Everything posted by bindie
Bikesure Competition Time
well done tommy
XV535 Running Issues
fully charge the battery, check battery is charging when bike is running, (as above should be around 13 - 14v), if this isn't happening possibly reg / rec gone and this in turn could cause damage to the battery if it is charging to high 14.5v + coud be a faulty battery...maybe a dodgy cell
Best way to quieten an exhaust
looking to make the exhausts on the virago 535 a bit quieter , currently it has slash cuts with no baffles, these exhausts could even at one point have been marked "not for highway use". I know ....go buy another exhaust system...not an option at the minute , looking for a reasonably cost effective way that preferably dont envolve modifying the exhausts by drilling into them. any ideas guys.
Miles to a tank
got a 535, if i ride like a lunitic, i burn fuel if i watch what i'm doing , being sensible (bad word for a 48 yr old child), conservative mpg, what do u want staight thru pipes ..less mpg....,road legal system, proper jetting and tuning,.... realistic mpg, in my opinion your style of riding + whether town / city / motorway/ riding ..lots of low gear riding all contibute....regular servicing, helps , if ur like me (a tellytubbie) u use more than a 10stone slender git, load of factors to consider
- money no object
Virago spares suppliers
e bay , webmoto and a breakers site called gissit
YOC race.............................
whats the latest odds on the race for grouch , foamy and the ambulance
if only yamaha made vans..
or sell it to tesco
dragstar kill switch
clean up the contacts, check the switch operation with a continuety tester, if still not working properly as gizmo said bridge out the contacts so switch is permenantly "on".
xv535 Sight Glass
2.6l for oil change on xv 535, 2.8l for oil and filter change,
Scottish Motorcycle Show
Scottish Motorcycle Show happening this weekend 9/10 march, will be going on saturday
10w40 semi synthetic engine oil
use mineral oil on my 535, change oil /oil filter /plugs /air filter / fuel filter every year, bike runs fine, do add fuel additive for over winter and ytop up with "premium" fuel every third tank
Snow Again !!!!!!!!!
well here it is again....., well i suippose , january, scotland....snow
650 Dragstar rear wheel removal
there are a few vids of this on you tube, worth checking out as one of them might help
- free muc-off
Battery woes
if possible take it to a local bike garage / dealers and ask if they can test it for you. i got a motobatt battery for the virago, and i have to say i'm very impressed,
Anyone fancy a bite to eat?
wheres the marmalade for the toast ???
newbie from scotland
Hi and
- Smoking
650 Dragstar not clicking?
not sure about the dragstar , on the virago the fuel pump "clicks" when ignition is switched on, is there a fuse / relay that powers the fuel pump on your model ?
What's your dream bike?
Always fancied one of these
Left Wick(north of scotland) at about 0800, temp was 12 degrees, got to Inverness, temp about 19 degrees, quick service call(well gotta work sometime), left an hour and a bit later, coming down the A9 it reached around 23 degrees got back to Fife 22degrees, pity i was in the van and not on the bike
New battery Yamaha SR125
i got a motobatt battery for the virago, and so far, its only been 3 weeks, does what it says, scared to fart near the starter button in case it bursts into life,
- Songwriting competition
Worst drivers on the road!
mmmm....drive white van( well blue and white with some writing on it) through the day bmw 3 series looks like im in the lower half of the bad drivers at least i got the virago for my weekends