Everything posted by welshwan
New Virus Comming
That's what we in the industry call 'complete fucking bullshit' Usually known as 'chain letters' - Here's a wiki page about chain letters wiki For the love of god, if you get an email from a Nigerian prince wanting to give you his riches. MARK AS SPAM AND DELETE.
Back to work
70 PFFFTTT. They work out retirement age by how old people are living on average (among otherthings) - and let's face it that people who work labour intensive jobs will NOT live as long as office workers. I'm 21 now and am pretty sure they'll have us working till about 80 for scraps of gov pensions.
Guide to powerbands, megapower
Thanks for that, just ordered a red powerband for my husky........ warp-speed here i come.
new bike test rules from 19th january 2013
I'm currently stuck on the A2 license.....only about 18 months until i can do the full test.
YBR125/XT125 parts interchangability?
Does that mean if you buy a newer top end could you convert to fuel injection instead of carb?
close call.
Poor riding skills......hell i can corner better on nobblies then that stupid cunt on a sports bike Time to trade that in for a BMX i think.
Yamaha XT125 06 Headlight
A Guid New Year
Happy new year everyone
Yamaha XT125 06 Headlight
Knew you'd like it, just make sure you switch it off when you meet a car coming the other way though lol
XT125 spotlight(s)
glad you are happy with it! They are bloody good lights As far as mods for a 125 4 stroke - this are probably the best mod you can do to them.
Cleaning a really mucked up Bike
ahh well, it'll look good until then though Good job by the way, are the slightly darker bits under brackets?
motoscotland video
Looks like you're in for a great time Tommy!
Really frustrated at running engine in
it's only 200 more miles...don't be silly man. Do as the manufacturer recommends, or it'll all end in tears!
Britten Story
I watched the whole thing....fair play to the man! He had a plan and he made it happen. funky looking bike too
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
New toy :D
fair enough man! i guess with big CC comes big torque as well as power rumor has it that maico once made a 760 2 stroke!
New toy :D
i understand for sure man! those gas gas 300 2 smokers would make an awesome supermoto! .... not sure i would want to try and get all that top end rev power down on the dirt though! my husky is easy enough off road if you keep below about half revs anything after that and you are chucking up crazy dirt and the back end of it difficult to keep inline..... i'm getting used to it slowly! the bike has tons of torque you can climb hills just about ticking over in 4th but with a 2 smoke all the power right up the top end....... it would certainly be fun anyways! can't go wrong with a triumph man! what is it a 750? any idea what they are supposed to top out at?
New toy :D
nice one man! supermotos and enduros are my kind of bike BUT i must admit that thing looks great! congrats dude! I've now sold my XT, so no longer own a Yamaha ..... Still this place is great! and they've not kicked me out yet hahahah
2005 XT125R starter motor newbie
sorry i haven't a bloody clue about the starter motor on these things.....and as mine has been sold i can't go and check. HOWEVER i'm pretty damn sure that mine didn't have a kill switch on the handle bars! Also mine would start in gear with the clutch in and would keep running when put on the side stand.......so no NASA type start up routine. very interesting
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
- X-Factor
I was thinking, another campaign to get RAGE to the number one spot for 2013 just like back in 2009 - but maybe a different song this time... 'killing in the name' is an amazing track, but certainly one of their most overplayed one too! how about 'bullet in your head' just have a look at these lyrics!.....shits on the nonsense that dominates the charts. This time the bullet cold rocked ya A yellow ribbon instead of a swastika Nothin' proper about ya propaganda Fools follow the rules when the set commands ya They said, it was blue when the blood was red That is how you got a bullet, blasted through your head Blasted through your head, blasted through your head I give a shout out to the living dead Who stood and watched at the feds cold centralized So serene on the screen, you was mesmerized Cellular phones, soundin' a death tone Corporations cold, turn ya to stone before you realize They load the clip in omni color Said, they pack the 9, they fire it at prime time Sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz And muthafuckas lost their minds Just victims of the in-house drive-by They say jump, you say how high Yeah Just victims of the in-house drive-by They say jump, you say how high Run it Check-a, check-a, check it out They load the clip in omni color They pack the 9, they fire it at prime time Sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz And muthafuckas lost their minds No escape from the mass mind rape Play it again Jack and then rewind the tape Play it again and again and again Until ya mind is locked in Believin' all the lies that they are tellin' ya Buyin' all the products that they are sellin' ya They say jump, ya say how high Ya brain dead Ya gotta fuckin' bullet in your head Just victims of the in-house drive-by They say jump, you say how high Yeah Just victims of the in-house drive-by They say jump, you say how high Ya standin' in line Believin' the lies Ya bowin' down to the flag Ya got a fuckin' bullet in ya head Ya standin' in line Believin' the lies Ya bowin' down to the flag Ya got a fuckin' bullet in ya head A bullet in ya head A bullet in ya head A bullet in ya head A bullet in ya head A bullet in ya head A bullet in ya head Ya have got to bullet in ya fuckin' head Yeah Yeah my favorite bits have to be: 'This time the bullet cold rocked ya A yellow ribbon instead of a swastika Nothin' proper about ya propaganda Fools follow the rules when the set commands ya' and 'They load the clip in omni color They pack the 9, they fire it at prime time Sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz And muthafuckas lost their minds' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_-QGNUYL5g
Hello from Wales
Welcome! Where abouts in Wales? Those Diversion 600s are pretty popular...you should be able to find parts fairly easily
XT125 spotlight(s)
Hi sorry bgibbon, i completely forgot to reply to the other thread i used the mount that comes with it- drilled a small hole on the side of the headlight fairing......i'll get a pic up once imageshack wants to work! and the switch was just a basic on/off aftermarket light switch. something like this..... Link looks just like that one. I never bothered, BUT it is highly advised that you use a fuse the prevent a whole load of trouble.
as happy as a pig in s**t :)
Congrats matey! feels good, don't it Try not to get pulled over within a week for speeding like i may or may not have done.........