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Yamaha Customs

Yamaha Virago and Star range etc.

  1. Started by mailee,

    Well after asking on here for info on a new set of pipes for my 750 Virago I bit the bullet and bought a set. They are a stainless set for a company on E-bay and at £300 notes not too bad price wise. I was worried about the sound being too loud for the neighbours after hearing my friends Vance and Hines pipes on his Harley. shouldn't have worried as these sound perfect! they are a bit louder than the standard 'pea shooter' pipes I had but have a really nice deep throaty sound like a proper 'V' twin. I was also worried about removing the old pipes, especially the studs on the down pipes but with some tips off you guys on here I sprayed them well with Plus Gas over a couple…

    • 6 replies
  2. Started by jimmy,

    Any recommendations, need a set of tyres for my boys 535. Looking at choices, Heidenbau seem to be getting pushed by some. Anyone used / heard of them

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  3. Looking at some 650 Dragstars on Ebay and most range between 10-30 thousand miles. Ive seen a couple i like on other sites too, but one has 21,000 miles. Is this a tad high? Or should i expect it to be trouble free for a long time? Thanks

    • 11 replies
  4. Hi I haven't had as much chance to ride my Dragstar Classic recently, and unfortunately found the front brake had siezed when I went to take her out the other day. Taken the caliper off, cleaned the pads and caliper up (fair amount of corrosion / dirt around the caliper as she'd been sitting out uncovered) without any issues. But when I went to replace the pads, I was only able to compress one of the pistons. The other just starts pissing grease / fluid when I squeeze it, and doesn't actually compress. So I think I need to rebuild the caliper, or at least take it apart for a more thorough clean. I've always shy'd away from working on my own brakes in the past, any…

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  5. Hey, thought this would be one of the best forums to ask a few questions I have so if someone could take the time to answer it would be appreciated. 1. Is the 650 OK for someone who is 6ft tall? One of the reasons I'm ggetting rid of the virago is that I feel cramped after a while. My leg/thighs are pretty much at right angles. 2. 650 custom vs 650 classic? I much prefer the aesthetics of the classic if I'm honest, but is that where the changes end? For example are the materials superior on one version than the other, or any power differences? 3. Is there much difference between years? Like were there any changes from a 2000 model to a 2003 for example? 4. What ar…

    • 5 replies
  6. Started by x-kid,

    I have been looking around for some smaller/neater switches for my Bolt. the standard units are absolutely mahoosive!!! I'm looking at some new custom made bars for it but it would be a sin to put those huge switch housings back on them. What needs to be on the handlebar switches by law?? does anyone know of anything that may be suitable?? Thanks X

    • 2 replies
  7. Started by Toutsuite,

    Ride out in Kent last weekend, A-roads, a bit of B-roads and a bit of motorway. 62mpg. In town she does about 58-60mpg. I might be running her a bit too lean, and am worried about increased temperatures in the cylinders as a result. Time for another re-jet?

    • 14 replies
  8. Started by GrumGrum,

    Hi guys I have found this online int he states:- https://www.denniskirk.com/phoenix-products/forward-control-extension-kit.p576896.prd/576896.sku from Phoenix Products, anyone know if something like this is available in the UK? thinking of my next mod lol

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  9. Started by GrumGrum,

    Hi Guys! Has anyone bought any Highway Hawk kit recently? I just got my mirrors through and the packaging looks suspect has another "copy" makes brand in it. Shin Yo. as well as stickers. Does anyone know if they work together on this stuff? or they are the same brand? Thanks in advance

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  10. Started by x-kid,

    My new Bolt was delivered Saturday, excited muchly. Anyone else on here have one? I'm in the Reading are if anyone fancies a ride out once the weather picks up a bit!!

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  11. Started by muttyuk,

    Hi I've just collected my new XV950. I believe this is based on the XVS 950? Does anybody know if any accessories (air filter, exhaust etc) will fit on the XV? Alternatively any bits from the Dragstar or other Yamaha customs? Cheers

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  12. Started by GrumGrum,

    Hi guys decided to get some new wing mirrors, was really forced to! Lorry took out the left hand one they were quite bad anyways with pitting and rust on the arms. decided id like something like the under handlebar ones but havent seen any, what does everyone else have or recommend? not a massive fan of the chrome though.

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  13. Started by CindyChase,

    Hi guys n gurls Im Cindy 26 yrs old in UK thought Id reg here as heard its a fountain of info and well worth it! My draggy is running on 2 different spark plugs which suprised me bc I know and was expecting x2 CR7 HSA plugs to come out when I done her first change since owning her but I removed x1 CR7 HSA ( rear cylinder ) and x1 DR6 HS ( front cylinder ) I noticed that the front cyl has had its spark plug hole bored to only accept rhe D plug which is a bit annoying as bought from a dealer in summer who said everything was A OK with her grrr Bike was running and still running like a dream but I wanted to know will running on these diff plugs do any damage to my en…

    • 6 replies
  14. Started by GRD600,

    Took a wee bit of time but finally got the spotlights fitted and wired and the longer bolts supplied by Metric Cruisers allowed me to finally fit the sissy bar and pannier supports to allow finally getting the panniers that came with the bike fitted and out of the wardrobe (much to the wife's approval, more room for shoes!). Also spent a good few hours cleaning the chrome before taking her out for a blast. Stopped off at Tescos on way home and amazed myself by how many cans of Magners I can fit in now.....! Cheers G http:// http://

    • 4 replies
  15. Started by Toutsuite,

    Hi guys, does anybody know what size the bolts that keep the disk on the wheel are? Mine are starting to look badly corroded and I'd like to replace them with some nice shiny stainless steel ones. I can take one off of course and measure it, but maybe someone here knows already?

    • 6 replies
  16. Started by GRD600,

    Although I have owned my Dragstar 650 for almost 2 years, I only passed my full test in September 2012. It doesnt get the use it deserves and I came close to selling last year as I use the Triumph as my daily ride into Aberdeen where I work. However I have decided to keep her and am about to do a full service and add some further embellishments so decided I could probably do with some advise along the way! Here are a couple of piccies, mileage is only 4,600 miles so time to run up a lot more this coming season! Cheers G http:// http://

    • 9 replies
  17. Started by Dazza250,

    HI , I own a XV virago 250 1993 model , I have starting problems . I can only start the bike in a particular sequence , ignition on , cluch in , put into 1st or 2nd ( Out of neutral ) , lift stand up , back down , back up and it will start . Now ive checked continuity on the kick stand and its ok , and I have checked continuity on the clutch switch and its ok . If I try to start bike when stand is down and in neutral ( Neutral light comes on ) I have no spark . And when I get the bike running putting the stand down will kill the engine , and the other thing to prove the clutch switch is you cannot engage starter motor when in gear and clutch is not in . Does anyone have a…

  18. Hi, I was looking for a lightly used beginner bike, and finally narrowed it down to either '96 Kawasaki Vulcan EN500 or '97 Yamaha Virago XV535. I looked up the reliability rating at bikez.com for the '97 XV535 and found it to be far below average, and significantly below EN500, and '96 XV535. The rating seems to be poor for only model year '97. I also looked up the cost (Motorcycle Consumer News), and found that there is a huge jump in price for '97 models. The average prices (in US) for '98 Models: $2090, '96 models: $1775, and '97 models: $4340! That's more than twice the '98 models! So does anyone know what changes were made in '97 XV535 that made it les…

    • 2 replies
  19. I bought a clevver lever but didn't realise it is the fat lever for the 650 classic. So have to order a classic clutch perch for it to fit on my bike, no biggie. But my brake lever is the skinny, black, custom lever. Trying to find out if the fat classic brake lever will fit on the master cylinder mount. Just to make both sides look the same. Does anyone know if this is possible? From pics I have seen on the net, the only difference between the two brake levers is the fat and skinny width of the hand bit. The mount seems to look the same. Thanks for the help!

  20. Started by wakeupgeoff,

    Hi guys, just bought a 2005 xvs650 in aus. Sounds really good and just looking at the exhaust it doesn't look like the ones on the net. Can someone verify from the pic if my exhaust has been modified / had the baffle removed? Thanks

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