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Posts posted by pilninggas

  1. After chatting with a biking friend I have decided that something like an XVS650 is a good idea - something in the 40-60hp range

    One thing thats confusing me though is most of the cruisers in this range MCN reviews describe as slow, for the XVS650 they said: 'only ever going to be in for an unhurried ride' and I have seen other videos and articles describe such bikes this way. What do they mean by this? Can anyone give me rough 0-60 times for an XVS650? How would one preform overtaking from say 50-80mph, would it achieve this faster than my 1.8 car?

    Basically are they just slow compared to 'other' bikes or are they slow vehicles in general?

    Bike reviews are funny beasts, they will generally say all cruisers are slow. A mate of mine had a Honda cruiser about ten years ago that would happily sit at 90mph all day and did 0-60 in less than 6 seconds. I guess an XVS650 would be a little better too. Overtaking would be a cinch, don't try to compare overtaking in any but the very fastest cars to motorcycles.

    On the royal wedding day a group of us rode to devon, a chap (maybe 20 stone [sorry Dennis if you are reading this]) on an XV1300 hussled nearly as fast as the rest of us, only being slowed by the ground clearance on tight turns.

    Don't assume you will want to get rid of your car; most of us still have a car (i can't concieve how i would buy bags of cement and move them on the bike, without a right-old mess). A very average Bike though will send the adrenalin rushing like very expensive and exotic car.

  2. i have just been qouted £157 fully comp through www.thebikeinsurer.co.uk. and that was for my yam yzf 125r 2011 plate.

    but i am alot older than you and i have 15yrs no claims bonus from driving lol!!

    sorry to put a damper on things, its your age mate thats killing ya. insurers these days on teenagers love you guy's as they see you as a high risk, where as this is my first bike and i have not ridden before yet my premium is way lower.

    hope you get a better price mate B)

    The other factor is that a lot of YZF125Rs are getting crashed, nicked and generally written off. The effect is that the bike is being loaded heavily by insurers. The engine size does not matter to the insurers if the bike keeps being claimed for/against. It is easily written off, as it has a lot of plastics and these are not cheap.

    The bike is a victim of its own success.

  3. Knight, dont do it!!!!!

    Even if you have to make some money do either a 7 day or classified. This will give it enough time to get noticed and potential bidders to research how to get it back to the mainland.

    That thing is only going to appreciate - surely it is better to hold on a bit or at least get it road legal before you sell.

    I was really hoping you'd get it on the road; it is a real piece of Yamaha Heritage.

    Please, please, rethink, otherwise i might bid and get it at a price that insults you!

  4. Blimey - regular ride-out from Bristol.

    Nice Cafe there with a good breakfast. I do agree the mail-order side is a bit hit and miss. The shop itself was not too bad.

    With the weather we've had today, i bet a lot of people turned up there and were disappointed.

  5. connected the battery charger to the Battery, even i tried direct connection by pluging the sockets of the charger to + and - , i have taken off half of the right side of the bike and same here i dont see any cables burned or anything like that. thank you

    well you really need to some diagnostics.

    leave the bike battery for a few hours, then without powering it up, put a good voltmeter across the battery terminals. you should get 12.4-12.7v. More or less is not good. a reading of 12v is not good, contrary to what people sometimes think.

    Less means the battery is shot [doubt it is more than 12.7v, but if it is it means the bike is probably overcharging].

    Also check the battery connections, are properly tight. sometimes the connections are good enough to intially power-up at ignition on, but the moment demand is made on the battery (starter motor turns), the connection goes resistive and the electrics go down.

    Connecting a charger alone, does not do anything if a battery has a problem (depending on the charger it may actually make it unserviceable), some battery charger/tender/maintenance devices can fix a battery (albeit quite temporarily) if it is deep-discharged/sulphated etc.

  6. Dan, the thing with running that engine is that it was originally fitted to the R6 (in a different state of tune). In the R6 it revved to 16,000Rpm. You can bet that many R6 riders then ran them in upto maybe 9 or 10,000rpm whilst running in, probably without any real issues.

    The engine will really start to feel looser and free-er revving once about 4000miles are on the odo anyway.

    running-in is a pain, but it's just a little thing to get out of the way reasonably carefully. Fortunately the XJ6 is tuned for low down torque (by 600cc standards) making it not completely tiresome.


  7. i'm also running in, i'm keeping below 8000rpm now (almost 600 miles), but kept below 6k upto 400 miles.

    main thing is not to labour the engine.

    check out my linky too. :D

  8. Hi,

    Just thought I'd post a Pic up of my XJ6N that I picked up on Fri (it was raining at the time so had to give it a quick clean)


    Let me know any thoughts or improvements..

    looks nice. any mods in the pipe-line?

    Great, great bikes :D

  9. Shit one. Be aware there's a chance that your credit rating may also have been affected as a result of your 'late payment'

    It's another example of company ineptitude


    Paul should be okay on this. Shite-House don't use credit-agencies in their business, that's why folk on the rock-and-roll can get stuff from them, where-as traditional lenders (who do use agencies) will not lend to them. It's also why they ask for quite a few contact details if you buy from them, so they can chase you up more easily upon default.

  10. hi paul,

    My previous XJ6N had the roar too. Are you sure your noise is eminating from the mudguard? mine seemed to some from the airflow around the headlamp/instrument assembly.

    To compare my XJ6S does not have this problem (yet).

    There have been previous threads about this issue, might be worth having a search and see if anyone has any solutions. :)

  11. Why don,t you threaten them with "Watchdog"

    Shite-House are no strangers to Watchdog. They don't give a f&&k about any kind of self-regulation or have any scrupples. The amount of people where i live who have a TV, XBOX, laptop, sofa and microwave from them is mad. One of my neighbours pays more for the 'accident cover' on their various agreements (i think it is rolled into one)per month, than i pay for my buildings&contents. The interest is eye-watering. The often used phhrase 'over-a-barrel' sums up their business model perfectly.

    I bet Paul you are glad you are getting out now (once the problems have been sorted out).

  12. Cor how far back did you go to find this thread its donkeys years old. Apart from Alex all those members will be long gone.

    Start your own thread with a proper intro, you will get a much better response. B)

    ...and they had a mixture of problems, some had carb-icing [on the trx caused by low coolant levels] and poor low speed running caused by worn emulsion tubes or choke mechanism.


    no never needed choke yet to start

    also told today that a chance that it could be running to rich as it not needing choke and that it is a bit wet on exhaust

    no choke to start = very likely to be emulsion tubes, which is very typical of these bikes. The carbs fitted to them are a pain in the arse. Be prepared for a lot of work if you do it yourself. Be prepared to pay lots to someone else if you pay them with limited results. Best to tackle it yourself, be methodical and become very knowledgeable about Mikuni Down-draught Constant Velocity carburettors.

  14. bump

    blimey that bump was a bit quick.

    On the flat-spot issue, i'd say it's quite likely to be worn emulsion tubes. Does it start without choke?

    google exup1000 for more model specific stuff.


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