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Dive into the world of randomness, where any non-motorcycle related topic, idea, or thought can be explored, regardless of relevance.

  1. Started by Cynic,

    Hey people, happy new year one and all. Ride safe and I hope to see you about.. J

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  2. Started by slice,

    Been trying to post to the site and read the posts for the last couple of days, I keep getting "ERROR CODE EX2" almost every time I do anything, is this happening to you? My profile - crashes the page - Activity - crashes the page Unread post - crashes the page. Seriously thinking it's time to move on. Sent details to "SUPPORT" and heard nothing back, this is since the last upgrade mind not the one before that changed everything! Going to miss you guys and girls but it's not worth all this hassle anymore, take care and ride safe, catch you on the flip side.

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  3. Started by Harrywr65,

    So here goes my rant, on way home from work the other night, down a dual carriageway coming upto a roundabout. I'm in the inside lane, due to traffic we was rolling at about 20mph, I never filter over 15mph so I'm holding back going with the flow and bang, this twat in the right hand lane (on his phone) just pulls over to the left and comes straight across me. When I say his bumper must of been an inch or two away from my front wheel I'm not lying! I slammed my brakes on as I was going faster them him, he didn't even know. After a wee beep to make him aware I'm there he starts giving me the finger, and a from what I could see a mouthful! So, traffic comes to a st…

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  4. Started by Noise,

    Hi folks, Sorry for not being on for a while just been busy with work as I have now been given a new job which I am now a mechanical technician building sonar systems. Project hakka is getting better and I now have the engine fully built but the chop is still on the back burner. Hope your all well and had a good Christmas and new year? Did you all get what you needed?

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  5. Started by Katie1,

    As usual, we had some mental time (read that however you want!) on our hands over Xmas. So, this year's adventure was to update some classic quotes that we thought could be better... Could be from film or literature but the rule was, they have to be famous! So, here's ours, feel free to add Frankly my dear, not one fuck will be given. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. How’s never, is never good for you? And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it’s your fucking mobile

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  6. Started by neversaydie,

    After 48 years of hard graft, I've decided to chuck it in and finish at 64. Not quite sure how we're going to manage without income the next 12 months, but something'll turn up I'm sure. Started in 68, at the old iron and steel works at Stanton Ironworks, massive site, around 10,000 worked there at the time, wonderful memories of that place, proper old characters, many of whom saw action 39-45. A few jobs in between, some great fun, some bloody awful. Gonna need to fill my time in the new year

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  7. Started by slice,

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  8. Started by Harrywr65,

    This will make you lot laugh, picked up my bike earlier from Yamaha from its first 600 mile service. So, I set off on my way to realise they've messed about with my clutch, ( I know they've got to tighten it up but if felt horrible!!). Once I got home I had a look at the invoice, they've charged nearly £15 in SUNDRIES, and £5 for 'environmental disposal' - being in the motor trade I know that 'sundries' is not £15 !! Nor getting rid of the old filter and oil is a fiver worth! Never going back, servicing it myself from now on... Rip off!

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  9. Started by Cynic,

    Ok, imagine the scene, at the security office of a delivery I make a couple of times a week. Meet a new security guard. Make pleasantries, usual tripe about your day, boss is a w'nker etc. Then he comes out with the "Got all your PPE", Nope, need a hat says I. at the same time as the hat, he hands me some safety glasses. Don't need them, can't wear em because of my glasses and you don't have the overglasses ones. I know because as said I have been delivering there for months a couple of times a week. He comes out with, "Its health and safety you have to wear safety glasses". No says I, "i can't wear those because I will have to remove my PRESCRI…

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  10. Started by Malleus,

    So currently trying to sell my bike, first interest I have is certainly a scam. From the second email this was clear, but I thought I would play along and see what happens. Here is the convo; (Scammer asked if it was still for sale first, the message seemed like a scam then so was rather abrupt) Yes, the Yamaha is still for sale. Hi, I'll like to know it present condition. I can't come to view it because I’m recovering from surgery. Why do you need to sell it ? Any accident history? Sorry my phone is not active as I just came back from the hospital after several weeks. (O really? - How exactly will you be driving this bike then, and who doesn't have a phone) It is in good…

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  11. Started by lallasro,

    first snow here... fuck... I hate winters

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  12. Started by jimmy,

    I know a lot of folk on here are keen on Martial Arts, so congratulations to my eldest boy who just successfully completed his Black Belt grading in Tae Kwon Do.....Need to watch what I say to him now....

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  13. Started by drewpy,

    Her 1st love broke up with her tonight, its heart wrenching listening to her sobbing her heart out. I just want to go round to his house and give him what for, I'm so angry. hope this gets easier for all 1 upset dad

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  14. Started by slice,

    Can't see why you would want one but if you can build it and it makes you happy!

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  15. Started by slice,

    This is the day you remember all the arseholes you met during the last year, I'm up to 47 , should explain, took someones advice over a bit of work I was doing, now have to redo what took me a week.

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  16. Started by wild foamy,

    Bagpuss, bagpuss oh fat furry catpuss, wake up and look at this thing that I bring... You may now call me... Captain Foamy!

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  17. Started by jimmy,

    If there was any doubt that God is Scottish, He showed his true colours in the evening sky tonight

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  18. thought I'd start putting the pikkies from the Classic TT on here. no doubt Tommy will do the same too ready for the off arriving at the camp met a couple of guys from Newcastle, this is Barry he asked me if i knew what the weather was tomorrow and I said yes Peel Castle chillin on the Glencrutchery road found Kev's trousers for sale in Douglarse Joey Dunlop and Tommy Murray's Museum near Fairy Bridge this moose was hanging around so took a pickie. wanted to know what the character was, she said Lindsey. so its Lindsey the moose, with a mte we arranged to meet there got grandstand tickets for the friday at the creg we …

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  19. Started by wild foamy,

    Peeps, it is mushy cider brainfart time of night... Turbo... With downdraught carbs (a la project Fuck), is it a possibility?, or would it simply shit all over itself and blow things up?

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