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So we're descended from chimps then?

I guess you don't work at Tesco's??

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  • Elvis - I don't know about turning water into wine but I can (and do quite often) turn wine into water

  • AndrewElvisFan

    Damn that's good - I only ever manage to turn it into piss and awkward photos!!!

A ponderable for your mate's God bothering girlfriend:

God created Adam as the first man and took a rib from him to create Eve as the first woman.

Adam and Eve had two sons, Caine & Abel.

Caine killed Abel.

Caine took a wife.

Where did the wife come from?

That Cain ah!! The little mother f#cker

When the fridge door is closed is the light still on?

foamy is so tight he's drilled a hole in his fridge door , so that he check that the light has gone out. :biglaugha:

With threads like this you don't need mind bending drugs!! what a load of shite

I need a f#ckin beer now!

I think the real question is this -

What came first - the mind bending drugs or the mind bending threads?!!

And perhaps more importantly, how many contributors to this thread would actually pass a random pee test??!

Except Foamy of course as he probably has to do one regularly, unlike sponging lazy oafs who find it easier to claim benefits than to get a job!

We could take this one step further and say that we all evolved from alien organisms living in meteors/comets etc which carried the water needed to create life when they crashed to the earth. Therefore, we are all aliens to this planet.

Just a thought.

Ps My medication is better!

Ah, the Panspermia hypothesis. Very possible.

So we're descended from chimps then?

I guess you don't work at Tesco's??

a - no, we're not descended from chimps, chimps share an ancestor with us (going back 6 million years).

b - no, I don't work at Tesco's. I shop there though!

Nothing is the merely the ambiant state before matter arrives, such as photons of light.

Technically, there is no such thing as "nothing". Quantum foam at the Plank scale and all that..

Right, let's set the record straight: anatomically modern humans (homo sapiens) , evolved in southern Africa, have been around about 200,000 years. Evolved from homo erectus, a species that was around for 1.8 million years and itself migrated out of Africa way before modern humans, as far as east Asia. Neanderthals evolved from populations of h.erectus in Europe about 350,000 years ago and are said to be exclusively European. They went extinct 35,000 years ago, probably due to climate change, and not being as adaptable as H Sapiens. However, as almost all modern Europeans have Neanderthal DNA (between 1-3% of total genome), obviously some interbreeding occurred. This means that H Sapiens and H Neanderthalensis were not completely distinct species since interbreeding was possible.

The whole homo genus evolved from one or more of the australopithecine species ("southern apes"). Modern humans are therefore a species of ape (along with chimps, gorillas and orangutangs). Humans and chimps "split", that is shared a common ancestor, 6 million years ago, and the "split" with gorillas happened 8 million years ago.

So, if I've got this right then,

Homo Erectus first, a southern ape who walked out of Africa and into asia

This ape then evolved into neanderthal in europe

Another (related)? species of ape walked out of Africa later and developed itno Homo Sapiens

Neanderthals became extinct, homo Sapiens filled the gap

why cant we see anything beyond the stars?... surely there must be SOMTHING out there, even if its just the edge of the milky way.

What the fook are you talking about? We can see billions of galaxies beyond the stars (in our own galaxy). We can't see individual stars in other galaxies (they're too far away, even for out most powerful telescopes). So all the stars we *can* see are in our own galaxy. Beyond them we can see other galaxies.

What we can't see (and never will do) is the *whole* universe, because shortly after the Big Bang, there was something called the Big Inflation, where space expanded ridiculously fast (much faster than the speed of light in fact), so light from those regions has never caught up with us, and will never catch up. That's why astronomers keep going on about the "observable" Universe.

  • Moderator

Neanderthals still exist , they come out to watch manchester unted every saturday afternoon

So, if I've got this right then,

Homo Erectus first, a southern ape who walked out of Africa and into asia

This ape then evolved into neanderthal in europe

Another (related)? species of ape walked out of Africa later and developed itno Homo Sapiens

Neanderthals became extinct, homo Sapiens filled the gap

Not quite: Homo Erectus was the first species of human (hence "homo"), and the first to be fully upright ("erectus"). And yes he walked out of Africa into Asia and Europe.

Modern humans evolved in Southern Africa, from populations of H Erectus that stayed in Africa. The Modern Human (that's you and me) is essentially a native of Africa.

When the fridge door is closed is the light still on?

Remember seeing a prog on the box some years ago, about a cat in a box (Shcrodingers Cat???)

If I remember it right, when the cat is in the box, it can be in any state ie its both dead and alive.

Open the door and one of the 2 conditions is brought about :eusa_think:

Apparently linked to the firing of a single particle through a particle sized hole in a sheet. Fire one particle in, and 2 come out the other side :eusa_think:

I'll just check the fridge light. Ohhhh, theres a beer. Hmmm, If I can shove it through that hole in the cupboard, I wonder if

Not quite: Homo Erectus was the first species of human (hence "homo"), and the first to be fully upright ("erectus"). And yes he walked out of Africa into Asia and Europe.

Modern humans evolved in Southern Africa, from populations of H Erectus that stayed in Africa. The Modern Human (that's you and me) is essentially a native of Africa.

Homo erectus !! sounds familiar ........... oh yes I remember.................FOAMY

Remember seeing a prog on the box some years ago, about a cat in a box

I remember seeing a prog about a cat in a hat, wonder if it's the same cat.

I also read a book once that stated that our world travels through space supported by 4 elephants balanced on the back of the Great A'tuin (a huge turtle). Well that is of course if we live on the discworld

Jesus h muther fooking christ you all have been sniffing too much spunky monkey!

Everyone knows that..................um? Lost where I was going with this, got foamys picture in my head again!!!!

Why didn't Schrodinger's cat claw his eyes out when he opened the box. If you shut a cat in a box it gets VERY pissed off. Not that I've ever tried it :eusa_whistle:

Jesus h muther fooking christ you all have been sniffing too much spunky monkey!

Everyone knows that..................um? Lost where I was going with this, got foamys picture in my head again!!!!

That could explain a lot. How much spunky monkey would you consider too much? Before you feel the need to comment, just as you forget where you're going with that comment or.....

Shoot - what was I saying?!?

Ps - wtf is spunky monkey and how much is it?!?

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