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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. Good for you and your son, go for it yourself too Bernie No Haynes for the XVS125 I'm afraid
  2. I've had another look and I just can't make out the photo If the central object with the holes in it is the disc, then it appears to have a chamfer worn on it on the left hand side, and I can see what appears to be a reflection of the right side pad in the face of the disc, I wouldn't have expected to see that. What appear to be the 2 pads look as if they are in different locations on each side of the disc
  3. neversaydie replied to mailee's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Crap Old mans bike Lasses bike Swan necked pile of shite Wow, the Forum really goes out of its way to make Virago owners welcome
  4. It may be something peculiar to your bike, but one pad seems to be in a different position to the other. Could be the photo, but it doesnt look right to me. Another photo?
  5. neversaydie replied to Grover's post in a topic in The Bar
    When I'm on the early shift and tend to finish at around school emptying time, the dullards just walk out into the road in front of traffic without looking. If I give them the horn they just look, then carry on, as if its their right to just walk out, they just expect everyone to stop. They're fuckin appalling. And I suppose if one of the little angels was to be cleaned out, then the County Council would be erecting sign/road humps etc etc etc. Jesus christ, I got run over when I was a kid, running from round the back of the bus. Fuck me, it hurt (and I looked, I just misjudged the distance). I never blamed anyone else, neither did my parents (in fact my old man walloped me), nor did I sue anyone. Today, there'd be road closures, investigations, inquiries, preventative measures, risk assessments yah yah yah
  6. neversaydie replied to Stad's post in a topic in The Bar
    RS Paints
  7. Cant agree Nev. The rights and wrongs are clear here, and trying to defend the indefensible by introducing conjecture has no bearing on the facts. Just run up the white flag and lets close the subject :lol:
  8. neversaydie replied to mailee's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    So far its 2 votes for the dragstars then To be honest, when I was looking I was torn between the dragstar and the virago. Looked at some of both, couldn't make my friggin mind up, little to choose between them. Both good build quality, good reliability plenty of spares available, reasonably cheap insurance. Its a close call in every area, and I reckon if you would be happy with either, then look at both models. I would have been pleased with either in the right condition, at the right price. I came across the virago before I found a comparable condition/price dragstar, so I bought it. Never any regrets. Doddle to ride, bags of low down pull But I wont advocate one over the other Look at/sit on/test ride both, then make the call Good luck
  9. neversaydie replied to jimmy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Not sure on that one
  10. Hmmm. Having my headlights on on a bright, clear sunny day didnt stop SMIDSY pulling out in front of me when I was less than 15ft from his car
  11. neversaydie replied to jimmy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Yep, they upped the tank size from 1989 onwards to 13.5 litres, so a tank full should deliver around 150 to 160 miles
  12. I suspect that the driving test is no longer fit for purpose
  13. There have been a fair few occasions when I've disagreed profoundly with comments that other members written, but I've learned to live and let live a little. On this occasion, I cannot. DT502001, your first paragraph, is complete bollocks, as Task master has already pointed out. I guess European history never featured during your school years. In the UK, horses are on our roads because they are entitled to be, and long may they continue to do so. I'm absolutely certain that the vast majority of them would rather ride off road most of the time, but land ownership prevents them from doing so. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "todays roads". In the UK, todays roads are the same roads as yesterday, the same roads as 10 years ago, and mostly the same roads as 100 years ago. Most horse riders do think twice before road riding, as they fear encountering absolute twats like the guy in the photo, or people like you who would restrict their freedom of movement simply because they chose an alternative method of transport or leisure. Grass field in the picture? Nope, that's the roadside verge, provided to give twats like the guy on the bike a softer landing. Horse shit on the road? Yep, there is. Its easily visible, unlike diesel/oil etc. I've not heard of anyone coming a cropper after spilling it on horse shit. I dont know if there are any horse riders here, but I can tell you, learning to ride a horse, learning to control it, teach it the skills that it needs to learn to adapt to the conditions that it will exposed to both on and off roads, etc etc, takes far more skills than will ever be required to ride a motorcycle. We should show these people respect, not contempt, they are far more skillful than we are. In my view, the guy got off lucky, he should have had his licence removed for 3 years and his bike crushed. Sorry Sacha, I don't think he made any valid points
  14. The Dragstar is shaft drive, yes.? You might have to lever it a little away from the drive side to allow the gears out of mesh.Watch for any spacer washers/sleeves dropping out
  15. neversaydie replied to jimmy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Virago xv535 is 45 bhp. There is no xv650, next one up is xv750, or xvs650. Xvs400s are rare in the uk, imported only Xvs250 would be under 33bhp, if you can find one Much easier to buy are the xv535s, sold by the million in the 80s and 90s, plenty of good ones still around, easily cutomisable, rock solid motor, easy to ride.
  16. neversaydie replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in The Bar
    A very nice shade of blue????
  17. neversaydie replied to bippo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sadly, that just wouldn't happen today, elf & safety/risk assesment/out of school hours/written permission/insurance etc etc etc How sad
  18. neversaydie replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Storm in a c cup Who buys these mags anyway? Is it the frog equivalent of Hello/OK? They're full of absolute shite, photos and "gossip" of over inflated egos/wanabees, "soap stars" who cant act for toffee, aimed at a generation of dullards
  19. neversaydie replied to bippo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Good for you Bippo. I'm with Airhead on the ACF50, kept the worst of my bikes last winter, and there will be plenty of salt on the Pennines in winter
  20. What a find Dunno abnout a museum, Id like to see the squadron made airworthy. What an attraction for airshows/national celebrations/flypasts etc etc Somehow, I suspect the state would not want to cough up support
  21. Might be worth changing your oil and filter. Could be a a cheap and easy win (if you've not done it since you've had the bike)
  22. neversaydie replied to sniff6's post in a topic in General
    Some incredible photos there Sniff, of historical importance Dunno about enjoy though I'm one of (probably) the first generation of men in this country that has never been called upon in war. When I first stated work, the factories and workshops were full of men who served in WW2. Whenever I asked any of them what it was like, their eyes would well up, they'd stay silent for a few seconds, then quietely walk away. We cannot imagine.
  23. Heres another option http://www.unlimited-power.net/Changes_in_170cm3-shop_view-37-39.html
  24. neversaydie replied to neversaydie's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well I never!!! Self cancelling indicators
  25. neversaydie replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Thats bad news Gizmo. Are you OK? You dont say if your hurt or not. I know how you feel, I lost my Dragstar earlier this year as a write off. I explored the option of buying it back and repairing it myself, or splitting it and selling the parts on EBay. Trouble was the parts I wanted for repairing were too expensive/not available second hand, and the parts I could have sold for good money were wrecked. Neither option was viable. Chin up mate