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Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes

For Yamaha Adventure Touring and Dirt Bikes

  1. Started by alix,

    I thought my linkage + swing arm bearings were on their way out but it looks like it's the shock bush that's worn. Are new ones available, because looking at the service manual, it looks like there's no parts to replace, that a long bolt/machine screw + nut fasten the shock directly to the 'relay arm' as they describe it on page 4-60 of yamaha-wr125-service-manual.pdf I'm reluctant to buy a new shock when it's just the bush that's worn - any suggestions for a UK based supplier please? Or alternatively, can anyone supply the dimensions of the bush, like OD + ID of the rubber, OD + ID of the tube/sleeve? The overall width is 44mm, that's the only measurement I to…

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  2. Started by TheJam,

    Hi, so im 18 and recently brought a yz125 (my dream bike) 1999 to turn into a supermoto that i can fully rebuild. The only issue being the registration. i have already applied once and been denied, on the dvla letter it said that they cannot except copys of a conformity letter(even though i sent the original?!) and that i needed to get a NOVA certificate even though the bike isnt imported… i was wondering if anyone has registered a bike for the first time and could please maybe produce a list or further explain what i need to do? my bike also has a different VIN and engine number as it has had a different yz125s engine put into it, unsure if this matt…

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  3. Started by andy2175m4,

    XT 600 with dual carb, one side is slide carb, other side is CV carb, single cyliner with 2 intake ports. , the bike wont start so I rebuilt carb still wont start, removed the cv carb and blocked port, on just the slide carb bike started right up but put CV carb back on and wont start, all seems well but just wont start, any ideas ?

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  4. Started by DAI SNEG,

    hi everyone just bought silver dt175 i think its a c edition. anyone know the correct colour and code for the paint cheers.

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  5. Started by G Digger,

    Hi everyone I am trying to connect the rear brake light switch and the linkage from the brake light switch to the rear brake pedal has got me scratching my head a little. it is the linkage from the spring that returns the brake light switch plunger to normal after the rear brake has been released, there is a fixing that fits on the rear of the pedal with a connecting rod on it to connect the spring, no matter which way i position it the movement is the wrong way. it has been a year or more since i dismantled it and i am not sure this is even the right bit as I cant find the linkage on cmsnl. a photo of someones linkage would be appreciated. o…

  6. Started by NoBs,

    New owner here, first ride today. Tried a couple of hills today and had some issues between 1st and 2nd while going up a few decent hills. First was too low and second wanted to bog. Who has dropped a tooth or two in the counter shaft sprocket to help with this and what kind of results did you notice ? Pretty sure this probably has been addressed before but I don't know where or how to look.

  7. Started by blakemcelroy2000,

    Hey all, just trying to get an old 1980 DT175 to start up. No spark, but checked resistance through stator/magneto windings and seem good enough to produce. Coils seems shot but just ordered a new once. I just wanted to check if my wiring is correct before I replace the CDI or other components. My CDI has 7 wires, with all connected except for one black wire cut extremely short. Any ideas? I only care about getting spark, and am not running a battery, hence the battery being omitted and all wiring past the voltage reg listed as "To accesories." Link to an image of my diagram below. Thanks! https://i.ibb.co/1v46why/IMG-4649.jpg

  8. Looking to retrofit a '96 RT100 engine in a '75 RD60 frame. The engine fits, but I could really use a wiring diagram for the engine to try to mate it to the wiring I have for the RD. Anyone have an old RT100 owners manual lying around or a link to some site on the on the web that has this? I can't seem to find one. Thank you!

  9. Started by welshwan,

    I had been looking for a definitive answer of whether this is possible or not , or more to the point how much modification is needed. well after failing to find an answer i just gave up on the idea. A few weeks later when looking for a new tire for the X wheels i saw a listing for a pair of golden color R wheels HOWEVER they were listen as suitable for the X and R model, i email to confirm they would fit the bike and the seller said yes, agreed on a price and waited for them to come. When the arrived everything seamed as though it would ft no problem, so got the bike up of the floor to swap the wheels took off the front one tried it and realized the disk on the…

    • 6 replies
  10. Anyone know which wheel set will swap right over? Looking for cheaper alternatives. Maybe ct1-3 or at1-3 wheels fit?

    • 1 reply
  11. Started by Simonbee,

    hi I've just joined so hello to everyone. My all rounder bike is a 2003 Fazer FZS 1000, which I've owned since new. It was silver but is now white with red blocks, that's down to foolish behaviour when riding in a group, story for another time. I recently acquired a DT175 which is not bad, actually has an MOT; the owner threw in a few spares, including a Yamaha engine, looks like i's for an off road or trail bike, twin spark plugs, but he didn't know what it was off, photos attached. If anyone can identify it, please message, thanks. Cheers

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  12. Started by mikkopoika,

    So Once again the old bugger failed me. Dt had something fishy with the wiring. It sometimes hardly had the juice to go through the ypvs check procedure. The servo worked really slowly. Yet straight after it could have worked like it should. The low curret could be seen from very dim light on the neutral indicator. So when the fail was on the light was dim or did not glow at all. This short affected the ypvs when riding the bike. Sometimes it did not open the exhaust port at all. I did a bit of work with the wiring (again) and the problem seemed to go away. But: this morning I took the bike for a ride. It did cut the ignition few times on high revs. After a short pau…

    • 11 replies
  13. Started by Monkeylegs,

    Hi. I have recently acquired a '94 XT 600E 3TB. At some point in a hard life, the start/run/kill switchgear has been replaced with a single button to start. Whilst it's no big deal, I would ideally like to source the original switchgear. I thought it would be a simple task, but for me at least, it has not been so...all the wiring diagrams and parts books seem to indicate a connector with 4 wires (black, two red and white and one blue and white). I sourced what I believed to be the correct item, which has a red rocker switch for run and kill, and a separate grey button to turn the engine over and start. On the bike, tracing the wires back from my single button start, I on…

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  14. Started by rockb,

    Anyone have links to instructions for replacement of a stator for a 2015 XT250? I thought I found a good video at one time but cannot seem to locate it now. Finally found a replacement stator and need to get it swapped out so I can get the bike sold.

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  15. Does anybody know what compatibility is over what years for the DT125LC mkIII i see different information on the net suggesting this same cylinder has been used on other bikes and models,,, but I cannot confirm. The DT125r following the LC was air cooled, but a DT125re was liquid cooled again.. Is it the same? Have any other bikes used the same cylinder, apart from ebay listings which suggest compatibility at "buyers risk" I find it very difficult to find this info out. Its also difficult to ascertain piston compatibility. I've been stuck before ordering off width,,, then receiving a piston that is too tall or short for a model that had a differ…

  16. Started by 97XT350NOOB,

    Hi folks, new here to the club. Just bought a 97 xt350, that's been converted into a dirt bike and im thinking of turning it back into a dual sport. See how hard it is to get the parts. Anyhow list below of what i need and in order of importance too. WIRE HARNESS COMPLETE WITH ALL WHITE PLUGS & CLIPS, AT LEAST HAVE 1S THAT CONNECT TO (CDI, STATOR, COIL, VOLTAGE REG. & KILL SWITCH. HEADLIGHT ASSEMBLY WITH WIRE PLUG & CONNECTIONS TAILLIGHT ASSEMBLY WITH WIRE PLUG & CONNECTIONS INDICATORS WITH PLUG & CONNECTIONS BOTH BRAKE SENSORS, FRONT BRAKE HANDLE IF ATTACHED KILLSWITCH WIRE PLUG END & COMPLETE ASSEMBLY IGNITION …

  17. Started by bobbo1,

    Hi just bought a 2014 WR125R the startermotor spins, but it doesnt engage and spin the engine to start it. Anyone else had this problem or know of it?

  18. hi all recently done a top end rebuild on my dt std piston runs fine only done 3,000 miles but Im thinking of putting a 170cc kit on :-) for more power i always see people on YouTube poping wheelis in 3ed although mine won't. a 170cc Is around £400 for cylinder piston rings ... i understand how it all bolts together. What Im confused about is changing carb and jets to run corectly obviously i dont want to fit all new piston and blow it up or damage it. also will it need to have the oil pump changed with a 170kit will it need more 2 stroke oil? if i can't use std carb because i won't run correctly what carb will.fit ? Any help would be very helpful. even more helpful i…

    • 15 replies
  19. The big one' is available for my bike in black but I fancy a chrome one for the DT175MX 1978.Anyone know where i could get one please?Ta very muchly...

    • 2 replies
  20. Started by TheStone,

    Hello, First post and visit at this forum. I just took my XT350 out of storage from winter and I cant get it to start. I drained the old gas and put in some fresh stuff and just cant get it to fire. I dont know much about motos mechanically but something def doesnt feel right when I try to kick start it. It almost seems to "easy" when kicking down the starter. Anyone have any ideas what I need to be checking?

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