Yamaha Workshop
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8,884 topics in this forum
Modifying a DT 125 (100% certain on 2004 + models) The first thing to do is to Earth the black cable with the green stripe going through it, you can either remove it from the connector block and earth or (what I did) crimp another piece of cable and add it to the adjacent side of the connector block and then earth it (I used the bottom yoke). This is probably the most noticeable mod I done to my bike and it’s completely free, The only other thing I done to my bike was adding a full DEP exhaust system which I found cheapest from here: http://www.adrenalin...D-2004-581.aspx I didn’t re-jet after putting this on either as my spark plug was a nice goldy/…
- 30 replies
Just found this site that has an amazing set of information about how to identify your YAMAHA by VIN or ENGINE number. Be warned that it is VERY technical and you will need a pencil and paper handy plus about half an hour and a cup of tea (or something stronger). Just follow the link here and good luck. http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=14577.html
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Recently bought a ybr 125 and the fella said it was ready for a new chain, now me being a newbi how do i tell? Chan looks ok to me but the unless it was snapped i doubt id know any difrence. Also what chains best to get and were from? Is it best to get oem from dealer? Or are there better aftermarkets? Also do you change sprocket and chain together? Lots of questions but i realy am a new :-)
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A few weeks ago I was riding home in the dark when a car pulled alongside and the driver shouted various obscenities about me riding without my lights on,...........what he meant was my tail-light was not working....everything else : the headlight, brake light, indicators, horn was all working fine! Nonetheless, I was unaware! I'm sure it was on when I left but it wasn't on now! Without a spare bulb or screwdriver to remove the lens, I nursed it home using the brake light to show cars where i was, and rode home taking my hand off the brake when there was nothing behind me. The journey took a little longer but there wasn't that many cars about at 11pm. Afterwards, I…
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Please do not post links to any form of copyrighted material, especially service manuals, or make requests of where to download them. Thanks Alex
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Can anyone point me in the right direction for 2A6-23157-00-00 . RING, PISTON FRTFRK, 2 plastic rings used by the DT175 and DT125 78 onwards, all the suppliers i have looked at are saying parts now unavailable or thinking someone may have had these made
- 11 replies
My plan was to convert my DT175MX from 6 volt to 12 volt and if it worked then do the write up. However, a fellow DT rider, kiln was also doing something similar but had only upgraded the regulator and bulbs. So I brought forward the write up but the project is not finished yet and I can't say that it works 100%. (as I've not had enough time to evaluate the success.) I may have to edit this post in the future! i can say it works 100% I updated the topic after 9 months of use at the end. Disclaimer. This is what I did to my own bike, i can't be held responsible if you fry your electrics or your own bike if you try repeating it. It's up to you to satisfy yourself tha…
- 139 replies
Hi guys, I bought an SR 125 a couple of weeks ago and all was good until it began to struggle to start up. Then during a ride around town it cut out a few times, and only just managed to make it back home. Now it won't start at all. The electrics all seem to work (lights etc) and the starter motor will crank over happily enough but it doesn't ever "catch". Tried to troubleshoot a few basics: Inspected the air filter which is clean Changed the spark plug and checked its spark Took apart the carb and gave it a good clean Did a compression test which seemed healthy (a needle's width under 12 bar) So now I'm very confused. Apparently I have all the ingredients…
- 11 replies
'Evening, just after some advice regarding aftermarket tail pipes; the Gianelli I have on at the moment is far too loud ( eventhough it is BS marked), has any body any experience of 'big one' tail pipes that I've seen on ebay? Don't want sewing machine quietness nor annoying blast. Any help appreciated. Cheers
- 6 replies
Hello My son has just had a bit of a bump on his 2008 YBR 125 Custom and slid it under a car but minimal damage to him or the bike (lesson learned). The wires at the bottom of the ignition switch are soldered onto a circular plastic disc and this has popped out of its housing which has broken. It looks as though this bottom section can be unscrewed and replaced without having to change the whole ignition lock but then again....? How do I get at it and how do I remove what seem to be tamper proof screws? I have already removed the two bolts holding the two instrument dials in place and dropped the headlamp so there is reasonable access but I expect there i…
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Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and riding all together. I purchased a 2006 DT125RE last week, which does require some work, and I noticed that a part was missing (There is a bottle lid stuck in the hole where the part is meant to fit, image below). After further research online, the part is called 'Air Chamber 2', and the part number is 3FW1359100. I have searched everywhere and can not find one of these for sale anywhere. I'm pretty sure that this part was present on other models, such as the DTX, and I have seen one on a DTR. If anyone knows where I can find one of these to purchase could you please help. Thanks
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If you've owned or currently own a TX750 you will probably be more than aware of the starter clutch issues? Apparently there is someone called "Argo" that has been producing an upgraded "sprag clutch" to replace these troublesome originals. I have had starter problems myself, to the point I am now unable to ride the bike. I have been unsuccessful in contacting Argo. I have now since been able to successfully been able to manufacture a conversion kit myself. I am now considering manufacturing these "sprag clutch" conversions here in the UK. So I am 'dipping my toe in the water' to see if there is any interest out there?
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So after upgrading the throttle bodies on my XJ6 to ones from a FZ6 Fazer I'm now wondering if the air box needs to be modified to allow more air to pass thought. On my original investigation it looked like their was very little difference between the air boxes and being not sure if the Fazer one would fit under my tank kept the original xj6 one. can any one help in letting me know if the Fazer one will fit under the tank of an xj6 or some other mod to increase the air flow (please remember that the air temp sensor is mounted inside the air box. Thanks XJ6Boy
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my dt has a 200 main jet standard, so wondering what the general size main jet others have gone up to? I've just fitted full fresco expansion and gianelli tail pipe , standard air filter I was thinking maybe a 240 ish ? any help appreciated
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Hi there, I've been reading lots of posts on here hoping for some help but nothing seems to quite match, anyway... 1987 dt125lc mark3. Was going pretty well, now when it starts up, usually first kick, there seems to be no throttle response except for a backfire. It idles very low, maybe 500rpm. If you slowly move the throttle you can get it to sit at 2000rpm but it still bogs on giving throttle. Randomly if you keep trying the throttle the symptoms seem to disappear. Sometimes if you mess with the throttle cable it seems like it fixes the problem, but it usually comes back again. Very occasionally it will race and you have to shut it down. When its having a …
- 5 replies
Hi, Im seriously thinking of buying a 1989 EXUP. Just wondered if any owners can enlighten me as to the weak points or things to look out for; its up for £2000, is this price about right? Its a 1 owner and apparently in good nick. Thanks
- 7 replies
Cams set in photo with no 1 cylinder on tdc compression - are the cam positions correct for the FZR600R 4JH ? The cam bearings each have unique patterns of locating dowels which only seem to fit one way. The exhaust cam bearing timing marker is @ the twelve o'clock position to line up with the timing marker on the exhaust cam. The inlet cam bearing timing marker is @ the one o'clock position to line up with the timing marker on the inlet cam. The Haynes manual states both timing markers should position @ 12 o'clock with both cams but the engine jams when I try this whilst manually turning the crank !! The Haynes manual photos appear to relate to a different eng…
- 3 replies
Hi, I've just had to put a new battery on my xt125r and all of a sudden my digital display won't work,every thing else is fine. I have to add that the bike sat still throughout the winter which is why the battery died. Any thoughts Thanks and regards Dogmi
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hi, I have a 50cc 2 stroke moped I can't get started, was working fine then gradually got really hard to start and had no pulling power and lost top end speed, now wont start at all, everything seems to check out fine apart from low compression which is 40psi, thinking the piston rings had worn I just replaced the barrel with a new one which came with new piston & rings, did a compression test and its still 40psi. So, took the barrel back off and checked the seals/gaskets which are perfect, checked the head in case it was warped which looked fine, I even flatted it on some glass after inking it up and cant see anything wrong with it, put it all back together and …
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