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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. Bippo, come down with me if you like, depending on what work has in store for me too
  2. it happens when I'm in a car too, its like WTF? I've had peeps drift out into me and I've seen cars drift into lorries, guess who won that one?
  3. Shed of the year is on again. Have a looksey at some of the contenders http://www.readersheds.co.uk/share.cfm
  4. pneumatic valves were used in Yamaha years ago till they went to 800cc. nothing new
  5. Puncture apart, my bike has yet to break down since 2006. stick that in yer pipes and smoke it
  6. unusual, as it normally gives time and date stamp as standard
  7. what does the exif say?
  8. have you tried spraying easystart around the manifold? if there is a leak there, the engine will react
  9. drewpy

    First ride out

    lets see you at event city, 24th march. great bike show in its 2nd year! where a bouts in Cheshire? Oh and you ain't got a bike till we see a picture
  10. been there done that. the only way to get it out is to push the thing through with a ground down nail. the pilot system runs too weak now with the shit, garages sell for fuel, so you need more of it for a good idle. if you search this forum you'll notice its already been talked about and an intro would be really appreciated too
  11. when you hit ice like that and it recovers, you never sort of get too spooked as it happens so fast. great positioning to avoid that driver though. bet he never thought any more about it from the moment you exited the round a bout
  12. drewpy

    Happy Birthday

    happy birthday elderson wish my pops bought me a bike
  13. looks interesting, love the crap acceleration near the car
  14. drewpy

    Taco needle

    cheaper to buy another one
  15. they either supply the diaphrams with or without, depending on the model how easily they are replaced. I know peeps who have fitted them to the XS slides
  16. wow that's old, i think Yam started in '55
  17. drewpy

    Prime Minister

    are we talking British PM?
  18. try NRP for diaphrams, based in the old lost property room at Victoria station Manchester
  19. your welcome, Glad you appreciate Art when you see it
  20. I think I'll try a mix of both tomorrow and see how its goes. Cheers Guys. I'll take a pickie when its done.
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