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1,368 topics in this forum
So here we are my usual first day of getting out there and trying not to die. And I'm like you all stuck indoors, my MOT guy is not working so no MOT yet and it looks like I will have to get it taxed then MOT it later in the year, but it is frustrating . I hope you have all been well and not had this bloody virus, it really is not something to take lightly, I don't object to dying per-se just not drowning in my own juices in a hospital bed. I'm sure this madness will end in the not too distant future but please take care of yourselves and families. Perhaps we can have a get together much later in the year to swap stories about how we passed the time while imprisoned indoo…
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- 1 follower
Just thought I would say Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year to you all, I hope you all have a great time and it all goes well for you. Take care folks and have fun.
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Well I went to the bike show today, what a great day out that is, saw some really nice looking bike's and bought some spares for mine (oop's) and I saw the new Harley electric! (only there for 1 day?) at a mere 28 grand for the joy of 70 miles a charge, I'm sure to some it's a bargain! I think I might have actually dribbled on the new 916 Duke but I am old. Talked to a hotelier who organises bike tours of the Alps and got his number and email so looks like I'm going to Rome next year. :)
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Regards to all, please help me ... I bought online at https://www.motorcyclehouse.co.uk QUICK DISCONNECT SYSTEM (QDS) for my Midnightstar 950A https://ibb.co/C0fTRCk And received confirmation that the goods were sent ... https://ibb.co/RYnNDgp But I only got nuts and bolts without KDS. https://ibb.co/16QjpFr I sent a request 225773 and got this answer…. https://ibb.co/ThVpBtS But nothing was happening, so I sent in a request number 227358…. https://ibb.co/sFJyqVL. I checked the claim that the QDS were out of stock and received the answer that they had one https://ibb.co/Sy1M44D In the meantime, I o…
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So finally got the bike finished, as I said before the wheel bearings were a tad knackered and I owe my MOT guy a beer! Did the fork stantion replacement and new fork springs tho that was a bit of a faff, I forgot that you have to fix the fork inner cartridge before you try to ram the seals in cos that way you fuck the new bearings and the inner components so what's another £80 when you think about it! Well it's finally done and next years ride out will see me not bouncing round corners like a horse on crack. So I'm off the road till April and then I'm thinking of doing the run down to Portugal again tho Bippo's story about the mountains in Italy has made me think about t…
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I have a 1990 535 Virago i was sold a wiring loom which i was told is for this model but it's not i have cut open the loom and running a wire from a to b matching the diagram as much as i can But i don't know what the control's are under the right side chrome cover other than the turn signal relay. Can any body help[.?
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Hi guys not been on in a while. Unfortunately I am forced to sell my pride and joys due to the wife saying she wants some space. Unfortunately irreconcilable now. Currently living in mum and dad's conservatory in Heald Green. Anyways my xt600 dt175mx and cb750 k8 are all planted on ebay at the moment as I don't have the room. Am OK. Gutted to list them but need to downsize. Many thanks for all your help. Regards Simon
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Just done a biker down course and learned a great deal about first aid for bikers and scene management. they also showed a vid on why we have smidsey just thought I’d share it
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So decided I am just too idle to adjust the FJR valves myself so sent it into the shop for them to do it (FJ OWNERS CLUB). It's actually a lot of work to adjust the valves on the FJR, lot's of pipe work and draining fluids and such plus remove the cam shafts and truth to tell I have other things that I wanted to do. So drag the wife out with me in the car so she can bring me home after I drop off the bike, that's about the nearest I am ever going to get her on the thing..! Said they would call me when it's ready, it takes about 3 hours to cool down before you can tackle this job as it needs to be stone cold for the actual adjustment, this is at 9.30 Friday AM. Get a call …
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Best Moto3 race I’ve seen in years, philip island never disappoints.
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Not sure if their is right place for this, but I figured anyone interested would read it wherever I posted it. After completing (apart from some small cosmetics) my FJ refurb, I thought about giving it a brief shake-down ride to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, or missed anything when putting it back together. What better way to do this shakedown than to take it on a 1200 mile road trip to Northern Ireland and back via the Lake District, Stranraer and Northumberland ?. We'd been promising our son (Ryan) a trip as his graduation present after finishing Uni, so with the time limitations we had and him wanting to see the Giants Causeway and visit Game of Thro…
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So I'm off to see my Mum down in Portsmouth, about 150 odd miles so takes me about 2+ hours to get there from home, I leave the house and not more than 1/2 a mile from home this bloody woman who is following her friend home from dropping off the kids at school apparently and does not want to loose her turns right across in front of me, big black line from the rear wheel down the road and I'm jammed inside the front wheel arch, this while she explains the story of how we arrived at this moment. I am still trying to hold the bike upright while she goes on about this, if you didn't laugh you would not credit it..! NO "sorry mate my fault" just an explanation of how I have ma…
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Just in from work and having a catch up on the forum. First thing happening is a screen like this and even after clicking 'accept recommended settings' it comes back every time I open a new page......Help please
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- 1 follower
Whats up with it, cant reply to posts In it, and its not lit up on the forum board ?
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I'm Running the 10k on May 20th. I'm doing this for the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. If you've been there in any capacity you will understand why I'm doing this Any donations small and large accepted. Thanks https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/andrew-scialpi-sullivan2
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Hi all, Bad news the site will be down, good news we're moving to a newer faster server. Hoping it'll take a day wish me luck, these things never normally go as smooth as expected. Wish me luck!
- 17 replies
Hi all, made some updates to the forum, updated to mariaDB v10, optimized and cleared out loads of old tmp files. Have also disabled the letter profile images to speed up the site. Hopefully it should be faster for you all. Let me know if there are any issues. Cheers
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- 1 follower
Calling merv" , the aircooled forum has gone,, Whats up .?
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