bike is in Port Orchard, WA at a friend's place. Any experts nearby?)

    • 5 replies
  19. Started by Wulliie,

    Bought it for £115 just passed my DAS and went about fixing it. Didnt have the intention to make this thread so i only have before and after pictures. Lets just say that it was totally F**KED! Bought as a non runner later foudn out that the pison had shattered and conrod was bent badly. Rebuilt the engine and repaired the frame which was in a terrible state. It sailed through its MOT and insurance was cheap! Cant really ask for more! Before Nasty Surprise in the engine After

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  20. Started by Sacha,

    Please forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong forum. With this being a 3-day (rainy/windy) weekend I thought I could get some things checked out on my bike. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I did it anyway (just like a woman, eh?). Here's how she's looking at the moment... She seems to feel a bit wiggly in the front end when I get her going (around 40-45 mph). Maybe because it's such a small bike that's just how it is, but I'm not really sure since I don't have anything to compare it to. ?? Anyway, the tire pressure is good so I thought I should have a look at the run out, bearings, etc. so I took off the tires. The bearings (front and rear) feel goo…

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