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The Bar

A laid-back spot for off-topic conversations, mingling, and building camaraderie among motorcycle enthusiasts.

  1. Started by yammie girl,

    swiped this from another site

    • 23 replies
  2. Started by JohnR6,

    Hi Guys, Can anyone give me any good tips to look out for when buying a 2nd hand bike? Can you tell if a bike's been crashed etc? :? Cheers. 8)

    • 12 replies
  3. Started by Pete,

    She's not here yet then? OK...when you get here Yammie, can you have a tidy up around the forum....you know, bit of hoovering and dusting. 8) And put the kettle on as well Luv!

    • 70 replies
  4. ... ... ... ...

    • 11 replies
  5. Started by liquidcooled,

    ok forum members, get a piccy of yourself posted. here's my ugly mug

    • 91 replies
  6. Started by yammie girl,

    im all on my own :cry:

    • 107 replies
  7. Started by Piston_Ported,

    Virtual cards behind the bar! sup up! 8)

    • 54 replies
  8. Started by TarkMalbot,

    Is there anywhere we can upload our photos to show in the Gallery? I have finally got a few pics of my SRX. :wink:

    • 2 replies
  9. Started by JohnR6,

    Hi guys, Was talking to my colleague at work who's interested in doing his CBT and I said that we can attend the same training school some time next month when I go for my DAS. As we were quietly chatting away, a few of my other colleagues rudely butted in and started to put us totally off bikes and lecturing us like we were stupid kids! They were saying that bikes are dangerous as cars can easily knock bikers over (This is true, but can't put us off bikes because there's W&NKER drivers around) and they said they can't see us riding a bike for more than 3 weeks!! (How insulting!!! :evil: ) What the hell wrong with them! They kept putting doubts in our heads sa…

    • 46 replies
  10. Started by yammie girl,

    Just had new chain and spockets fitted. how much does this cost all u lot.....id like some comparision to see if ive been ripped of or not!! the set was X-ring chain and spocket set

    • 15 replies
  11. Started by JohnR6,

    Hi guys, I read this on the R6 forum and thought I should share it here. "Riding without boots and crashing might cost you some road rash or foot mash or even in an extreme case might lead to amputation. You might never walk without a limp. You might battle a weight and fitness problem for the rest of your life. You might never walk with pain. But it probably wouldn't kill you. Riding without gloves and crashing might cost you some road rash or a Munched hand or the severe, excrutiating pain of mangling a body part rich with nerve endings. Or you could lose a finger or two. It could cost you the ability to play ball with your son, to pr…

    • 15 replies
  12. Started by JohnR6,

    Hi Guys, When you ride a motorbike.....does both of the flat of your feet have to be able to touch the ground? I'm about 5'8'' and was just wondering if both of my feet is going to reach the ground flat on a sportbike? :?

    • 19 replies
  13. Started by liquidcooled,

    john mcguinness had a good win on his yam 8) 122mph lap, that's shifting :shock: anyone following the tt?

    • 20 replies
  14. Started by skyline,

    went my exam today at school on my bike at 1:30, then i had a horbile 3 hours exam. came out to my bike about to undo the disk lock and thought, thats wierd looks like i twiseted a bit of frame, look underneath and no, its not the frame, its the lack of a fucking exhaust, somone robbed it clean. stole my k and n kit and ripped the side fairing off so that they cud get to the exhaust. all this on a church carpark as well. so looks like im off the road for a while, and i dont think ill be able to afford a bigger bike after all

    • 7 replies
  15. Started by liquidcooled,

    • 34 replies
  16. Started by liquidcooled,

    anyone going to be watching it or do you think it's alot of shite like me :roll: i really do not like football, i cant stress this enough, they show it all the bloody time on telly :roll: :evil: where's the fucking tt coverage? no bloody sign of that. have to watch men&motors to see it!

    • 16 replies
  17. Started by skyline,

    im going for my 33 break test on the 29th of june just wandering what its like, ie what have a gotta do, is it basically just the cbt?

    • 11 replies
  18. Started by Beezkneez,

    am i the only one getting pissed with people joining the forum just to post something for sale..then fuck off and never post again :evil:

    • 18 replies
  19. Started by YamaHead,

    ........I don't feel any older today on my 42nd Birthday :? Probably because i'm working loads of OT as of late...........just like I always seem to be doing around my birthday :roll: .........gotta work on Saturday this weekend, but I'm getting next weekend off to take the missus & my little lad out for some camping 8) The weather is starting to finally improve, so I might get the chance to test out the new Ski Boat this Sunday :tu I'd surely rather be RIDING on my birthday, but I'll settle for a well-deserved weekend away from Everything next weekend :wink:

    • 13 replies
  20. ........when aliases start turning up! :roll: Are some of you thinking the same as me? 8)

    • 21 replies