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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. tell us more...are you riding the bike when as you say you cant move to 2nd
  2. yeah, first place the bike on the centre stand and turn the wheel in increments through two full revolutions...checking how much slack there is as you go. You will no doubt find a spot where the chan is least slack...this is the point at which you should adjust to the specified slack as per the manual (note where the wheel is by looking at the position of the tyre valve). Now place the bike on it's wheels and onto the sidestand with the wheel in the position you noted the least slack...check the slack now and adjust if necessary. Unfortunately the clicking sound is indicative of a seized link and is normally loudest when the motor is under power...I'm afraid it often means a new chain is needed!...you can sometimes see this by noting a kink in some of the links If you renew a chain you should renew both the sprockets also
  3. Greetings Ed, sound bad!...like an engine strip down!!
  4. Greetings Chris the YBR is a great choice
  5. check the connections to the indicator relay paul
  6. Hey Mike Have a great day
  7. seen the pic now...WOW!!! ask him if he's going to give it away sometime...first dibs
  8. Cant see the pic drewpy but he's got a nice MV eh? Hope I'll bump into him sometime this year Glad to hear hes still very much alive mate
  9. sidestand switches are a weak point but they arent 'in play' when in neutral are they? There is also the clutch switch interlock (just guessing) maybe thats slow to pop out when the lever is pulled?
  10. Ahh yes it's the pull knob type...no mistaking the operation of those is there, sometimes the metal pivoted lever types can be though...i was wondering if it was one of those. Try it with the air filter removed...It should need choke when It's cold without a doubt
  11. its second best, if find 3 in 1 is better than 2 in1. " in 1 is definititely missing something Theres definitely something amiss isnt there, make sure there isnt any tight bends in the cable...that the route is the easiest possible
  12. arent you confusing choke ON with choke OFF ? what kind of choke operating mechanism is it?
  13. check your clutch cable isnt frayed or sticking, disconnect it at both ends...it should move silky smooth...get a cable oiler too
  14. I dont suppose the gear lever has slipped a spline?
  15. Thanks for the heads-up merv Hmmm just tried 3 different part numbers = 3 failures!
  16. a year and a half is a long time and the chances are that the fuel in the carb has evaporated and gunked up the carburetor, it may also have gone a bit stale in the tank, try draining the fuel from the carb bowl you may find a screw at the bottom for this..see my signature line
  17. Good its fixed for now, keep a spare plug on you and a spanner when you're out on it, hopefully it wont be a regular occurance lots of people ride with pv's pinned in a fixed position hopefully you can join in the fun
  18. yes and the rough running can flood the crankcase so it may be helpful to remove the plug overnight to allow any potential excess fuel to evaporate away
  19. yeah we didnt get them here in the UK, surely you can find info in Aus? since they were imported there..tried a dealers?
  20. Its got a standard 180 in John so it cant be too big
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