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Events, Rideouts & Trackdays

Stay informed about upcoming motorcycle events, group rides, and track days, or share your experiences and photos from past gatherings. Please include Event name and venue in the title.

  1. Started by drewpy,

    Try again from 2 stroke club.... Phil Swiv and Parky have stepped up and are organising it " Loose arrangement is gonna be a rideout on the usual route to Seaways (I'll arrange free tea again).This will be either on Saturday or Sunday weather dependant. There will be a treasure hunt with a prize on the other day. I've not looked at evening entertainment yet but there will be a sweepstake to see how long a static 4 stroke engine can last at full chat before blowing up and a couple of prizes for bikes (details later) "

  2. Started by drewpy,

    met up with Tommy and his son Jim at Lymm services late morning for a foray into Matlock Bath. I took them vai macc and the A54 "south of macc" to top of cat and fiddle, a much better road and no speed cameras. Was very greasy as they had overnight rain. the via Velia was shut butthey didn't tell us till 1/2 way down so took a left and went down a cracking B raod to Bakewell then down the A6 to Matlock. Home was through Ashbourne and onto the A515 we managed to experience the 4 seasons ( not Vivaldi) showers in macc sunshine in Matlock hail stones on cat and fiddle we also met 3 members of a rock group

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  3. Started by Tommy xs,

    Met up with Drew today for a ride down to Matlock, we took it easy as the roads were a bit damp and I had my my son on the back, also not been out on bike since Squires as I've been away on holiday again lucky me. I've not been to Matlock before but was well impressed there are some brilliant roads around the area, (could be good place for the 2018 YOC meet if we could find a campsite). The weather improved by the time we got there. Lots of bikes out considering the weather, loads of good places to eat at really reasonable prices, I really enjoyed the day and so did my son will deffo go again next year just hope the roads are dry next time. PS got soaked on the way h…

  4. Started by drewpy,

    was thinking of traveling the desert on the TDM so I felt so pleased that a guy in a pub sold me a rare, antique map of the Sahara Desert for only 20 quid. Only next morning when I sobered up I realised that it was a sheet of sandpaper...

  5. Started by drewpy,

    this is the bit where I start thinking if I have done enough prep for the Spanish trip next week. I have lists and I know I've asked peeps about what to take. Just seen the news last night and Spain and Italy are in a drought although I have a friend in Pamplona ATM and she says its raining! so I'm excited and a little worried at the same time. Still wouldn't swap it for the world. I just got to keep the missus sweet as its our 25th wedding anniversary when I'm away too

  6. Started by drewpy,

    Barnsley bikers show with go is on again this year. It was ace in 2016 and I enjoy the ride over too (breaky at oilcan cafe) http://www.showwithgo.co.uk/

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  7. Started by Tommy xs,

    Went to Drews house last night after work to get my carbs balanced as I don't own a set of vac gauges, didn't take long so we went for a bimble to Lymm thanks Drew

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  8. Started by neversaydie,

    Im at donny park tomorrow, road bike only trackday, weather looks good.

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  9. Charity ride in aid of the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing. Organised by Ride of Honour in association with Michael Rawson. There will be a £5.00 donation with all proceeds going to the victims families. Meeting at Squires Cafe from 9.00am and setting off to Manchester at 11.00am approx. The ride will be fully marshalled by Squires Motorcycle Marshals and on this occasion is NOT an L plate friendly route. The route will go from Squires, travelling on the M62, down Deansgate in Manchester and then on to a pre arranged gathering place arranged by Manchester Police for the funds handover. This is the only charity motorcycle ride being allowed by Manchester polic…

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  10. Started by CoventryMotoFest,

    Hope this is fine to post here as my first post... Hello everyone, i am one of the motorcycle organisers of the Coventry MotoFest, now that the latest show is over its time to start planning for the 2017 event. We hope to have more static bikes, more bikes on track, and more biking-related activities next year and for this we need the help of bikers like yourselves. We had over 125,000 people come down this year for the 2 day event which is immense considering this was only the 3rd year we have run the event, the national press loved it (see below), but then again we did have a £1.8m aston martin supercar, racing trucks, drift cars, formula cars, le mans racers, turb…

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  11. Started by drewpy,

    Had a great ride out today. Sun shone and I got diverted from the Cat and Fiddle (road works I recon) but had an even better ride as the road was even better with no average speed cameras till the end. Got to Matlock bath and had a brew then rode down the A6 and just chilled. Got caught in the rain at Dovehole and wasn't very nice but soon got back into the sunshine and decided to go to Rivvy. Saw this nicely presented Camino. I think they sold these in catalogues?

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  12. Started by Tommy xs,

    Drewpy nice guy that he is has very kindly offered to take me down on the back of his tdm to a place called Bishop castle to pick up my xjr next sunday, we have to leave quite early because I have to be home before 2:30 to go quad riding with my son & daughter don't know what kind of shape I'll be in by then but really looking forward to this weekend.

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  13. Started by drewpy,

    One near you Tommy. bike meet tuesday evening 6 - 8pm at Coffee 500 http://www.coffee500.co.uk/

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  14. Started by drewpy,

    went to Wray tonight , did about 150 miles round trip and It got a bit cowd later on. My core temp was really low by the time I got in. Took an hour to warm up John McGuiness was there ( nothing official just chilling) and it was a really good night. Went with Billbot (RD350) Brad (350) and a couple of other guys

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  15. Started by drewpy,

    I went last year and it was OK. if you want something to do and have a mooch around the museum its free. Quite a few bikes there and there's food in the railway carriages too http://www.eastlancsrailway.org.uk/events-activities/2017/4/classic-bike-rally.aspx lassic Bike Rally - Easter Sunday 16th April 2017 - 10am till 4pm Bury Transport Museum Castlecroft Road, off Bolton Street Bury BL9 0LN

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  16. Started by drewpy,

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BIG BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUNDAY 9TH APRIL Classic bike show TROPHY FOR BEST IN SHOW. ALL WELCOME. 9AM TO 2.30PM. BIKES BIKES BIKES & FOOD. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT.

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  17. Started by drewpy,

    seen a few Easter egg runs for this year so I'll post them up here. http://wirraleggrun.org/about-the-ride/ https://www.evensi.uk/gingers-easter-egg-run-weekender-30th-anniversary2017-leigh/177362648 http://www.roughleysbikeshow.com/ TBC

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  18. Started by blackhat250,

    , Stunning weekend,, run out west,, , mates newish Xjr1300 with us, spectacular,

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  19. Started by Tommy xs,

    Where's the Squires thread gone

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  20. Started by drewpy,

    right at the begining I'm jerking couldn't hear the engine so had to rev so I didn't stall and the bike leaps forward, good ride though and hopefully worthwhile http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/bikers-salford-rally-pati-olearnik-12765971

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