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Right the wife is doing my head in!

What do you guys call a proper "mans" biscuit?

I would say it's gotta be a ginger nut, they are great dunked in your tea n dont break mid dunk, and they are nice n crunchy.

But she thinks a hob nob is a man's biscuit.

I would say a choc digestive, but your question reminds me of an incident at work a number of years ago. 4 or 5 of us sitting around the piece table, 4 cops and a wpc. One bloke opens up a kitkat and says to the girl, "you'll take a finger", as straight faced as you like. I nearly pissed myself laughing...oh how I miss the non-PC days

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dunno but remeber the days when jacobs club biscuits where advertised with a song that went , if you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club,

and the joke came out about the gay rugby club ,

hob nobs, these are the ultimate dunking tool , only for real men though.

a fag roll more like :hah:

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In my house its whatevers left after the girls have destroyed anything with chocolate.

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see i find that the Hob nob always gets soggy too quick and drops in the mug. Its like the only way to dunk the hobby nob is to do it so quickly you have no tea / coffee in the biscuit.

hob nobs ftw, ginger nuts dont sound manly at all

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How can you even suggest a mans biscuit that goes limp after being dipped for a couple of se...... er!

Hmmm froydian confessions maybe. Maybe why no one said custard cream.....

Alternatively you could try eating the "biscuit browns" that the military uses in its 24hr ration packs, just dont expect them to taste of anything except cardboard and you wont have a dump for a week, good for soaking up oil spills though

Two chocolate digestives at the same time.. chocolate sides together, dunk and enjoy (no gay jokes pls)!!!

suits me sir!

Try chewing on these ginger nuts


the "biscuit browns" that the military uses in its 24hr ration packs,

Dammit, beat me to it Foams!!

'Biscuits, Brown' are THE definitive man's biscuit, a throwback to the Royal Navy hardtack days where you had to smack the biscuit with a 12lb sledge just to break it and it was festooned with weevils (early garibaldi, perhaps?)

Furthermore, only faggots and sailors 'dunk' biscuits... REAL men crunch them dry. Anything equal to or smaller than a jaffa cake is consumed whole in one bite.

For REAL men of a civilian nature, the ONLY biscuit of choice for you is the garibaldi. Pink wafers are only acceptable if having tea with an elderly woman, particularly if her sharing your presence is in the capacity of being someone's granny.

Anyone who dares to say or even think otherwise is a hoity-toity poofter and needs a good roughing up with a pitchfork in a police cell.

Gene Hunt, chapter one, verse two!!

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Shit i forgot about biscuit browns! And the fruity browns as well. loved them dunked in my corn beef hash when on stag duty!

Foams are you able to get hold of some along with some screech?

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A Rich Tea then anything without chocolate on it.

Unlicenced selling or distributing the property of Her Majesty is an offence, for which dear Foams can be put on a charge.

There are websites around where you can buy them, but they're getting fewer and 1 x 24hr pack goes for about £20 now!
There used to be one that did all that Wayfarer crap, but specialised in the AB Biscuits Brown and Biscuits Fruit (new cinnamon kind, not the garibaldi).
Even Biscuitsbrown.co.uk has vanished.

Besides, half the new packs are just civvy shit. You don't even get the cool green or white packaging any more. Gone are the little tins of meat pate or cheese - It's now a plasti-foil sachet of Prince's brand fish paste that doesn't even squeeze out properly. About the only delight is a Yorkie stamped with 'it's not for civvies' on the side.
I don't recall seeing a screech equivalent, either.

Still miles fecking better than MREs, though!

Nah, the custard cream is the King off biscuits. Anything else is just a pale pretender to the throne.

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Yer I know tasky I would never try n get foam in the poo. Cant believe how much they are trying to flog rat packs for tho.

I just love to get my hands on some screech again before I kick the bucket lol

for me it has got to be two digestives heavilly buttered and stuck together

i do not go in for that dunking carry on

or of course shortbread

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