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Posts posted by blackhat250

  1. Most DT"s  have one shim, on right side,  [ primary gear side],  But,   i have build 3  engines,   and none had a shim on the crank,  they say its when tightening the primary gear - it pulls the crank to this side , and the shim gives clearance.   , ,all my engines had never been apart,  =  & no shim,

  2. On 01/02/2018 at 11:52 PM, blackhat250 said:

    Tommy ten bikes  is the XT guru,   [ not been on here in ages].  the bike will be leaning over ,as the stand hole will be enlarged,- bolt worn, or the bracket  thats welded to frame  bent,,,,with short arses starting it on the Stand,

    Ahem,,,,,,,,,,,,feb the 1st,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:sleeping:

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