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The Bar

A laid-back spot for off-topic conversations, mingling, and building camaraderie among motorcycle enthusiasts.

  1. Started by Malleus,

    Sorry if this comes up all the time from new riders! I was wondering if anyone has any advice on the first bike after gaining full license? At the moment the most advice I have had is 'Buy whatever you want, something shiny that looks nice and you will learn from there' - which I think is pretty sound. At the moment options I am considering are: MT-07 or 09 XJ6 FZ6 S2 (2009/10 I think) - Really like the design of this bike, but not sure how easy it is to find. If anyone has any strong opinions about any of these let me know

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  2. Started by Oscar. Dragstar,

    Anyone know where to by upgrade parts such as camshaft, valves air filter etc. (EU)

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  3. Started by blackhat250,

    Well if you aint sick of it yet, Day1, its bollocks,, Heres an example, they had to lock off the wind tubines last year,[ too windy] AND they still get paid downtime [ £280million],, So rather than give us cheaper electicity [ so we wont use oil&coal heating ] do they fk, it all about profit,, And they were givvin massive grants to install the bloody thing too, Next news we here is, there about to plant MORE fkn wind turbine in the north sea, which will power enuff for 2/3 of the scottish homes, .. fkn ell were locking em off ,and still planting the fkn things,, [ subsidised no doubt, Scam.----..And weve 2 or 3 massive Hydro plants ,that get…

  4. Started by Oliver.Rodwell,

    Recently bought my first motorcycle, a 2011 yamaha ybr 125. I rode it a bit at the dealership and everything seemed okay; I have since taken it from london to durham on the back of a trailer (unfortunately I left it in neutral which I have been told isn't ideal). It has since developed an issue with the gearbox where sometimes (not everytime) it won't go from neutral into first gear. This is obviously rather dangerous as I can't pull away at junctions and am sometimes left stuck. If anyone knows anything about what might be causing this behaviour please let me know. Thanks.

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  5. Started by NE0,

    I see the graphics on this latest game are approaching being rather realistic!! The give away being no spray from the tyres and nobody can ride that fast in the wet without taking a spill.!! Enjoy...

  6. Started by jcr,

    enjoying the good weather. had a bimble along the roads in the New Forest this morning. lovely scenery and some nice twisty bits. light traffic before 9:30 too 👍 where have you been on yours?

  7. Started by Skittle1983,

    Hi folks, I'm Skittle from West Wales. Been a biker all my life, new to owning a Yamaha. I have an 2000 xvs dragstar 125, bought her last week and she's going for MOT Friday. Haven't taken her far but had a small test ride when buying her. Hope to get to know you all, in the coming weeks I'll be making an annoyance of myself, asking lots of questions, especially on sourcing parts Ride safe, see you on the road Jon

  8. Started by John1,

    Hi, Can anyone give me any idea why when I start the bike up after two minutes the generator outer cover starts to get very hot. I have exposed the generator assembly and as you can see from the pictures there are marks as if it was grinding with something. Or maybe it's as simple as the torque not being tight enought allowing movement when spinning? Hope this makes sense. Picture of the bike nearly completed...

  9. Hi there so my ongoing project with the XTR has one thing left the front brake. When I got the bike the brake would build up pressure and then overnight would lose it again. I cant see any liquid dripping out of the caliper so i assumed that was ok and bought a master cylinder kit. Now my boy who the bike is for gets impatient and says let me take the bike into work and I'll get it fixed in my lunches. fast forward a month or two and it comes back to me with no work done at all but in the kit for the master cylinder there is now a ball bearing which I dont remember taking out of anywhere, is the ball a one way valve that I've overlooked. Ive checked the service manual and…

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  10. Started by Cynic,

    Hey. Not quite a square peg in a round hole but I need to get a 17mm spindle to bolt up into a hole designed for a 19mm thread. Is for a set of forks, they use a 19mm spindle and my dymags use a 17mm. Turning down a spindle to fit the wheel is the easy bit. What are the typical routes to sort it, some sort of helicoil, weld it and machine a new hole? Not sure what is typical.

  11. Started by lotty,

    Advice/thoughts please. Should I just get these rewound, and if so who'd be good to do it? Or could i buy a replacement? Or maybe electronic ignition? I don't know a lot, so even if it is simple let me know please. inside the flywheel the cam runs free. This must need to be held in place. So there is a little hole in the bottom of the cam and then the retarder (I think it is called something like that), and which you can see failed and the arm of it came loose and chewed up the coils. Well, that little arm should go into that hole to hold it in place??? I'll need another one of those or have to make the old one do, but what are they called? Anyway, here's t…

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  12. Started by UglierBoss,

    Hi all, quick question if I may: My YBR has a noisy knocking engine and so I have a spare to swap with it missing only the alternator coil but it has the flywheel/magneto rotor. so I put the swap engine in and used my original coil and cover from the first engine. Im getting ok compression 80ish so i think the valves need cleaning up but I am also getting error 46 about power supply to Fuel injection. Can i assume the flywheel/magneto rotor on the swap engine is bad? I cant see what else has changed...

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  13. Started by What_a_teezer,

    Hi everyone, i've just bought an early model tzr 125 and while i may also soon be posting asking for help on obscure knowledge for how to get it running perfectly, it should be manageable... (im going to regret saying that) So in short im wondering if anyone remembers the best ways to squeeze reliable power out of the 2rk (i need to check exact engine codes tomorrow) motor and if there are any reliable specialists still about. Also a more specific question i have about my new purchase; do the later model (4dl etc) servo motors for the ypvs valves fit straight onto the earlier models? As i have a U.K restricted model i assume making the YPVS work as intended is …

  14. On my DT 125 MX (1981), whenever I go WOT and a reach higher revs in each gear the engine starts stuttering rapidly and won't rev/accelerate any higher. This is annoying because it happens just as I get into the powerband. If I change the spark plug, the bike runs pretty sweet and can rev much higher but then after a few rides it goes back to the stuttering problem. Any suggestions to fix this? Cheers

    • 4 replies
  15. Started by Snakebite68,

    I've been commuting year round for 2.5 years now on my trusty old Thunderace and being an old bike, it requires regular and sometimes in depth maintenance. Which, because I'm riding pretty much EVERY day, it's not getting... So... I bought myself a 2018 edition (registered 2017) Suzuki DL1000A to take the strain off the Thunderace and also allow me to strip it down and do the work to it it needs. Now. I'm not used to a V-Twin so, my questions are: 1/ When you wind a V-Twin on, do they always sound like several people are hammering a piece of concrete a couple of doors away? 2/ Baring in mind the above question, how do I tell if the engine is…

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      • Thanks
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  16. Started by Tommy rxs100,

    hi I have a rxs 1990 100cc I’m leek oil from my castle nut on the Exhaust ?? Also iv something has put a hole in the corner side casesing left side right at the bottom look like is the cases side Any advice

  17. Started by Slinky86,

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum. And to yamahas. And to bikes! I got myself a yam virago 125 non starter to do as a project and hopefully ride. I've got some experience with older cars so taking on a project didn't seem a biggie.. BUT The virago won't start, though it did briefly a few times yesterday. I'm getting fuel into the cylinders as there's petrol smell on the exhaust and I managed to flood a few times. I checked for spark and thats ok front and back, it's had fresh petrol and oil (it may have been left for as much as 5 years unused) It's got a new battery, some wiring has been repaired or replaced and seems to check out. The starter does its thin…

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  18. Hey all, last week I decided to pick myself up a couple of sweet looking bikes off of Facebook being the impulsive 15 year old I am. I have never owned something with 2 wheels before so not sure if I made a good choice but one is a twin jet 100 and the other is a trail master 80. The 80 is completely seized and the cylinder block is pretty messed up. The transmission kicks into gear though and it is complete enough just needs a couple of things I could probably do myself except for the motor. The twin jet spins freely has good compression but is missing key switch, the wiring is messed up, missing a second carburator it only has 1 at the moment and needs other repairs th…

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  19. Hi all - can anyone give me an idea of a realistic alternative radiator for my Thunderace please? I'm fed up with aching wrists from the clip-on bars and heavy clutch so have opted to possibly junk the fairing and fit more upright bars. The reason to junk the fairing is the mirror supports are going to clatter on the higher, upright bars. This has led to the discovery of an awful lot of rat's nest wiring on show along with a radiator that's designed to be hidden behind a great big fairing which if removed reveals it in all it's glory with bit's and bobs poking out all over the place. Or should I just remove the standard mirrors (and supports), trim t…

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  20. Started by jcr,

    what are peoples opinions, do they offer any improvements other than sound or do they only benefit from tuning? any particular brand suit the ace?