Modifications and Customs
29 topics in this forum
Hi I'm wondering if its possible to change the rear mono shock on my 1991 xj600. is there a different model shock that will fit to my bike that is cheaper than the ones listed for my bike.
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So, as you all know, getting plastics for older bikes is a nightmare... I've been contemplating having a go at manufacturing some for my Thunderace. The obvious easy option is to go for Fibreglass, but, meh, it's tacky and quite heavy. The super expensive option is to create injection moulding equipment, but, we all know that's not going to happen! So what's left is Carbon Fibre... With the little I know about CF so far, there are numerous advantages and disadvantages to CF. But I'm interested in discussing it with anyone with a bit of knowledge... Questions/observations currently include: 1/ There are two types (as far as I …
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Hi 👋 everyone currently fixing up a Virago xv125 and I would like to put some alloys on it instead of spokes. I am searching everywhere but we'll I am struggling to find something so I thought why not ask here. Any help will be appreciated!
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I with to use the carbs from a later XS400/250 DOHC on an earlier XS400 SOHC motorcycle. Any ideas as to what jets I need to use please?
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Hello, I'm new to this forum. I need help with a problem i met. I wanted to ask you if it's possible to mount an old-style DTR 125 headlight (es.1996,first image) on a 2006 Yamaha DTX 125 (second image). I couldn't figure the measurements. I wanted to make my motorcycle more similar as possible as the one of norman.qu on Instagram, would the result be good? Sorry for the bad English, i' m Italian. Thanks in advance, if you could answer me, it would help me so much. Here are the photos: The headlight: The motorcycle i want to mount it on:
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I 'am converting my yamaha xj900s to a trike can anyone tell me if i need to fit a parking brake & hazard lights to be legal in uk THANKS
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Hi, I have an xs 250 with aftermarket filters & 2into1 exhaust, which runs ok when being revved, but when it is warm it won’t rev cleanly from tickover & often stalls if I blip the throttle. Can be really difficult to pull away with out really revving. I’ve cleaned the carbs with ultrasonic, so they are re clean & checked the timing is ok. Presume it is something to do with the jetting, but don’t know much about jetting & where to get jets if that is the case. Any help would be appreciated… cheers
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What do you guys think about Chinese Parts in general? I'm looking at some silicone hoses: Silicone Radiator Hose Kit For 1993-98 Yamaha YZF750R 96-02 YZF1000R Thunderace | eBay I found a site that makes them in England, but they don't do them for the Thunderace (although they do do them for the Thundercat!!!). Do these look ok?
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So, here's the main question: Is it worth swapping standard steel bolts/studs for Stainless or even Titanium? Whilst almost everyone loves shiny bolts in their engine, right now I'm particularly thinking about my exhaust studs. I'd like to swap my exhaust and like most peoples (I suspect) studs, mine are pretty manky. In order of simplicity/cheapness, the options as I see it are: 1/ Just put the new exhaust on and change the nuts. 2/ Swap out the studs and nuts for new OEM ones. 3/ Swap out the studs and nuts for Stainless Steel or Titanium. I'm not bothered by the cost of Stainless Steel or Titanium, but there's no way I'm going to …
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- 1 follower
Hi, I had to get a new exhaust for my YBR-125. However, the new exhaust does not have the connection for the air induction system. I've been told that that's okay, the air induction system can just be blocked off. May be a silly question, but wondering how I would go about blocking it off? Thanks!
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Has anyone put on of these on their bikes? what's the best jets for better performance (it comes with 3 types) Ta
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Hi guys and gals, I’m a new member so hello to you all. I have a 09 plate XVS950 midnight star and I want to put some Vance and Hines twin slash pipes on in black. I’m being told that they only do these for the XV950 bolt. Are these exhausts compatable or can’t it be done? if it can’t, has anyone got any suggestions of a nice black exhaust system I could get fitted? Thanks.
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Hi all I am hoping you guys can help. I am looking at building my own chop using my xj900f 1984 shaft engine. Before I even start having the frame built I need to know if there is a bigger wheel size that the shaft will fit into or if there are any mods I can do to fit the original shaft. Waiting in hope thanks all
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Got a 2010 Yamaha Aerox as a project and had to completely rebuild the engine. Fitted a full circle crank shaft, 70cc Airsal Kit, 17.5mm Carb with 90 jet, 5 gram rollers, 30% spring (not sure if thats correct for what I'm running), Uprated crankshaft bearings, Lighter Clutch, Vented performance clutch bell, Double layer Polini air filter, Kevlar belt, new reed valves. It feels like it is lacking power from watching videos where people have the same cylinder kit but not full circle crank they seem to have better acceleration. I'm going a bit easy on it because I gotta heat cycle the engine so im not going over 35 and im accelerating slower but when i do try it seems t…
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I am in the middle of converting my Xvs650 to a single carb. I’m putting a tm40-6 on and was wondering if anyone who has done the kid can put me in the right direction to the jetting they have used. Once I have a base I can then fine tune from there.
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Is it worth me doing a ECU tune on my r3 thoughts? Many thanks
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Hi! Im new on this site, so I hope this is right place. I need a little bit of help. I bought soft saddle bags for my Yamaha YZF600R. Richa Twin: and I have a problem. How do it assemble those to my bike that way that those stay on and dont fly away on higher speed? Also I would like to assemble bags comfortable enough for a passenger too. Is that even possible? Hope somebody can help me...
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Hi, i'm a newbie here, if i said anything wrong, pls forgive me in advance ya. Can i use Virago XV400 CDI on Virago XV535? If yes, are there just plug and play? what is the side effect? if no, then it is end of the story...
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Hello, I have a Yamaha XS 400 special (1983), and I feel like the engine is a to weak... And was wondering if there are any other engines that would fit in the frame without to much modifications? Over time it has lost some power...
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