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Right guys and girls,

I'm a bit of a weirdo (if you not already noticed) and i love any thing to do with the supernatural and trying to see if things are fake or if it has a slight possibility that the thing could be real or not.

Now im gunna kick start something that could be the age old debate that is..................Do ghost exist?

now im one of those people that only believes in things that i can or have seen with my own eyes, but with the ever better advances in science this question is getting easier to answer with scientific facts to back it up.

I am a believer but still a skeptic believer in the way that i haven't "seen" a ghost but i have had a supernatural experience so im still un sure on the matter.

so lets have your say a also some pics / videos if you got them or see them on the net.

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  On 7/9/2012 at 8:27 AM, Noise said:

............Do ghost exist?.......

No. Nor God, nor heaven nor hell (except the one were in - UB40). I also do not subscribe to the fact that when bad things happen it is because it was on the site of a red Indian burial site.

Doris Stokes - anyone remember her? - made load of money taking to the dead. Since she has died, she has been very quiet and has never bothered to get in touch from the other side.

We are just chemicals, water and a little electricity. I work in a place where people die every day and I have never seen any of them wandering around.

Now I have tempted fate, what's the chance of being grabbed by the goul'ies?

Nor me I'm afraid, when your dead you stay dead and don't come back for seconds anything else is wishful thinking, can you imagine it really, stuck in an eternity when most people get bored on a rainy Sunday!! more like HELL I should think. If you belive in a GOD then good luck to you I suppose it gives you something to do on a Sunday? :biglaugha: :biglaugha:

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Ha ha, na i dont believe in God and the same with the devil, as said im still a sceptic but i do some times feel we cant be alone ie the whole alien thingy.

im guessing you either work in a hospital of morgue or funeral directors? or your a hit man?

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  On 7/9/2012 at 1:52 PM, Noise said:

......im guessing you either work in a hospital of morgue or funeral directors? or your a hit man?

Yep. :icon_wink:

.............Do ghost exist?

well if you ever watch these ghost hunter programs, they use all these scientific tools to detect ghosts, i usually avoid these programs, as they are hyped up crap. i mean how disappointing for viewers if they set up all this equipment and nothing happens. so of course they have to find something.

i believe i have seen something many years ago, so yes I'm a believer in "ghosts". I'm just not sure what a ghost actually is. the spirit of a dead person doesn't sound right to me. as in most cases of ghosts apart from through mediums (they can have a whole discussion of their own) don't, can't interact with people.

i am inclined to believe in another theory witch can get very in depth and complicated. it involves quatom physics and time lines or the multi verse. a brief description is this.

the multi verse (quantom physicists believe this dose exist) runs in waves, every now and then these waves can come in close contact with each other giving some people a glimpse of the past. that is why most multiple sightings describe the "ghost" doing the same thing in the same place. the wave from one time line meets our time line at the same place each time.

Google "double slit experiment" to fine out more about the multi verse in basic terms.

and that's enough of my crazy talk for one day :D

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One fundamental flaw in that. Quantum means guess or hypothetical in scientific terms.

A friend of mine works in parascience.

First thing he'll tell you is that everything on TV, from ghosthunting to the supposedly more scientific ones and ESPECIALLY anything with Derek Fucking Accorah is absolute bollocks, hyped up for entertainment purposes.

The reality is only ever so vaguely like what you see on TV, but the latter is so far removed it's unbelievable.

Second thing he'll tell you is that there is definitely evidence to 'suggest' and support the 'possibility' of ghosts, possession, ESP, and all that, but there is still NOTHING that is as yet scientifically conclusive. At least no conclusions of note.

So don't go painting up Hearse ambulances and strapping on your nuclear-accelerator/particle-thrower ensembles just yet... but watch this space and *do* keep your PKE meters and a copy of Tobin's Spirit Guide handy!

  On 7/9/2012 at 1:34 PM, DirtyDT said:

No. Nor God, nor heaven nor hell (except the one were in - UB40). I also do not subscribe to the fact that when bad things happen it is because it was on the site of a red Indian burial site.

Doris Stokes - anyone remember her? - made load of money taking to the dead. Since she has died, she has been very quiet and has never bothered to get in touch from the other side.

We are just chemicals, water and a little electricity. I work in a place where people die every day and I have never seen any of them wandering around.

Now I have tempted fate, what's the chance of being grabbed by the goul'ies?

I too work in a field which regularly deals with teriminal illness & death. I have found myself delivering care at many a beside of someone coming to the end of this life. I have to say that while I have the deepest respect for your viewpoint DirtyDT I completely disagree - seeing a dead body which was once animated by a personality that had memories, loves, fears, dreams etc etc always reinforces for me that we are so much more than mere biology. As a member of the Christian Motorcyclists Association (http://www.bike.org.uk/cma/index.php) I can happily say that I have met many other bikers who believe in an afterlife (and a present one) that has a purpose :spin2: ....... DirtyDT , I'll pass the collection plate to you first :spin2:

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I said to my missus there is an afterlife and you come back as a different animal, she said i wanna comeback as a cow , I said you are not listening i said DIFFERENT animal

  On 7/9/2012 at 9:55 PM, mervin said:

I said to my missus there is an afterlife and you come back as a different animal, she said i wanna comeback as a cow , I said you are not listening i said DIFFERENT animal

Briliant mervin.

personally i got my own(valid) reasons for what i believe

i'm lucky and have had and still get regular experiences

the most prolific experience i had was in the house i used to live in

for weeks we(my friends and i) regularly heard footsteps coming from my upstairs hall

different friends heard this at different times with no-one upstairs at the time

i also woke up one night to find the whole upstairs hall deep in mist not smoke as there was no smell

the partner i was with at the time seen the same thing

researching the house i could find nothing so still unexplained

in the house we are in just now we have heard voices and also seen numerous orbs

the latest we found was on the floor in the bedroom when i went to renew the flooring

i lifted the carpet and found this on the floor neither me or my partner has seen this before


now folks can take what they like from what they read i know what i've seen and felt

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This is what im pretty much on about too. (clockman) i believe in ghost but cant quite work out what a ghost actually is as such. And yes we are all bio-mechanics and water n chemicals and all that bollocks but what about the soul? your memories and that? what happens with that?

My experience is the smell of smoke. yes im a smoker but this smell of smoke is of the fags my granddad smoked, he passed away bout 10 or so years ago, and this smell is so distinctive and nothing like my golden virginia that i smoke. Just the other night my daughter woke up screaming so i go up stairs to sort her out and up pon entering the room i get hit in the face with this smoke smell. no windows open and never of my nabours smoke and id not had one for about 2 hours????

Yes there has to be some reason for this smell, and believe me or not its down to you. but this is why i love this subject as it gets you thinking and its a bladdey good argument lol

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  On 7/9/2012 at 9:50 PM, Mallory1 said:

I too work in a field which regularly deals with teriminal illness & death. I have found myself delivering care at many a beside of someone coming to the end of this life. I have to say that while I have the deepest respect for your viewpoint DirtyDT I completely disagree - seeing a dead body which was once animated by a personality that had memories, loves, fears, dreams etc etc always reinforces for me that we are so much more than mere biology. As a member of the Christian Motorcyclists Association (http://www.bike.org.uk/cma/index.php) I can happily say that I have met many other bikers who believe in an afterlife (and a present one) that has a purpose :spin2: ....... DirtyDT , I'll pass the collection plate to you first :spin2:

We are much more that biology when we are alive but, in my humble.... not when we are dead.

I was not taking about religion, nor faith. I have neither but mainly respect those who do. This does not stretch to anyone who knocks on my door to sell it nor people who think that they have the right not to abide by laws of the country they live in or people who attempt to use it to justify harm to others. I personally belive in "doing the right thing" this includes helping others and being respectful (most of the time) not sure if this is just upbringing?

I am very interested in the history of religion and it's architecture. It has had a major influence in the world we live in now. I just think that the thought of a higher being watching everything we do when there is so much bad in the world - including people who want to claim to be religious or are doing it for the sake of religion - is a bit strange. Was religion, and it's wrath, just a way of controlling the masses prior to "proper" laws and police forces to administer the laws? Is the bible (or equivalent) just a book of fables about heroes and magic that has been misconstrued?

I don't have any problems putting in to a collection plate by the way and I hold no grudges against the vicar who married me - I just wish he could have warned me first! :icon_biggrin:

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Religion is all about who has the better imaginary friend (in my own opinion)

  On 7/10/2012 at 2:58 PM, Noise said:

Religion is all about who has the better imaginary friend (in my own opinion)



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  On 7/10/2012 at 2:58 PM, Noise said:

Religion is all about who has the better imaginary friend (in my own opinion)

Oh man, funny as..... I'm having that one its bloody brilliant.



personally i think "ghosts" are just a way for people to cope with death..... how can you enjoy yourself if its been prooven that when you die thats it?...the worms get you and nothing is left... (its not been prooven....and probably wont......ever...)

re incarnation.......just another coping mechanism for death....but an interesting theory

religion....just a form of control from when the world was out of control, the bible was a bunch of story's that have been manipulated over the generations to suit. (and most of the big wars were about some form of religion)

god......the reason of life ..........here is a theory for u .....what if the reason for our life is like the reason for zombies? or the zombie virus? to make a virus that populates the planet .....at some point a supreme "mutation" will happen where by someone or something will develop / evolve into something better than the rest. then we move onto aliens do they exist? dont they? what if they were the reason for our existence and are just waiting for the "supreme" being to happen? this also ties up a little with "god" what if god was the aliens who created us? but over the many hundreds of thousands of years the truth has been lost / manipulated by man....?

the truth is we just dont know so we try and find explanations to justify what we have seen, heard, experienced or dreamed about i could rant on for years but il stop now.. :)

oh and mervin i nearly wet myself laughing at that .....lol

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  On 7/9/2012 at 11:43 PM, gizmo666 said:

......................i lifted the carpet and found this on the floor neither me or my partner has seen this before


That's because it was under the carpet. Looks like banksie meets kilroy.

Dont know about ghosts, but I saw Auld Nick once.

Back in 1982 I was camping in a field just outside Prestatyn in North Wales. A few of us having a drink, my pal playing his guitar and generally having a good time. Twas the first time we'd been away on the bikes and we had had a good day out in Rhyl that day. Anyway I staggers off to my tent and as I lay there unable to sleep I stuck my head out the door of the tent and came face to face with this 2 legged figure about seven foot tall, staring straight at me. I had pitched my tent beside a hedge so nowt should have been there. I lay there unable to tear my eyes away from this figure and could hear snorting like, breathing coming from it. In my frightened state I started to see its eyes glowing red and could see a tail swishing. This vision seemed to last forever, but was probably only about 10 - 15 seconds when I heard a couple of my mates making their way over to their tents. At this point, Lucifer snorted and walked off.

I lay awake just about all night and as soon as it got light I got up and went out the tent to look for evidence of my vision and noticed for the first time, a small gap in the hedge looking into the next field, where happily grazing was a number of horses. I had obviously interrupted dobbin as he stood, face on, contemplating life as he knew it.

When I told my mates that night, my pal with the guitar looked at me for a second and started playing his version of this wee ditty


Even now 30 year on, I can still remember that so vividly

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