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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    DR sixfiddy

    It's a bike so it's welcome, nothing really wrong with it so might just need fettling, those jobs shouldn't take to long and you'll have a nice bike. You could chase sheep round the hill's Welshwan.
  2. Hi Gemma Welcome to the YOC, as above your best bet is to isolate the alarm/imobiliser and see if that cures the fault if not then come back and we can walk you through various other options till it behaves.
  3. Why not just take your own cover off sand it down and spray it to look like the one in the advert? you just need to make sure that the wrong bolt does not go in the wrong hole when you reassemble it, usually some are longer than others so make sure to mark them as you take them out !! Having a think about this and you could just get a piece of cardboard punch holes in it and then put each bolt through in the order they came out, even draw the outline of your case on it and that way you have no problems getting it back together. You should not need any "SPECIAL" tools as such just the right spanner and an oil drain pan to collect the oil, like most bikes you have to drain the oil out before you take the case off, sorry if you knew that already, plus a NEW gasket when you reassemble it, should take about an hour to take it off and replace it plus however long it takes you to respray the case of course.
  4. slice

    new toy

    You gotta admire the things a man and his shed can achieve.
  5. A "FEMTOMETER" the smallest thing I have to do wrong before my wife knows I have Fu**ed up !!!!
  6. Although it looks mad I wonder if just the shear amount of traffic and the slow speed keeps the death toll down to only a couple of thousand a day ???
  7. Hi Jeremy glad you joined and welcome to the YOC, lot's of info on your bike on the net and some on here have owned do own your type of bike so most of your questions will get a reply I should think, as your new to the biking thing does that mean you have NEVER ridden before? If so then the first thing you need to do is get into a training scheme to give you the do's and don'ts of riding, lot's of your countrymen/women on here and very welcome they are and they can point you to the best type of training out where you are. Good luck with your bike.
  8. Clutch drag is where the plates are not open enough when you try to change gear, so the term drag, try turning the adjuster a quarter turn and see if that cures it, keep going till you get a nice clean change but don't have clutch slip. CLUTCH SLIP a whole other section so don't worry about it till you get it and then we can tell you how to cure it if needs be ok?
  9. My WIFE as if I was in there with anyone else she would kill me.
  10. I will be going from STROUD up the M5 so if your passing we can meet at Gloucester Noise.
  11. Drewpy I am NOT putting the FJ tank in a cement mixer !!! But thanks for the link will give them a call.
  12. The difference is tho that the 800 will still be going 200 miles down the road and the 2 stroke will be stripped down and having new rings and pistons fitted, just goes to show tho that just cos it's big don't mean it's fast and I prefer the sound of the 2 stroke to the cruiser which I find sounds flat and a bit off.
  13. slice

    engine swop

    See Tommy even Feliks say's this and he's on the other side of the world !!!!
  14. Pink T-shirt and Sausage eaters??? I think NOT peeps, that has a whole other meaning if you get my drift. Sorry and all but each to his own as it were but not a road I wish to travel !!!!! Sorry DT nice try tho.
  15. Jimmy if your in your PANTS while answering this STOP IT NOW !!! Bad enough I have to look like a burk without the picture I now have thank you !!! Anyway back to the point, thanks guys will look at some of the options on offer and get back to you, still not looking forward to shaking this damned great tank about it must weigh 10 pounds all by itself let alone with a gallon of water and a few pounds of sand in it !!!
  16. slice

    engine swop

    Christ what a load of bollocks !!! Just to have your engine overhauled, ignore them and say you forgot to tell them and that even supposes that you will fall off or run into someone while it's in there !!!! Who wants to go through all that just for a couple of weeks that the thing will be out of the bike plus I bet even if the worst happened you could say it was in there when you bought it and no one would be any the wiser, unless of course they read this post in which case your screwed.
  17. I will have one Foams/Drewpy that way if I have the shirt I have to go, plus I can use it to sit on to ease my sore backside after 200 miles on the XJ.
  18. Ok peeps I have just looked inside the FJs tank and it's a bit of a horror story lot's of surface rust and general crud and bit's of stuff floating around inside, I seem to remember many years ago you could pour sand (play type) and water into the tank and sort of slosh it around and that would get most of the crud out but was wondering if over the years if someone had come up with a better way than doing a maracas dance in the garage ?? Is there or have you heard of anything that gets the tank clean without giving the impression of doing a bad Dad dance in the dark of your garage, sorry just had a horrible picture of self shaking like I have epilepsy!! Someone MUST have come up with some sort of chemical that will do this without all the shake rattle and roll I seem to remember from days gone by. Any advice appreciated or your own horror stories gleefully accepted.
  19. Good for you Grouch, now get the manual and find out how to do it yourself and save loads more money.
  20. Sounds good to me DT, as long as they let you know what's going on, nothing worse than some scrote telling you "we have it" then finding out it will be 4 weeks for delivery and not a word of apology or what's going on. At least they apologised and told you what was happening that's worth it's weigh in gold all by itself.
  21. slice

    close call

    SON OF A BITCH !! that was close, bet he needs new underwear now and the poor sod in the traffic opposite must have thought he was toast. Just goes to show what a wonderful drug adrenaline is.
  22. They are smashing mate look really cool and you must be quite proud of them. hope the folks who bought them off you were impressed by your skill.
  23. slice

    Then and Now

    Took me a while to find it if I'm honest, found it on one of the more obscure websites, most just list it a unavailable. No idea where it is or even if it is still on the road but nice to know it's out there mate.
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