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Yamaha Workshop

Seek advice and share knowledge on motorcycle repairs, modifications, and troubleshooting, or learn from the expertise of fellow mechanics and enthusiasts.

  1. Started by Grouch,

    I've gone through plenty of clutch/throttle cables over the years and after the latest one today I'm not sure about something. On the end of the cable which goes into the actual clutch lever or throttle there is always a plastic bit around the bar. Every time I have done this I have always cut the plastic bit off. But today I'm thinking am I meant to, or have I just been an idiot for the past x amount of years?

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  2. Started by Number14,

    I've just acquired a 2000 Diversion an,d looking through its history, there have been a couple of "wiring" issues. There's a manual for an alarm in the paperwork but no alarm fitted and, on looking inside the front fairing, there appears to be a fair amount of electrical tape wrapped around various wires. I don't know what's been tapped into or disconnected in the hidden parts of the loom. The price of a new loom is extortionate and second hand ones can come with their own problems so I am thinking of making my own replacement loom. I reckon I can source the connectors, cabling and sleeping for less than £100 and my time is free. I've got the wiring diagrams …

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  3. Anybody know if Custom Rewind in Birmingham, Alabama is still in business?? I called Gary at the phone number 205-798-7282 sounds like a fax line and no answering machine... Or, anyone have advice on where to get my 1978 SR500 stator fixed up? Thx!

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  4. Started by Enduro100,

    Hi guys and gals. I'm new to the forum hope alls well in the land of yam. I'm rebuilding a 1977 DT100 and would love to hear advice from anyone on parts and tips. I'm rebuilding the crank at the mo but struggling to find a big end bearing. Also what's the best way of getting verious shims for the engine love to hear from you guys

      • Thanks
    • 6 replies
  5. Hi there, I have an oldrunner Yamaha XJ600 (build year 1989) 51J. It has been running well but started to make trouble a month ago. The starter (notably when cold, usually not when warm) just turns the engine around for a few rounds and then stops with a noticeable click (not sure if this sound comes directly from the starter or somewhere else). This recurs when pressing starter button. The green gear light goes off as well when pressing the button and comes back after releasing it, the red oil indicator is dead all the way. Kill switch appears to make things a bit better when turning off and back on. After trying to start for 5-6 times (pressing starter button and t…

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  6. Started by small paul,

    Hi guys, my 1979 xs250 is running rich,sooty plugs,should i try adjusting ,the mixture screw,the manuel says 1 to 2 turns out,can i try bringing them out a bit more,what do you think.

  7. Started by Lb80chappy,

    Hello everyone! Newb here, I own a 79 yamaha chappy lb80. This bike has over 12000 miles and i think the engine is worn. recently i noticed a lack of power and compression usually after a long ride. Everything is clean, sparkplug is new, carb rebuilt, clean airfilter and exhaust. In low gear at full throttle i was able to keep the bike from moving by keeping my feet planted. Ive talked to several people saying i probobly need to bore out the engine. But have been told no bore kit exists for this bike. And would probobly need to find someone to do a custom job which could run up to 1000$ or more. Any advice on getting more power or if any bore kits exist or which cylinders…

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  8. Hi ladies & gents, hope you're all well. I wonder if you can help me?! My engine light on my yam XVS Dragstar 650, keeps coming on and off, not just in one day, but it'll come on for a few hours then not for couple of days or more etc. Anyway today my friend and I were counting flashes while the bike was not running (obviously) and we counted 5 & 7. I can't seam to find anywhere what fault code could that be and I've been looking online and in my bike manual. I was wondering if it could by any chance be loose wire within regulator rectifier considering that we have discovered today, that make shift bracket that was created to hold this regulator rectifier, is cra…

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  9. Started by marikmarkham,

    Hi guys does anyone know where I could get the parts list from or the Ignition barrel as I need a new one for my dad's Yamaha rs 125 dx 1983 1976 - 1984 Thanks Guys

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  10. Within the last couple of weeks my dt125 has started stuttering around when you reach the powerband. It also jerks forward a bit while it stutters. I haven't changed anything on the bike recently so I don't know why this has stared happening. Just yesterday I took the carb off and cleaned it out as I thought the main jet might be getting blocked but that didn't solve the problem. I have also tried multiple spark plugs. Some things I have noticed: it doesn't do it nearly as bad if at all when the bike hasn't yet reached full temperature, so for the first minute after pulling away the bike feels so much better. I've got some sound clips where can hear the problem. Clip1 C…

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  11. Started by huxley,

    I have just finished running in my RD250 LC after a 0.5mm rebore.It has a set of Allspeeds,standard air box,non tuned barrels and standard carbs.It also has new main and big end bearings and new crankshaft seals. When I try to rev it into the powerband (4000 - 5000 rpm ) it has a hell of a flat spot and to best describe it it gurgles and struggles to get there.I can slip the clutch to help it out ,but I don,t really want to do this. My needle clip is set 4 notches from the top and rest of the carb is as standard. Any help please Huxley.

  12. Started by mcferreira100,

    Hi..i have a TZR250 1KT which after restoration found the bike had no spark. Took it to a friend who after some testing decided to replace stator with a spare he had. He wanted his stator back so I had mine rewound..tested for spark and we put it back in but found it had no spark again. I know my stator works so after some enquiring have been told there is a difference in the 1KT and 2MA ignition systems (one uses earth to kill spark and other uses positive) which could mean bypassing something in the ignition switch to get it working. Im still using the borrowed stator and trying to get the guy to sell it to me. Can anyone shed some light on what is going on?

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  13. Hello, I've tried and tried again to get the search working for me, but I failed miserably. So I'll try and see if any of the pros here can help out for a second. My girlfriend got back into motorcycles, we found a YBR 250 for her (fuel-injected, 40k miles, pristine visual condition), but now she's having issues in 3rd gear and up with the bike jumping a bit (I've noticed this as well, but I figured it may be my non-female weight and abused throttle-hand). Previous owner changed oil and oil filters (mechanics did) recently. Checked the spark plug, black, sooty but not oily. Seems to run rich. Thought the carb needs inspecting, realised it's actually FI (you see …

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  14. Hey everyone! So! i've been lurking here for ages, reading just about everything about my bike for the past year or so, but alas, i am stuck. (it was about time i signed up and said hi anyways!) I feel like i've tried just about everything so i am at your mercy! it's a long one so i apologize, and it was my first experience really working on the bike! So to start at the beginning... Around November (the last time i rode it) the bike was starting to sound a little rough. Sounded a bit like knocking on the engine, but otherwise started first try and had no visible exhaust smoke etc... Put the bike away for winter storage. Got the bike out of …

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  15. Started by C.Fenoulhet,

    Hi everyone the wheels on my !988 xv1100 are crap but I have been given the opportunity to purchase a spoked rear wheel from a 1996 xv535 can anyone tell me will it just be a straight swap or am I looking at fabricating it to fit many thanks Chris

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  16. Started by Tommy xs,

    The first couple of times this happened I thought it was just me pulling the lever slightly as I accelerated, l mean it does nearly pull yer arms out of their sockets when she goes. But seems to be happening more often now even when I know my hand is off the lever so looking round on the web thing some advise is to change the clutch spring, but I'm thinking might be better to do plates as well while I'm in there as I'll need a new gasket anyway might as well just buy a clutch kit and know its done, any advise on brand ect and any tips from the FJ boys as its almost the same motor.

  17. Started by OgnenVajs,

    So in the past week the bike worked fine, all of a sudden when I started it, it didn't want to start for atleast 2-3 minutes, it showed signs of starting but wouldn't start wothout 2-3 minutes od trying. After the first start of the day, the bike runs fine with no problems at all, and after turning it off and on again, it starts right up with no problems, but after I leave it not started for a while (5-6 hours) and try to start it again, it does the same thing, doesn't start without 2-3 minutes of trying. The bike is a 2009 Yamaha WR125X.

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  18. Started by huxley,

    Hello everyone, I am now getting desperate with my DT 175 E american import. I have a good spark,fuel and the timing is spot on.but the bike still wont start.I have manually injected fuel into the plug hole and then tried to kick and bump the bike,but still no starting. I have tried spraying "sure start" into the carb and plug hole,but still no start. Occasionally I will get a fraction of a second of running when fuel or "sure start" is added ,but that is all. Has anyone got any ideas. Cheers

    • 3 replies
  19. Hi All I'm borderline desperate for som help and advice. I have a FZR600R Foxeye which I have had for a few years and has just been sitting in the garage. I've been trying to get it up and running for a few years but just havnt had a long enough period to spend some time on it. So I've dedicated a week to get it sorted. So here's the issue. I can start the bike and have to say it starts up fine every time. I leave it to idle and warm up for around 5-10 mins. And when I give it the slightest bit of throttle it cuts out. There are no drops in the revs. It just cuts out completely. Instrument panel stays lit but have to hit the starter button to fire it up a…

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  20. Started by Whyohwhybr,

    Hi peeps, I hope I'm not repeating this question, I've had a search through and I can't see that it's been asked. I picked up an old beat up YBR2009 from the place I'm taking my direct access from, for cheap. It's obviously been crashed as the front fairing is cracked. I'm moving to Switzerland in 5 weeks and will be in no position to buy one there so I'm going to take it with me, I'll be city commuting anyway! I'd like to spruce it up a little as I don't like the fact that it's cracked. My question is, is it possible to replace the fairing style front end with the open lamp found in the YBR custom? Thanks

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