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Everything posted by KirriePete

  1. My day: Dug out a path through a foot or so of 'Global Warming' just so Jasmine the Wonder Dachshund could go for a pi$$ without disappearing: (Well you wouldn't want to get zapped by those laser beam eyes, would you?) Dug more Global Warming out from round my car: so that I could go to the Mother-in-law's place to dig a path for her dog to go for a pi$$: Got back and dug out Mrs KP's car, then helped neighbour to get his car out of the way (lead-foot driver in a FWD company car!) Then ..... (video link).... .... arse!
  2. Bomb-proof motor, enough torque to pull tractors (and Hardley-Rideables) out of ditches, warp speed capability, all-day comfort on a bigass seat behind a well setup fairing and a decent tank range. If they'd only slapped a shaft drive on it, it would be my perfect bike. Where do you want us to send the flowers?
  3. Needing some more 'happy thoughts' for the wank bank? Sorry, but a gentleman never tells .... and I can impersonate a gentleman when need arises (or other things ).
  4. Early '80s (81-82?), MZ250, g/f (now SWMBO) house was 4 miles from my gaff (Googly map link for the curious). For some unknown reason (the fates taking the pi$$, maybe), it seemed that every time I left her place late at night after 'cuddles' it started to rain just about when I left the streetlights ..... ! Now the MZ isn't that heavy a bike, but if you look at the streetview on that link for the last stretch into and through Marykirk, you'll see it's all uphill - ye gods did I get fit! Eventually I discovered WD40, old Marigolds and bathroom sealant and never had to push the bike again, through rain, hail, sleet or snow - I think that's about the time my waistline started to expand .... ?
  5. KirriePete

    Oh no!!!!!!

    Not just the fat bloke with the beard, but his transport as well! Rudolf the Dead Roast Reindeer at Lidl
  6. Slow morning at work here, so here y'go: Clicky link for all your torque conversion needs You're welcome
  7. Beg to differ old boy, although eye watering does take place at both of those occasions, there is also the eye-watering stress of keeping certain sphincter muscles clenched to avoid an 'incident'. In fact, this 'clenching' may also negate the tailwind assist, owing to uncertainty over the gas/liquid/solid state of the pending emissions ..... Just saying, is all.
  8. Mmmmmmm ..... tacos ..... However, this introduces the 'Chili Factor': 1. Speed increase due to additional tail wind power from the jalapenos b. Speed increase to get to 'relief area' before the effects of the jalapeno overcome the stitching in your leathers iii. Speed decrease due to watering eyes causing lack of visibility. See? 'snot just about gear ratios .....
  9. KirriePete

    Rip off dealer

    I take it you're referring to para 3 of the conditions? I read that as saying that the warranty work has to be carried out by an Authorised Yamaha Stealer, it says nothing about servicing except as laid down in para 2.
  10. KirriePete

    Rip off dealer

    Errr guys - he hasn't been ripped off yet, the £350 was a quote! So Prokon, phone another stealer, be specific that you want a quote for the 600-mile check, tell them you bought the bike elsewhere and see what they say. Or, as others have said, get the Yamaha checklist, buy the OEM parts and do the job yourself, initial the service book and job's a good'un.
  11. This is the stuff: Hellfraud's own brand semi-skimmed bike gloop For the API monitors out there, it's API SL spec, waaaaay above the standard originally set.
  12. Auto choke on these? Could be sticking?
  13. Clutch slip can be a problem if you use car oil as they are more likely to contain the evil friction modifiers. So get a bike specific 10w40 semi-skimmed and relax - I've used Hellfrauds own brand stuff for years with no problems. You're welcome
  14. FFS John! You auditioning for the Littlewoods catalogue? Some nice shots there, good to see my old stamping grounds getting smoked out by the H. Are you sure the Plod moved you on for dodging cones? More likely it was Brenda & Phil getting pi$$ed off with the gay poseur cluttering up their view with his noisy smoker, lucky you didn't end up in the Tower .....
  15. Here in the UK you used to get a title if your Great-great-great-grandaddy did some favour for the monarch, or you kissed some politician's ar$e nicely. These days it seems you just need to be able to kick a ball or run a bit and you get Brenda whopping you round the shoulders with a gert big pig-sticker. Thought you 'mercans had done away with all that aristocracy malarkey anyway? This posting sponsored by a nice Morrisons Pinot Noir.....
  16. Somewhere between 'Ooof!' and 'Fuggit! Get the Heli-coil!' would be my guess. Word to the wise - the management here are a bit funny about people who dive in first post with a cry for help (then generally bugger off never to be seen again) - they like intros, background info, maybe a box of choccies and a bottle of wine ......
  17. Have a look over here - Clicky link jobby - prices, colours and a laymans description of the target use of each thickness - seemples! You're welcome Edit to add - thinwall cable here - More clicky link
  18. If the connections are corroded there will be a huge current draw .... it's a bit like sucking a really thick milkshake through a narrow straw, also known as Ohm's Law (here's the Physics bit): In a perfect world a 12v 10A starter would have a resistance of 1.2 Ohms, if you double the resistance in the circuit because of corrosion, the current available drops to 5A, the other 5 being eaten up by the nasty stuff, which converts electrickery to heat. So .... clean all those connections until they gleam, then try again.
  19. What state is your main earth lead and it's connections in? These are right buggers for corrosion to the point where even the best battery will struggle to get the power pushed through. It's the thick black one from the -ve on the battery to some point on the frame/engine - make sure the connections (at both ends) are clean and shiny - a quick buff-up with some emery paper works wonders. Then do the same for the starter motor connections. Then, when they're all clean and tight, give 'em a splodge of Vaseline over the connection to stop (or at least slow down) further corrosion. That's the ONLY reason I've got a pot of Vaseline in my shed, honest!
  20. Or an XS - Greenrichard, is it a twin or a single? Photos would help ......
  21. The DT would be ideal for this run, snail's pace round the city streets an' all that (got into 3rd once last year on the XBR). Hairstyles? Yep, there's more polish than gel on display, so remember the sunglasses for the glare!
  22. Saturday 4th December, meet up at Scotriders from 11:30 (ish), ride out at 1. Bring a fiver for the bucket and a wrapped pressie (labelled boy/girl & age range) - money goes to Glenlaw House respite centre, pressies to the kiddies at Dundee Womens Aid. Tarted up bikes and Santa suit not compulsory, but recommended. Incentives to come - apart from the warm feeling of doing good for others, there's the warm feeling of a burger/bacon/egg roll from the Picnic Basket burger van, officially sanctioned traffic chaos in the middle of Dundee on a Saturday in the run-up to Xmas, and the chance to get your face all over Youtube ... here's last year's run: That's me on my wee Honda XBR at 3:26 (just in front of Rudolf) and my lad at the end (5:32, Ginger, silly grin, tinselled crash hat). Blackhat - see you at McD's along with the rest of the Teuchter Chapter most likely?
  23. Heavy fuel smell implies it's flooding - overflowing float bowl? Jets the size of the Channel Tunnel? Was it running OK before you swapped carbs? Why replace one Mikuni VM26SS with another one? I'd guess that the TZR is in a higher state of tune than the DT, so can flow far more fuel (probably needs to flow more), so bunging the carb from one onto a DT is like forcing your "one dry sherry at Christmas" granny to chug down a yard of ale ... not a pretty sight! Or I could be wrong and you just need a new plug ....
  24. KirriePete

    Best route?

    Wouldn't fancy that run on a 125 to be honest, and at this time of year ..... Here's a pic taken on Sunday from Kirriemuir (between points H & I on your map) facing north: See that white shite? It only gets worse the further north you go. Take the train mate.
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