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Everything posted by sniff6

  1. more suspicious of this one ??? http://www.gumtree.c...pares/111207954 Why part out a good bike???
  2. I'm surprised he did not try to blame you for causing it and pay for the damage!!!
  3. Dont worry no need for pills or exercise!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=vfOQ3O4kD3I
  4. sniff6

    Kate Middleton

    RIGHT off to the Tower with him!!!!
  5. I had to read that twice before realising it said "sat" on her chest!!
  6. Ummm...But what level of idiots do they fall in campaman?? eg: type [An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counter-productive way.] (Wiki) Standard Idiot. The standard idiot is to the human race what pigeons are to city streets. Irritating whilst simply being themselves and individually harmless whilst large concentrations can prove deleterious to health – mental health, that is. An endearing characteristic of the standard idiot is that once the outward manifestations of idiocy are pointed out, and this may require some patience and the boiling-down of simple concepts, the standard idiot will usually grin in understanding then endeavour to improve themselves. The fact that they were born an idiot generally precludes spectacular progress but the process has a faintly charming quality nonetheless. Danger level – minimal. Type I Idiot. The Type I is as above in many ways but lacking the kindly nature and slightly guilty manner when confronted with evidence of its own idiocy. The Type I is usually either obnoxious or overly friendly, the latter requiring most caution as those unskilled in spotting the more exotic idiot forms may realise somewhat later than is comfortable to tell the offender where to go. Occasionally a vestigial form of learning ability still exists in the Type I and, with extreme stimulation, a punch in the face, perhaps, or telling the offender precisely what you think in good strong language, this recessive attribute may briefly spring to life and exact beneficial change on the individual concerned. Danger level – low to moderate. Type II Idiot. The first of the dangerous varieties, Type IIs are predominantly masters of the over-friendly method because all doorways to the human world would otherwise be closed without this vital coping tool. Mild pity may be taken on examples that combine stupidity with idiocy though these are rare – the majority of type IIs are reasonably intelligent but lack the closed loop linking self-observation to the learning and behavioural-modification centres of the brain. This cerebral short-circuiting is best observed in the Type IIs frequent and expeditious flight into a huff condition when faced with the conflict between idiotic self-recognition and the absence of an innate mechanism for rapid behavioural modification. Patients exhibiting these symptoms are at serious risk of spiralling into the Type III regime of heaping spectacularly stupid acts one upon the next in an orgy of self-defeat. Another seldom-encountered evolution of the Type II is the intelligent / obnoxious variety where the cumbersome matter of outward friendliness is dispensed with in place of learning, researching and accumulating vast tracts of knowledge with which to impress and regale other idiot types and weaker subjects. It should be noted that all Type IIs are dangerous due to a typical inability to modify their stance regardless of how utterly defeated, outgunned or proven wrong they may be. Extended periods of mental hibernation awaiting the trigger that will start them off all over again is typical and may give others some respite but the Type II has a single redeeming feature elevating it above the Type III, this being its modicum of low cunning and on rare occasions the Type II may see a vision – a vision of themselves as others see them – and, although unable to publicly acknowledge this epiphany, they will usually drop from sight at this point never to be seen or heard from again. Danger Level – moderate to high. Type III Idiot. The Type III is to the human race what syphilis is to sex, it represents the highest functioning idiot life-form formally classified by social science. There’s good reason why words do not exist in the English language (nor probably any other) to fill the disbelieving silences left in the wake of Type III activity. Type IIIs are the true masters of the over-friendly technique and with a penchant for overdone pleasantries they make smarming headway through the social orbit of their victims with a desperate need to please and a love of mummy that would make Oedipus blush. True Type IIIs are serial losers with little to show for their stay on the planet, their calling requiring the sacrifice, faith and lifetime dedication of a monk. Career-wise, they find themselves endlessly returned to square-one due to an inability to work with anyone, finally achieving middle-aged stagnation when claimed either by premature redundancy or a weak-willed and last-ditch attempt to work for themselves. But what really sets the Type III apart from other idiot species is their staggering determination to heap one fantastically stupid act on top of the next leaving observers intrigued and dumbstruck in equal measure. The Type III doesn’t rest for a moment – forging relationships that live and die like summer moths it slithers through society like diarrhoea, afflicting many but making no friends in a transitory universe utterly beyond its grasp where only family and other idiot types can tolerate long-term association. Like cancer, two discreet forms exists. The benign form is often found in bureaucratic circles making preposterous rules that no one can understand whilst the malignant form grows as an ugly, unwanted tumour within a social group spawning poisonous platitudes that, due to an inability to learn, alter little with the passage of time.
  7. 'We've done some pretty silly things in our time, but the silliest was burying Spitfires.' http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2012/04/19/buried-treasure-in-burma-squadron-lost-wwii-spitfires-to-be-exhumed/ What are we waiting for lads ,"lets go get 'em"
  8. My first posting in the Army was to Bergen Hohne (Belsen) very weird Going to where the camp was ,A couple of miles up the road.Theres not a lot to see really just mounds with Toten 500 or 1000 written on them.But someone said no birds will fly over the site and to be fair we did not see any???? Quite a moving experience .
  9. I found these Photo's interesting ,So thought i'd share them..NJoy http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/pages/ww2/
  10. Meet Gods gift to women!!! Come on guys would you not want to know his secret???? lol
  11. Did'nt know you was a Jedward fan dirty??
  12. The opening number of Nanda on the Green Show stage at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
  13. Looks like fun!!!! I've seen these before but not so many, are they using the jet skies as pumps???
  14. Perils of being a biker im afraid,Ever since cars and bikes shared the road,,,
  15. sniff6

    New Bike

    I Had the 350 version ,Although not nearly in as good nick as yours. Cost me a tenner way way back .when i was 15. We used to ride on the mount at the back of our house.Oh the Good old days.....
  16. At first sight they may look like some pretty sharp blue photographs, however all those pictures are actually hand drawn with a simple Bic ballpoint pen! http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1vmi11/www.demilked.com/photorealistic-bic-pen-drawings-juan-francisco-casas
  17. The world has been significantly better since Russians got cellphones with cameras.
  18. http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/photos/21-unbelievable-things-carried-motorcycle
  19. sniff6

    My Wedding PIcs

    All the best for the future...Oh to be young again.
  20. This should explain it for you To determine which contact is which, hold the bulb sideways in front of you, glass bulb to left and contact end to right. Rotate it until you see the two pins on sides of the base. One pin is close to the base end, the other pin is farther up the base closer to the glass. Rotate it so the pin closer to the base is at the bottom, and the other pin is at top (a little to the left of the bottom one). The contact closest to you is the low filament contact for tail lights, the other is for the high filament for brake lights.
  21. Think that was bad, Try this....A bear with a light sabre!!!!
  22. Surprised this has not been posted before......
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