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Posts posted by DutchFJ1200

  1. Jeff and Mike were in an accident, and killed instantly.
    Upon Jeff's arrival to the Pearly Gates, he is met by St. Peter.
    "Where is my friend Mike?" Jeff asked.
    St. Peter replies, "Well, Mike was not as fortunate as you. He went in the other direction instead of getting into Heaven."
    Jeff was bothered by this and asked, "Well, could I see Mike one more time just to be sure he is OK?"
    So, Jeff and St. Peter walked over to the edge of Heaven and looked down. There was Mike, on a sandy beach, with a gorgeous sexy blonde in a bikini, and a keg of beer.
    "I don't mean to complain, but Mike seems to have it pretty nice down there in Hell," says Jeff.
    "It's not as it appears to be," says St. Peter. "You see, the keg has a hole in it, and the blonde doesn't.

    • Like 3
  2. 28 minutes ago, Grouch said:

     as soon as (they see) you tell them you didn't buy your bike from them they don't want to know.

    That's why I don't go to Yam shops in the first place.  Try turning up with a 25/28 y/o bike.  They don't even want to know you.  Even worse they look at you like ...... 'what stone did you crawl from under with that heap of junk'

    That's the thanks you get for 35 years of brand loyalty. :angry:

    • Like 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, Cynic said:


    Never had the cash or faith in option 1. As the son of a mechanic (brave man who calls my ol man a fitter) never afraid of spanners. Plus, something to have pride in. Knowing that the bearings are greased, bolts are tight because you did them for you. Not someone grinding to 5pm thinking more about his bike than yours.

    Option 2 was the only option. Ever.

    If you have the knowledge, proper tools/gear & space in the workshop, fair enuf.

    Lying on my back/sitting on me arse (knees won't bend for that long) on a concrete garage floor with suspect spanners and not having a clue what yer doing, your likely to do more damage that is good for yerself ..... or the bike.  $$ is the only option with a trusted quality shop.

    The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.


    • Like 1
  4. 50 minutes ago, slice said:

    Yep, 1.sometime you have to bite the bullet and send it into the shop. 2.THEN you buy the manual read it till your eyes bleed and buy the best tool kit you can afford 3.get a mate who knows about bikes to come visit (tea and biscuits optional) and start from there, 4.about 10 years later you'll be pretty good.

    Been in the Yammy game for 30 odd years now .............. never got past 1 :lol:

  5. On 3/4/2017 at 11:06 AM, slice said:

    I'm a dry biker (sue me!) saw a guy yesterday on the M4 and it was pissing down with rain and there was fog from the water being chucked up he looked like a wet rag

    + 1 mate.  Kernow is lethal enuf on a dry sunny day so while it's still bucketing down and blowing dogs of chains here the FJ is staying snugly under her cover in the garage, thank you very much.


    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Ttaskmaster said:

    I used to be a Drag Queen like you... then I took an arrow in the knee. :lol:

    Do what I did - Listen to the Mrs whining about pillioning on your 650 Dragstar, get fed up with it, swap the Dragstar for an FJ1200, start enjoying life again!!

    Apparently the 3CV is the best model variant, but the 3XW is awesome. Don't worry if it's the non-ABS version, it's usually broken these days anyway. 

    Listen to the wise one !!! 

    Excellent advice there ;)

    1 hour ago, slice said:

    All depends if you want to go big really, a great big lump of a bike might be comfortable but they do take the fun out of corners .......a little 2T (!) bike can show my giant up anytime on the twisty stuff.....and I rumbled/wallowed along behind? :lol:


    Yeah right, now go on a 250 mile trip and see who arrives a bit fresher ........... and yer getting on a bit Slice ..... NTTAWWT :ph34r:

    • Like 2
  7. I'm sure its been discussed a million times on here but it looks like today's blast around West Kernow was my last for 2016.

    Work is taking me further away from home and the boss has kindly given me a car on loan for the winter. Road tax is running out as well so may as well call it a day.

    Tank full/Empty?

    Battery on trickle charge ?





  8. Sorry but just had to larf - brilliant :lol:

    Don't take this the wrong way but it felt like I just looked into a mirror.

    The stupid things I have gotten into in my garage with the saving broom stick, piece of string, bit of 2x2 just out of reach ;)


    • Like 2
  9. Just now, slice said:

    Sorry to hear that mate but probably stolen to order, some scrote wants some spares for his project. Check ebay and such for the spares you never know these idiots are not at the top of the tree when it comes to brains.

    Not sure if the owner is on here so share/spread the word.

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