Posted November 20, 201311 yr I left work early today, to get home and play with new PC components, expecting to spend ages updating Windows or somesuch... The ride home is all good, bit nippy but everything going great. Traffic is hectic as ever, but nothing I can't take in my stride. I live along a 'country main road', which means single carriageway, two-way traffic. Clean lane markings, some street lighting. Speed limit 40mph, but you can expect most people are pushing 55, so always take extra care. I'm approaching the turn into my driveway, which is across the oncoming traffic on the right side of the road. I check my mirror, seeing there is a car quite far behind... so far that she has her full beam on. I flick the right indicator on and slow to a complete stop, allowing three oncoming vehicles to go past. I was stopped for a good 9 seconds, with both working brake light and bright indicator flashing (flashes slightly faster than 80/sec). All clear ahead, I perform a right shoulder check and prepare to move off.... "SCREEEECHWHAM!!!!!" Yep, rear-ended... by a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2. The bike is flung forward and its 42 stone of weight slam it down hard on its left side. I am thrown forwards, sliding off the bike and hitting down on my right hip. I may have bounced the back of my head off her bumper. Enraged, I get up and have a quick yell, along the WTF lines. This is right outside my house, so 'The Ttaskmistress' is outside and on the scene almost instantly. Best part was the witnesses - Two members of the Police Forensics team, still in full kit, were walking away from some job earlier and saw the whole thing. They had comms and got a patrol car there within minutes. Damage to the car - Massive rectangular dent in bonnet that ain't buffing out any time soon, ripped off bumper, smashed Vauxhall front badge, bashed in headlight. Known damage to the FJ1200: Left faring scuffed. Left passenger footpeg bent. Gear selector bent. Left exhaust silencer scuffed. Left bodywork scuffed. Left wing mirror bent and scuffed. Rear light assembly smashed. Both rear indicator reflectors smashed and bent, bulbs intact and still flashing. Left engine bar scuffed and bent in towards engine. Possible crank case cracked (might just be the cover). Possible frame bent (might just be my eyes/the light). Rear wheel possibly damaged (it took the hit of a car at ??mph). Insurance seemed delighted to take this claim, of course and I am expecting phonecalls from solicitors and bike repair/courtesy people, along with doctor's appointment first thing. No major pain so far, but bruised hip joint and some twingey pains between the shoulder blades. Don't know much about whiplash, but the legal people sounded quite worried by it. But yeah, the driver was a 20-something girlie on her way to a hair appointment. She was a bit shaken, but fairly straightforward about things. Of course, being the 'bad-ass muthafukkah rebel biker' that I am, I did the only thing I could and invited her in for a nice cup of tea, while waiting for her recovery truck!!
November 20, 201311 yr Good gawd man! Glad you're ok! Stupid @&#~! Definitely take care of your neck if there is whiplash.
November 20, 201311 yr Moderator jeez, good job it was a heavy bike to take the impact. whiplash will kick in up to a week later certainly after the adrenalin wears off glad you're fairly OK though
November 20, 201311 yr Author Did she say it? Sorry mate I didn't see you. You know what... she did indeed!! Well, missed the 'sorry mate' part. Wonder how, at night, you can miss a stationary vehicle with brake light and bright flashing indicator directly in front of you... Photos pending daylight!
November 20, 201311 yr this will sting her insurance more than your shoulder blades. glad your ok mate and still have that wicked whit.. shame about the ride though.
November 20, 201311 yr Two things, Glad your ok bud, bit of a fucking dippy bitch must have been late for her appointment and may have been pissing about with her stereo or what not, either that or it was her high beam drowning out your rear lights. But secondly well done for sorting her out with a brew, yes granted she fucked up but i take it you thought that hey your not dead and can still walk. Good man! Thing is with Whiplash the compo companies love it as there is no way to prove you have it or not and it can pop up in a few weeks after the crash and its a garenteed winner in the compo dept. Hope you have a speedy recovery mate and ill give you £50 for the FJ as it is
November 20, 201311 yr Glad you are okay - keep an eye on the neck thing, the human neck wasn't designed for quick accelerations [off a RTA] combined with a kilo of helmet. keep a log of all sundry costs, all phone calls etc.
November 20, 201311 yr As above mate, glad you're not too sore. And as stated, good reaction to the situation
November 20, 201311 yr Well done Tasky, a cup of tea and sympathy is probably all she needed to get over her shock it's a bad thing when your a tough rough biker isn't it !!! Seriously you need to get your neck Xrayed as soon as you can I know you think it's probably not necessary but it can creep up on you. Real shame about the FJ hope you get it sorted and they don't write it off.
November 20, 201311 yr Moderator Glad that you got to walk away from it ttaskie. Bike repairs, a bit of injury claim and new lid and clothes; looks like a decent claim and enough in the pot to get another FJ.
November 20, 201311 yr Blimey Horrible thing to happen but really glad you're okay. Well done for giving the girl a cuppa. I realise you probably wanted to kill her (just a little bit) but accidents do shake you up , even when it's your own fault, so it was nice thing to do
November 20, 201311 yr Glad you ok task,but realy get that neck looked at,A very good frind of mine had the same thing happen and walked around for a week with a broken neck,10 years later he had to have the disc's in his neck fused,now he has constant migrains it realy messed up his life and he never got the insurance cash,he signed off to early to know how messed up he would be. These types of injury can take months/years to realy show up As noted all ready, keep everything noted every last minute of the day,every gas/parking recipet ,every everythingLet the lawyers do what they do,they can get you cash for the bike without siging off on the pain/injury end.
November 20, 201311 yr Glad to hear you're pretty much ok, hopefully you can get the bike up and running again soon.
November 20, 201311 yr Glad your not too hurt taskey,,,,, get well soon bikes can be fixed your body not so flexable so take care and get all the checks you need done.
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