Yamaha Workshop
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8,884 topics in this forum
So after purchasing a 79 Yamaha XS250 which came with a starting issue I thought I'd ask for advice and make sure I'm heading down the right path. Before buying the bike the previous owner told me that it was working fine and then wasn't. He has claimed it is fully rebuilt etc etc. Anyways it's also been sat for some time. The battery was flat which I put on charge. When reconnecting the starter span but that's it. A spinning starter motor. And after about four attempts the starter relay simply clicks. So no.1 I think the battery may have had it. I've had a quick look and removed the side cover, lots of oil came out around the alternator (yes rookie mist…
- 92 replies
So I'm cleaning my carbs and I tipped them upside down and a little ball bearing that looks like a bb and a spring came out and I don' know from where or what they are. I have looked up a diagram online and from what I see it says it' the detent ball and spring. Does anyone know what this is and where it goes? Thank you
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Hi, Anyone successfully upgraded the YBR headlight from its factory fitted shy 'glowworm'? I have looked at a few things on Google but no definitive solution. I did put a larger watt bulb in it before the bike got stored and this helped but it occurs that an LED should be able to pump out a bit more light without melting the wiring or draining the battery. I did find the link below but not sure what folks think https://www.ledperf.co.uk/led-bulb-kit-for-yamaha-ybr-125-2010-2013-motorcycle-p-26460.html I also thought about adding a couple of ancillary lights powered direct from the battery and switched by a relay from the headlight (or an ancillary sw…
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Right, I'm importing my grandads dtmx125 more sentimental value than anything. Am I right in thinking that the headlights shine forward and right and so would have to be changed to forward and left? If so where the hell do I get a headlight for the uk as I can't find these bikes here at all. Seemed they only made them for the continent.
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Hi, Was stripping down the centre stand to clean and paint but for the life of me I cant get the centre pin to come out. Have removed brake pedal and rear footrest bracket ... according to Haynes I should be able to just remove it from the right hand side but is stuck solid. Have tried WD40 and tapping with hammer (the stub that sticks out is the lower bolt hole for the rear footrest) but no luck. Has a look at footrest bolt on left - not sure if I can drift it out through that - did try with thin bolt but no luck although not sure if I'm just banging against frame rather than left end of pin. I could put a blow torch on it but a lot near it I would rathe…
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Hey folks, bit of an odd one ... In the continuing job of bringing sons 125 back from storage I took the exhaust off (to de-rust and paint plus get access for other stuff) I noticed that there was no exhaust gasket. Looking at the service manual; parts exploded diagrams and the (infallible) Haynes manual it appears that there should be a copper 'o' ring. I did buy one from Wemoto in preparation for refitting the exhaust but the one supplied is a bit big to fit in the hole. 1. I am right that there is supposed to be a gasket? Never noticed an issue with it missing before and there is no evidence of gas blowing from the recessed socket. 2. I haven…
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Hi, I have a 1993 XJ400S imported (from Japan I believe) the 4BP engine. I have no service manual for it and was wanting to check the clearances, set the carbs properly etc. I am pretty new to tinkering but know my way around pretty well. Does anyone know where I might find a service manual or one that would be compatible? I have searched quite a few places with nothing found. I have found a XJ600S manual (4BR, 4BR2, 4EB1 & 4DS1) from 1992 - I know this is a bigger engine model and this might sound like a stupid question but will the valve clearances be similar? Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Dan (no doubt the first post of…
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Hiya peeps. Few things have changed now and it looks like i may be staying in the country even longer still, so its only right that i drag something else back to my lair to play with. This time, it happens to be another XS... i dunno why but i bought my first one about 6 months ago, then another one came along... now they just seem to be gathering. Anyhoo, long story short it was a facebook find, someone posted up a very basic ad with no pictures, asked me to send him my email address so he could send over some snaps, heard nothing more for a few weeks and then lo and behold out of the blue the guy messaged me over a photo, it looked dusty and…
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So 3 little scum bags tried to steal my bike. Even though they knew they could not even get it out of my garden they still hotwired it. This is my my third ignition now. Ive got the new ignition but the dash is dead. I think it may be something to do with the engine management/warning light. Im going to change all the fuses but apart from that I cant think what it could be apart from the bike shutting itself down because they tried to hotwire it. Any ideas/help much appreciated guys. I really dont understand their mentality. The bike has two alarms and a ridiculous amount of security. So any one with half a brain cell would know it was pointless trying to stea…
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My xtz 660 1997 doesn't start when cold, trying to start i loose the battery, i suppose the problem is in choke bowden that appair realy rust. Today i remove it into carb mechanism, what i have to check and replace? can i buy it new and replace?
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Hi, I got Datatool digi gear indicator, but i can't find where to connect tacho signal and speed signal wires as there is only one coming from ecu unit. It is XJ6S 2012. Any help much appreciated.
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Hi, I somehow managed to put the fuel cap back on the wrong way round (ie. with the arrow pointing backwards), and now I can't get it off! I'm reluctant to force it / lever it in case I damage the fuel tank. Any ideas? Please help!!!! Thanks
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ive just got a yamaha xt125 with no spark ive changed coil and cdi and tested pulser coil which reads ok . the digital clock isnt working could this be the problem
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YBR125 2010 Hi folks, hopefully the collective experience here will be able to help a newbie question ... Just took my 125 out of storage to fix it up for my son and have a question re the chain. Basically I am looking to replace the chain (couple of links seem stiff) but am not sure which replacement to go for ... there are a pile of chains out there ranging from very cheap to WTF :-). I looked at Wemoto and one of the chains had the note "if the original equipment chain was an o-ring or x-ring chain it must not be replaced with a non o-ring or non x-ring chain. It must be replaced with a sealed chain of equal or greater strength" ...…
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Hello all I am really enjoying my dt400e. I have a question in regards to the rpms the bike runs very strong but seems to fall flat around 6500 rpms is this common to the bike as its stock and I really don't intend on running it in the redline I just noticed the other day in 3rd gear I tried to redline it just to see if it would and it just falls flat at around 6500. Just wandering Thanks Robert
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Hi there i have a Yamaha CT3. From the engine casings and reed valve and info from the Yamaha enduros US website ispts from 1973. However someone has registered as 1969 based on the CT1 engine and frame number. To change this, I need some evidence form an owners club. Can anyone advise me please? thanks, ian
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bought a 1986 125 dt lc early in the year and trying to get in ready for an mot so I can use it. Replaced lots of consumables and new fork seals but having trouble with the lights. No joy with brake or indicator lights can anyone give me a pointer where to start? Thanks
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Hello Guys I have a been working on two Yamaha rebuilds a TZR 125 and a TZR 50 , the TZR 50 is a 2002 would anyone have the details for piston ring gap ? I am repairing for a friend and do not want to have to buy the workshop manual. I would be very great full for any help .
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Hi. I have an XJ6 Diversion. It is water-cooled, 4 cylinder. Today on the 15 mile commute to work I noticed the digital temperature reading fluctuating wildly. When I was travelling around 20 mph the temperature displayed 90C. When I stopped at lights the temp displayed jumped within 3 seconds to 108C. The maximum reading is normally 103C when stationary and idling. When I stopped the bike then switched on again, but with the engine not running, the gauge displayed a maximum of 112C and the radiator fan was running very fast. Once on the journey a red temperature light flashed for less than a second. Any idea what the problem might be? I am guessing 1) the sen…
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