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Yamaha Workshop

Seek advice and share knowledge on motorcycle repairs, modifications, and troubleshooting, or learn from the expertise of fellow mechanics and enthusiasts.

  1. Started by WhyBeeR125,

    Hi Everyone, (newbie here and glad to be here) I was wondering if anyone has rectified the following fault codes :- 12 (Crankshaft position sensor) 33 (Igntion Coil) I have checked for and breaks in the wires etc and have repaired any that needed it, however I still can’t get the bike to start. I have checked the igntion wires black/black and white and jumped these across but still won’t atart. any ideas ? thanks

  2. Started by KennyH,

    Hi I am having a problem with my Fazer, goes into gear and pulls away fine but once it gets to 15 mph or if I open the throttle it just revs higher but does not pick up speed, the same thing happens if I change to 2 nd gear. Cant go to 3rd as it starts to stall. have tried to adjust the cable at the handlebar end but no difference I am not sure what to do at the engine end. Has no problem going into gear or back into neutral. Any ideas please. Thank you

    • 9 replies
  3. Started by Yamayami,

    Hello I bought a dt125 and plan on rebuilding this winter. I've been riding the past few days and have been looking at parts. Here's my question, i found a complete top end kit for the dt125 in the year 1978 including piston, rings, gaskets, cylinder jug, and needle bearings. The only differences ive found between my 75 and the 78 model is the cylinder head has 6 bolt holes instead of 4 like on my bike. What's stopping me from buying the kit for the 78 and buying a used cylinder head that would fit the kit. Is there any other problems I might find? Don't want to buy the kit for 78 if there will be any other incompatibilities.

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  4. Started by Yamayami,

    Helping a friend try to fix his 71 rt1 360. After pulling the right hand case cover, we saw that his clutch was colliding with the case cover. After doing some research I thought it was the clutch push rod but it measured the right length. One thing is that the previous owner might have put on too many clutch plates. The bike has 7 sets of plates but when the clutch is pulled the last clutch plates almost escapes the basket. Could he have too many plates or should we look somewhere else?

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  5. Started by Yamayami,

    Hello I bought a dt125 and plan on rebuilding this winter. I've been riding the past few days and have been looking at parts. Here's my question, i found a complete top end kit for the dt125 in the year 1978 including piston, rings, gaskets, cylinder jug, and needle bearings. The only differences ive found between my 75 and the 78 model is the cylinder head has 6 bolt holes instead of 4 like on my bike. What's stopping me from buying the kit for the 78 and buying a used cylinder head that would fit the kit. Is there any other problems I might find? Don't want to buy the kit for 78 if there will be any other incompatibilities.

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  6. Started by Barry1991,

    Hi all newbie here sorry my first post is with a problem but I am stuck with this. I have a 2000 fazer and I can't get the bike to turn over. Bike was running fine yesterday went to start today and nothing. WHEN I turn the key the lights light up was they should I hear one single click (no sound from the fuel pump like I would normally hear). Try pressing the starter button and nothing happens no noises no flickers of the lights absolutely zip happens. I have tried checking all the fuses, recharging the battery checking all connections from ignition and fuel pump. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance.

  7. Started by cookieskabin,

    Hi all, Can anyone help me out I'm restoring a rd350 ypvs and I'm trying to put the rev counter back in and cannot find out what wire goes where on the back of the rev counter. There are three wires black, light grey and brown I've tried to unload a photo of the back of the rev counter for ref but could not get it to work.Any help would be very much appreciated many thanks bryan.

  8. Started by FZR1000DK,

    Hi guys. I have a little project with my old bike - Yamaha FZR 1000 from 1988. - I wont a 180/55/17 tire. Standard rear rim is 18 x 4,5. I have bought a rim from a 3LE model which is 17 x 5,5. Problem: Standard rear axel is 17 mm (diameter) - new is 20 mm. No bearing combinations posible. So I am wondering, if it is posible to use a swingarm from the newer model 3LE - about 1993 - to get the thicker rear axel. Does such a swingarm fit in the frame, and what about the chain alignment ? Does anybody know something about this ? Thanks Morten

    • 4 replies
  9. Started by Flipster,

    Hi guys. Need some advice and help please. I have a 88 FZR 1000 with some problems. Bike is slightly custom as its a 1000cc engine in a 750cc frame, Suzuki slingshot swingarm, front shocks and wheels, with a R1 rear end. First some background. Bike started to struggle to start when cold, so much that it had to mostly be towed to start as push start wasn`t fast or constant enough. When it did finally start it really idled very rough and sometimes just died again. Was told its the starter so replaced it. Same problem persisted. Then got told its the shims, 3 mechanics later that is finally set(supposedly) …

  10. Started by YammyYBR,

    Hi there, Just took the bike out and at first the bike wouldn't respond to the key being turned. After turning the key 2-3 times the bike would start then die again. Bike finally started and seemed okay. Then I lost complete power when I hit a certain rev count, and again took a few tries to get the bike going again. Any idea of prices to get this sorted?

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  11. Started by Moriority,

    Hey all, I have a 1996 YZF750R with only 14,500kms on it and in the need of an experienced service/tuning shop who knows these bikes and the EXUP system in the Ontario, Canada or Michigan, Ohio area. The bike has been giving me probs since I bought it in the carb area. it was stored in a acclimatized shop but hasn't run since 2014. I got the bike and it started and ran good but has had a popping and hesitation the whole time. I ran seafoam through it in hopes I might solve this problem the easy way if some jets were plugged but to no avail. I've had the carbs out and apart a few times now and the first time I found white lithium grease around the slide diaphragm seals whi…

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  12. Started by TMC,

    Right, I brought a 2002 Dragstar for my wife the only problem is that it had been sat for 2 years outside with only a small tarp covering it. When I got it into the garage the clutch had seized and the plates were all welded together with rust. I've put new plates and springs in and a new clutch cable in. Now the problem is that there is a half inch of movement in the plates and I will not engage. Ive tried the different adjusters but nothing. Everything went out as it went in... what am I missing? Any help will be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance.

  13. calliper is an old fzr 600 front calliper. Unsure what year bike it came from, but theres an 94 UA stamped on the calliper. I ordered some 43mm seals, good japanese ones. Come to strip the caliper, cleaned it, no solvent and no brake cleaner or brake fluid.. tiny bit of red grease to slide the piston in, wont go. It seems like the new rubber seals are to small, to allow the piston to go back in. (piston is all nice and shiney, no marks, scratches or dents) My Question is.... is this sumitomo calliper in fact 43mm as the man in the shop says.. OR... as my metal rule tells me 44mm, which means the inner bore of the piston hole.. might well be 45mm. I've found o…

    • 3 replies
  14. Started by Euan123,

    Hi new here wondering if anyone can help me bought a dt125 told to be a 1997 just been rebuilt but got a bad spark spark when the engine is initially turned over it sparks once and won't spark again until the engine has stopped spinning sorry for bad description hard to describe has anyone had this fault before or know and likely culprit or does anyone had a set of resistances ? Can't find them anywhere cheers

  15. Started by Phill72,

    Thanks I need some advice I got a tzr50 I need a airbox and my oil and temp light stays on wen the engine is running and oil is full

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  16. Started by idlehands,

    Hey guys just signed up as i just got a Tx500. GOt the carbs tuned and oil filter replaced and new plugs, but my bike seems to rev at high RPM's when i apply the clutch and hangs there when I'm in 4th or 5th gear, and the left carb is leaking from that spot in the image but like i said the left carb, any help would be appreicated,

    • 1 reply
  17. Started by joe67,

    my mate picked up an old xj600, has be be around 80's early 90's model. its an unfinished project, frame been power coated, engine put back in but failed to wire it up. there has been some attempt, whats the chances of someone on here being able to advise me on most basic way to wire it, just to see if it really runs.

    • 5 replies
  18. Started by 74tx500,

    hello, well i'm a newbie to this forum. and well i have a 1974 TX500 i got from a guy for $500 and well since i got i've dumped around $1500 into it to make it safe and somewhat reliable(miss spelled that i know). well i pulled the engine due to low compression(should have 150psi i had 100psi with oil in the cylinders). well the head had 4 large cracks in it(i could messure them with a feeler gauge if i wanted to). well here come the questions: i bought a used 1977 XS500 cylinder head the one piece design off ebay with the valve cover. will this work on my older 1974 engine? and will my older carbs work on this head? i know the carbs on the older 500cc D…

  19. Started by dan28,

    I ve noticed a lot of yam switch gears use the same wiring can anyone advice me on this I want to use the sr switch gear on the dt loom the switch gear has these wires black . pink these are horn dark brown . brown/white . dark green these are indicators green .yellow these are lights hi an low brown .blue on off for hazards I think ? the dt has a yellow wire with a redstripe this is power from the cdi to the dt headlight switch do I need to wire this to the sr switch above or can I use a brown (switched live from the dt loom) was thinking if I could run the yellow red to a light on the dash an that way if the cdi ever played up t…

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  20. Started by Sasquatch,

    Hi - I'm trying to get my other half's Dragstar running (long story short: it was sitting for about 5 years, but started and warmed up every month or so, then sat for the last 18 months with no activity). There's fresh fuel, new oil and filter, new air filter, and a new battery. Spark plugs where a bit black but dry - spark is good, so just cleaned them up. The issue is that it doesn't fire at all, so suspect an issue with the carb - I checked that there's fuel to the carb inlet pipe (I now smell strongly of petrol), but I am at a loss as to what to do next. The Sasquatch

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