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Posts posted by pilninggas

  1. M5 northbound seems clear, but M5 southbound has severe congestion, due to roadworks at j25, near Taunton, diversions in place,as slip roads closed

    It's going northbound > M5 > M4 > M32 (gonna be fun on the 2-lane 32!!!!! mwahaha)

  2. I'd say this will be a common response.

    The other factor is that no one will know - you need the specific wiring diagram for the alarm/immobiliser and for the bike. In all probability a competent person, who is used to work on bike electrics may be able to remove it with kit like a multimeter etc, but will need to have it in front of them. Most can be taken off reasonably easy - like Clarke said most dealers/bike mechanics have these types of jobs quite oftem and so will take it on. Also be aware some high-end alarm/immos use wires which are all the same colour with no markings ((to prevent tampering) and in that case you will definitely need the wiring diagram for the bike, so that where-ever the immo splices in, the old wiring can be correctly reinstated.


  3. Just done a oil/filter/plug change and found my plug to be white. so the bikes running lean. Had it on dyno and it was running air/fuel 14. How can i sort this out? bike running stock apart from a scorpion full system. has the stock ecu been mess around with by pre-owner? And could i reset it. if not how to i sort this problem out. All comments welcome.

    Just seen this thread, 14:1 is not lean, it is rich! 14.7:1 is stoich as Pete has said, 1kg of fuel being burned for every 14.7kg of air (it is by mass). 14:1 is 1kg of fuel for 14kg of air. I'd like to know what sort of bike you have and what revs 14:1 was identified at. A bike will have a rnage of values; e.g. my FZR when it was last dynoed went rich, very rich, rich, with lean at part throttles.

    A car explanation, but still useful:http://autospeed.com/cms/title_Tuning-AirFuel-Ratios/A_1595/article.html

    Maybe the white spots are carbon deposits that have been 'bleached' by repeated exposure to combustion conditions (last saw this in old renault, years ago).

  4. Here is my XJ6 with a rack fitted to it. Genuinge yamaha one. Anyone got any ideas/know what 3rd party boxes fit these as don't really want to pay yamaha prices again.

    Any comments welcome...


    Looks good, are you fitting a box to it?

  5. the most recent side-car combinations i have seen have been on cruisers. I assume companies like watsonian-squire (if they still exist) will fit to anything, as long as the cheque is blank enough.

    Never ridden a combination, but my uncle always used to tell me that the set-up he had in 60s was a totally different experience to riding a solo motorcycle.

  6. Yeh merv, i"v never been to the top of the country yet,,, lettus kno ,and we" l ride with you,,,, note the traffic free roads,,, Thats Glen Coe,,, it was eerie at that time of night , 7pm...

    I'm seriously thinking about it, it was close this summer, might do easter or june 1/2 term. If i firm up and plans i'll let you know

  7. Bring something to cover your seat while on the ferry,,,,,the rachet straps they use can cut and damage it. I use an old bit of carpet, the with of your hand and long enough to come down both sides of the seat. Anything strongish will do so long as its protecting your seat,,,,eg. heavy cardbord,,,old towel ect,ect.

    Go onto ferry and park where they want ya to,,,,,,let them tie down your bike,,,,then when there gone,,,,,loosen the straps and re-tie the bike yourself propperly,,,there rough and just tie your bike any aul way atall.

    After that its just the normal things,,,,,,

    Dont take loads of cloaths,,,,,you wont use them

    Bring bank/credit card and some cash

    Plan your trip on google earth before ya leave

    Have an idea of the next big town your heading for,,,,,not all signs have the numbers, eg. A77 or B811 ect.

    Thats all i can think of at the min,,,unless you want me to give you a full discription of all ya need.

    Once you come off the ferry,,,,,,Relax and enjoy your trip,,,,,happy ridin


    being a user of cross channel ferries, the different approaches to securing bikes is always interesting:

    P&O provide a rachet strap with a 'cushion' and you strap it down yourself (last year a guy nearly dropped his old zzr1100 on a new Busa, it was very close!).

    Norfolkline just guide you into a space and do it all for you, they have a pad they put on the seat. I also liked the fact that they unlashed the bike for me (they also were friendly, polite and seemed to enjoy a quick chat).

    Seafrance make you park in a slot (a pain as it isn't wide so you must go in dead straight and then while you sit on the bike secure a ratchet strap to each side (off of the pillion peg mounts), it a bit of a pain as you cannot unsecure it easily yourself - i have done, but you ahve to be careful to release the ratchets a little each at a time. (does not mark or dent the seat though).

    LD Lines, use a strap over the seat, the crewman insisted he did it and was about to put an oily strap over the seat with no cushion, so quickly got my spare towel out and covered the seat (this was a few years ago though so it may be different).

    Overall i do like the service they provide, i have noticed in the last couple of times that you have to wait until after the 'premium disembarkers' have got off, before they would wave the bikes off first of all (i guess they are just trying to justify the service to the car drivers that pay for this), doesn't bother me, i just overtake it all on the roads out of the docks.

    Next service to try is the tunnel - bloody expensive though.

  8. Hi all,

    Not wanting to pay the $2000+ dollars that it will cost me for Yamaha parts to rebuild my smokey YZF750, I want to use the Wiseco 1040cc big bore kit. Wiseco used to list a kit for the YZF750 but not any more.

    My question is this: is the FZR1000/Thunderace piston kit compatible with the YZF? I am suspicious that there might be some pitfall (inadequate oil pump capacity perhaps), since Wiseco would surely just add 'YZF750' to the list of bikes the kit can be used on.

    Alternatively, are there any US Yamaha dealers willing to post to Australia?


    i reckon that you may have problems with your base gasket, i'm sure on one of the dedicated exup-family forums out there a post about this before. A better bet would be to buy a decent 1002cc FZR or thunderace engine and fit that (i appreciate that may be hard in Oz). Have a google around for exup brotherhood and you may find the post that i saw.

  9. Hi guys,

    I'm relatively new to biking - obtained my Direct Access July 2010 and have already completed 9032 miles since to date. The bike has got her regular stamps in the book from the garage.

    My XJ6 F abs has already had it's computer unit changed a few months' ago due to the same problem now reoccurring. She cuts out between 1st and 2nd, or 2nd and 3rd, only below 60 degrees C. This puts me in a dangerous predicament particularly when moving away at junctions.

    Anyone had a similar experience? Let me know a fix!



    if it is in warranty, get it back to the supplying dealer. As the ECU has been replaced to no avail, then one or more of the sensors (or the associated wiring) is likely at fault. There are two sensors that fall under suspicion the coolant temperature sensor and air-temperature sensor. I reckon it is your air sensor - maybe it is not connected properly?

  10. What would happen if my mate cut's the pipe going into the trottle body and puts volcity stack on it.

    The 'cutting-the-pipe' mod for the r125, has been around since the bike came out - i'd be inclined to believe that r125 riders who have done this have only seen a gain if they have a vivid imagination.

    best left alone, if you want a sensible opinion.

  11. great part of the world that merv could not believe the first photo and the sign post bad hindelang,spent a couple of winters there when i was stationed in germany.hope you had a good time there if you are intrested in what it looks like in the winter click on the link,i wrote an article for the ex forces site.


    interesting photos OT. i wanted to stay in the Klein Walterstal (spelling?), but could not find a campsite with space. In the end i passed over where the photo was taken and went on to Nesselwang. As it turned out this was good, as it snowed heavily at altitude that night. Of course it melted by 11am. Alpine weather is a dynamic and difficult beast - the climbers must have big cahunas.

  12. Well another trip to the Austrian and Italian Alps. Also a few hundred miles in the Black Forest. 2650 miles in 9 days.

    Hahntennjoch was stunning, an arid canyon runs upto the mountain pass.

    Also did Passo di Giovo, Passo Pennes, Oberjoch, Arlberg Pass, Fluxenpass, Hochtannbergpass, Lechtal Valley, went over the Kandel in the blackforest.

    Slipped into FL (the epitome of a tax-haven), went into Basel (rugged, industrialised Rhine city), Lorrach, Fussen (Neuswanstein castle looks cool), Innsbruck, Freiburg.I.B.






  13. i have a yamaha dt50 mx iv had it 2 weeks now to start with it would start first time every time and still does after iv had it running for a while. does anyone know how to get it starting on the kick as need to bump it to get it started. iv tryed changing the spark plug but no joy

    Brian, you might want to start a new thread for this, as it is not related to the OPs original query.

    It's also worth introducing yourself properly in the Newbies Bit.


  14. If you've replaced the emulsion tubes in the carbs, then that first line of inquiry can be ruled out. A double check with mikuni carbs is that the bike will start from cold with no choke, it should not be able to do this. Are the float heights good? They need to be bang-on. What was done during the carb service?

    I think on the 'Cat a TPS problem will be reported by the tacho shooting up to 7000rpm when the ignition is turned on.

    Are you sure the coils, leads and plugs are good? Plugs may be gapped okay, and look good, but may be knackered. Coils and leads may statically show the correct impedances but be failing under load.

    It could be a number of things (crank position sensor, ECU, dodgy plug/socket, crap in a fuel filter etc), can be problematic with 90s 4-pot yams.

    My overall guess with be worn emulsion tubes and float heights out.

    btw the fuel pump is low pressure delivery, if it clicks/clunks that is probably okay.

  15. I have tried for a couple of days to sign it but, as usual, the late over budget IT work is not fit for purpose! How can you have a website where the general populous can voice their opinion and then have it crash because people are actually doing that?

    As for the discussion in "the house", not quite OG. The next step is it goes to a Backbench Business Committee to consider it for debate. so step one is to make it difficult to add your name and step two is to get a few fat, expenses fiddling, no marks to have a chat about it in the Commons bar - where I understand the price of booze is very reasonable - LINKY.

    The other thing that may be worth doing is to contact your MP (google for their email addy) and state your complaint - i did it this morning, as i want my MP ( a useless labour apologist, who in all probability thinks hard-working tax-payers are fascist pigs) to know that i am thoroughly cheesed off about all this. Hopefully i be able to get to a 'surgery' and make my opinions known. :fingerwave:

    We need a decent reaction to this.

  16. Yeh fkn rights" give them a bat Right up their Ass, Ther was two wasters up here tried to raise a riot on face book, there both locked up and NO bail .

    i mean , did you see them fkers walking free tnt, ,,, yah and they say its lack of jobs eh" a fkn teacher looting,, hes on £40k a fkn year , the greedy bastard,,:angry:

    Thank fuck Hadrians Wall is still standing , were civilized up here,,:D

    To be fair to us teachers, he is/was? an learning mentor, so on about £25k (in london), they are the social workers of schools.

    I'd like to think he'd get the sack, as he clearly does not appreciated his job. He will probably appeal and play a certain 'card'.

    Just watched that Diane Abbots on Newsnight; she is completely barmy, seems to want to find a get-out clause for the rioters in her constituency. Apologists like her, need to wake-up and stop trying to blame the rest of society.

    Also saw some old fish-dog in manchester, saying the kids had nothing to do, all kids get bored, it doesn't mean they turn to criminals. She's probably on the rock'n'roll anyway.

    Reality check: Yes, Englands still pretty f%cked. :pissed-off:

  17. Just saw the Minister for Security on the TV, talking about the riots;

    His name James Brokenshire, i nearly pissed myself - never was a name more apt.

    btw, loved your CSI-enhance CCTV above, Colonel Sanders looks more like a very, very, very old Santa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Pathetic scum-of-the-earth.

    In the Uk we've created this monster of people who do absolutely sod-all and contribute nothing to society. Yet we feed and house them.

    They then do drugs and carry guns. Others are second generation rioters, and are just upholding tradition or want a new set of conformist trainers.

    The 'cause', the shooting of mark duggan by the met, is no big deal, he was carrying a gun, what did he expect?

    The whole lot should be rounded-up and strung-up. They want respect? they need to go and earn it.

    Stop subsidising lazy shite to breed, so that this all comes to an end.

    All the do-gooders are out playing the 'blame the government' card, but tottenham has had massive investment in public services (an award winning library for one example), has had massive uptake of jobs by foreign nationals (sure there are no jobs you lazy trash?) and has many small businesses (well it did have any way).

    We had riots in Bristol (second lot in 4 months), the European Convention on /Human Rights should be withdrawn so we can get tough on these bastards.

    £100 million cost to the tax-payer, plus a potential further hike in insurance costs, lost tourism revenue. Stop benefits for every toe-rag caught in this for ever, if they starve tough shit. Any non-nationals caught in this, extradite them without any chance of appeal.

    totally fed-up, this country is shot.


    has any one have the same as me i have a week old xj6 and i have put 100 miles on it 3 days later i got the bike out to go for a spin turn the key will it hell start no power even to light the clocks up.. so not to bad for a week old bike i think i will be going back to a z750 so if your thinking of buying the xj6 i would think again as there crap cheap junk

    They really are not 'crap cheap junk'!

    Having had 2 of them, i think they are brilliant bikes. I reckon your battery is knackered, this is probably as a result of the lights being left on a few times at the dealership (dealer starts bike up, lights come on, parks it but switches engine off at the kill switch, leaving headlight and tail-lamp to draw 7 or 8 amps from the battery). The dealer WILL replace this under warranty.

    Whilst i do really like the Z750, give the XJ6 a chance, there are awesome all rounders, see here:

    An XJ6 will do more than commute

    I hope you sort it....

  19. Don't hold me to this but I think you get the first 2500 miles (or 5000 miles) tax free and after that you pay tax on it. You have to keep very strict records as well.

    Oh, I believe they won't let you on the channel tunnel train like LPG vehicles. LPG might explode (a local metal crusher found that the hard way last year - heard the bang from here) but maybe its the smell of chip fat that keeps them off the train, I :blink: dunno

    First 2500 litres can be made without duty paid on bioderv. I think you still need to register with HMRC and also keep decent records [i suspect that is so that when they remove this exemption, they know what you already use and therefore will pay).

    On the LPG thing, i have been running [and converting some too] my cars on it for 10 years [i remember in the day paying 22p a litre, when petrol was 85p!!!! lol]. It's no more dangerous than petrol in real terms, but the best days for lpg are gone. A good diesel that does 60-70mpg is probably the best option now, as LPG prices are being held artificially high by retailers (the secret about LPGs superb value got out when people sussed the whole congestion charge exemption). BTW there are no more than £400 of parts in a modern multi-point LPG system, so the whole £2K conversion cost makes me laugh.

    On the original point, motorcycling is seen largely as a leisure pursuit and so we get hit by HMRC. Also the car industry is powerful and pushes for tax-breaks in line with other EU countries. The motorcycle industry is tiny by comparison.

  20. It just doesn't seem to make sense; IF the branch is a franchise, then the stock is their property and doing a one-off deal because of a mistake seems like no big deal. I can understand a policy that gives all frachisees a fair crack of the whip (and standard pricing does this). Regardless of what anyone thinks, the stock costs them very little wholesale (their buyers probably drive a very, very hard bargain) even for their own-brand product. Even if they had sold the gloves at the lower price, i bet they would be still making a very healthy profit.

    I'va always found HG in Bristol a very unpredictable place. When i bought the Givi pannier racks in there (for my first XJ6- now fitted to XJ6 no.2), the manager said 'we will match the cheapest UK price you can find' and they did, even though i hunted around for the lowest of the low price. At other times i've found them to come off all snobby, if you aren't riding a £10k beemer or a brand new Fireblade, they look down at you like you don't know shit.

    i'd love to see louis.de open some branches over here, as i think they'd scare the crap out of HG.

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