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jimmy last won the day on June 1 2022

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About jimmy

  • Birthday 04/21/1964

Previous Fields

  • Current Bike(s)
    Yam xv535 Virago (my boys), 1975 Triumph Trident T160, 2007 Triumph T100 Bonneville

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gourock, Scotland
  • Interests
    Old Bikes,especially Triumph and Yamaha. Rugby when not on the bikes

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  1. Unfortunately I can't help. No knowledge of modern bikes electronics, and have no one to recommend, sorry
  2. Welcome in Andy. Roads are a helluva lot busier, so take it easy on your return
  3. jimmy


    These folk have a good rep for fixing Brit speedos. They may be able to help, or give details of someone who can https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.speedorepairs.co.uk/&ved=2ahUKEwirjY2_l8P4AhVVgFwKHXd8A9IQFnoECAsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0vJhR6YRGCQU0aGs0J_yNq
  4. Good on you. Welcome in bud.
  5. Thanks for the update, and delighted to hear it is running well
  6. Welcome in James, and a great intro, thanks for that. You're bound to have a great level of experience, so hopefully you stick around and contribute to the forum.
  7. jimmy

    xj 600 chop

    Gareth Welcome to the forum This part is for introducing yourself, and 'forum help' is to seek help on forum issues. Can you repost this in the 'projects' area of the forum, you'll get more relevant replies. Again welcome to the forum, and I hope you get the bike sorted Jimmy
  8. Brilliant, well done, and kudos to Yamaha UK for their service
  9. Well done mate, thanks for the follow up
  10. Hi Bob, I thought Tomintoul was near Aviemore, not Munich, welcome to the forum bud. Good luck with your daughter on her Bike lessons, I wish her years of safe, happy fun. My boy started on an XS125 years ago and he enjoyed it up to the point he got his full licence then it was got rid of, although I suppose we all done that. I have a few Triumphs myself a T100 (Hinckley Bonnie) and a T160 (Meriden Trident), great bikes....
  11. Welcome to the forum bud. Nice bike and I wish you many happy, safe miles on it
  12. Good work fella, thanks for the update
  13. Hey bud, sorry to read of your experience but thanks for posting as an experience to others. If I am needing stuff for a bike, and unsure of the specific details I'll search the relevant forum posts and if need be, start a new thread. Your post will help others so you may take a small consolation from that. Happy biking
  14. Welcome to the forum bud. Are you riding bikes at the minute. What bikes, and we love photos
  15. Unfortunately he was one of the first victims of the plague that hit
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