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Let us know what you're up to with your latest restoration, repairs, how tos and mods

  1. Started by Screw Guernsey,

    I picked up a Virago 535 in a very poor state of affairs: And my mate had a hardtail frame: So I thought I'd let him loose with the 2 and see what he could do. Virago stripped: Engine and forks on the frame: Rear hub integrated into the frame:

  2. Started by Ah Tutzz,

    Hi there, I have a Yamaha Nouvo 135 and i taught of having the handle bar and speedometer modified to be naked using digital speedometer, handlebar and a clam. I'm wondering where in Singapore can it be done and how much will it cost to do all the above mentioned. Is it legal to do that in Singapore and the inspection be cleared after modifying the above mentioned? Please advise. Thank you

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  3. Started by jwdoc,

    I rode this bike for years it lost power about 20 yeays ago and I parked it and would like to rebuild it I think the motor needs to be gone thru. someone said the seals in the botom end need to be replaced.

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  4. Started by powerhouse97,

    I'm 14 and i just got my first ever project to do and I have been given most of the parts for a ty250 and i know what i mainly need but need a manual to check if i do have everthing and how to put it together. So can anyone help me?

  5. Guest xj600mon
    Started by Guest xj600mon,

    was just browsing ebay and came across this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Ty175-unfinished-project-/170760884671?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item27c22451bf

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  6. Guest xj600mon
    Started by Guest xj600mon,


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  7. Started by mw0dbb,

    Hi all this is my first post here, I have a DT175MX that I'm restoring but I'm having trouble finding somewhere in the UK that does rebores? Anyone have any good places to try? John

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  8. hi you all,,, I have a TDM 850 ´91. I've started to take my bike apart for a complete overhauling. The journey will be long, but if you are interested in it you can check it out here: http://www.mytdm850.weebly.com/index.html I will be documenting all the process all the way. take care, H

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  9. Started by KristianAerox,

    It was a Wednesday afternoon that I went to view what was to be my machine, I bought it off a man in a tracksuit (typical aerox owner) who said it was dead fast and "he didn't know why he didn't use it any more but he just didn't!" the bike looked in a slightly distressed state and I have a massive problem with cars and bikes as I tend to personify them (don't ask why I just do) and I just imagined this poor bike being locked away in a shed and that I had to save it! the bike had what was described to be an electrical fault (still waiting on the voltmeter to arrive from ebay) but started first kick and was mechanically sound. Cosmetics wise was quite different the bike ha…

    • 3 replies
  10. Started by Olijnyk,

    Recently got a new DT 125 and now thinking of over the months changing adding and moving bits around to make the bike look nicer . Started this post to show my bike now , along the way and eventually the end result . Also thinking about one day getting a helmet cam and starting a youtube channel . So you can all see how its going and then see what i get up to on it

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  11. Started by Dangibert,

    So a few months back a mates thunder cat got stolen, completely ruined everything apart from the engine. We had a spare FZR rolling frame around, so thought why not try it. The engine is now bolted up after a fan bit of fanning around making new engine plates, grinding stuff out and just general sweating. But basically its all up and running now, i'll try to upload some pictures when i'm finished with it, but i'm in need of a part, or some advice.. The rear brake calliper is COMPLETELY seized, so if anyone on here has anything they're selling (it wouldn't let me post anything in the wanted area) Or if they can tell me what brakes will fit? I've got a full R6 set up on the…

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  12. I'm a programmer and a fazer rider, and own an iPhone. I was investigating the gyroscopic iPhone sensors, in order to measure the lean angle, and indeed, track a trip. Nine month after, I've got a conclusion. The perfect biker's app. Read more technical details and features there: http://www.logex.es/motosporttt I'm seeking for some one that owns a precise lean angle measurement system to compare the exactitude of my system... Keep in touch. Comments are welcome. This is my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Moto-Sport-Telemetry-Tracker/143306389107575?sk=wall Bye!

  13. So, here is my xs750 special, the way it looked when I purchased it for $300. After a few days of staring at it and figuring out how things are attached and ran, I decided to tear it down and build it back up from scratch. Today, I broke it down as much as I was comfy with for 1 day. Here is where it stands now (Minus the handlebars)

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  14. Hi there guys, I am an 18 year old student studying motoe vehicle engineering and im looking to start a project to do over a period of time. Firstly im going to start of by buying an old Mini shell and fitting it with a big bike engine, I was thinking about getting an engine from an R1 by buying a second hand bike and taking it out, Re using the wiring and speedo ect. Im not one for looking at big bikes and im not a real bike nut. One of the problems is i can imagine getting hold of one isnt going to be cheap. Does anyone have any other Big bike engines that are powerfull,dont weigh much and are reletivly cheap? Any help would be amasing. Thanks!

    • 21 replies
  15. Started by littlej,

    Once I have all the parts together I plan on restoring this little Lady Any advice or hints will be greatly appreciated.

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  16. Started by kevinsr125,

    I have bought myself a 1998 SR125 and im going to rip it apart and turn it into a bobber / rat bike, going to do this on minimum budget, buy used parts or re use current parts in different ways! if i can ill get pictures up starting with the goal and how it looks now! any advice will be most welcome! Cheers Kev

    • 6 replies
  17. Started by mack61747,

    Just bought my first street bike. What i need to know is can the seca turbo faring be put on the non turbo model. Also I am looking for the K&N Stage one jetting kit with the filters. The lower end power is just not there and I was told this kit will solve this problem.

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  18. Started by BonKunU,

    History I bought the bike in approx 2000 as my first big bike after only eve having a 1981 gsx250. It was a big step up and a big learning curve. It took a few hits too in the process, mostly low speed slides. Had one front end hit after I ran up the back of a stationary vehicle which gave me an excuse to buy some brand spanking new forks for it as the original ones had started leaking pretty badly anyway. I had spent a year in Japan earlier on so had contacts there that were able to send me a set cheaper than I could have rebuilt the originals. After a few years I started to become quite proficient on it at fast cornering and wheelies but all the thrashing around lef…

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  19. Started by Alexvindis,

    Hi everyone, my name is Alex Vindis I'm a third year uni student at UCF in Penryn, Cornwall.... I'm currently just passed my motorbike test on a XJ6 Diversion, I liked the bike so much that I bought one. I've recently just started a minor project which is self directed and of course I wanted to do it on motorbike safety since thats all everyone who doesn't ride talks about. I will only ask if anyone has any ideas in terms of safety or anything you think is vital for motorbike riding or something that would make riding easier or safer, please just send me your ideas, I'll be on there pretty much everyday checking for messages so I will make sure to listen in..... …

  20. Started by NEV,

    Well, here's my next project, an old school XT125J that me and my lad will be doing as a joint effort, well he wants to use it on the road, he can bloody well get his finger out and give me a hand, is what I say. I bought it as an old field bike, a couple of years ago off Ebay, as I felt sorry for it, sat there, rusting away, and seeing the potential of getting it to it's former glory, thought it would make a decent renovation project, I've since found out that it was the 7th xt125 to come off the production line in 1982, so I'm going to try and keep it as standard as possible, I reckon I owe it that much. After doing a fair bit of research on the bike, I've found that it…

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