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Posts posted by blackhat250

  1. Well " i think its a poor battery,  hence starts when left,  is it charging,  ie  14.2 volts etc,  [ running],  it would do this   run fine for  few miles, then  fizzle out, 

  2. Bugger jason"   the joys  of old bikes,,,  i just done the crank on the Gt550,,   500knicker,,,,  and gaskets & chain sprockets,,,  its rebuilt tho, so ready for the sun,,,,-5  here last night tho,  salt wagons were out,, bah,,


  3. 3 hours ago, Joeltozer said:

    Any solution to this? I’ve got a TW125 with the same issue.

    changed the battery, spark plug and starter motor. Got a voltmeter to check where the electrical problem lies but hoped for answers here 

    Try a new coil"   , my old cars were like  that,  way back,,,,used to let off the key and they started,,  voltage  not strong  while  starter was engauged ,


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