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Posts posted by DutchFJ1200

  1. Cyclists are the bane of my riding life, even more so on twisty roads where you can't safely get past them.

    Get off the roads you lycra clad knob ends. And if you do insist on cycling on roads for god sake at least be sensible and courteous to other road users.

    Here here !!!!!

    What gives 1 lycra clad knob the right to peddle on a narrow two lane main road during rush hour with 3/4 of a mile of cars behind him and not have the courtesy/inclination/willingness/intelligence to pull over for a bit and let the cars through. No wonder car drivers go ballistic and create all kinds of dangerous situations.

    Why am I being hijacked to do the majority of my 14 mile commute @ 15mph every single bloody morning & afternoon...... even on a 'kin 1200CC bike !!!

    Oh yeah ..... be healthy, go green, carbon neutral and save the planet. Anybody told you that Cornwall is not geared up for that BS !!

    • Like 1
  2. Automatic loss of licence please

    The policeman in question had serious injuries but not life threatening.

    During the investigation it was concluded that both had endangered traffic. The copper can't just sit stationary in the middle of a motorway and get away with it. The dude in the yellow car claimed that due to the truck he saw him too late and could not avoid him. (he didn't say that he was rubber necking because the accident & ambulance happened/came from the other side of the motorway where a van had seriously crashed into a tree)

    The public prosecutor ruled that in the end both were at fault but that given the circumstances there was no case to answer.

    There you have it.

    • Like 1
  3. Apparently, they do!!

    I imagine you have to filter it first, though.

    Correction :eusa_doh:

    Yes, I mean some may do but I aint got a scott oiler ...... ehm.... I do .... I drag my chain thru old engine oil every 2 weeks ....

    Ahhhh .... shucks ...... how did I get here ........ you with me, capiche ??

  4. I do know some people use their old engine oil....

    Yup but not in a scottoiler. Every 2 weeks a generous helping in a cut in half milk 2 pinter and drag the rear sprocket through it.

    Off course oil soaking nappies on the floor to catch the surplus.

  5. Was looking for a general thread so not to have to start a new thread every single time. Found one :spin2:

    Found this on my Jeep forum. Dunno how it got there but I like it.


  6. The piston should slide back easy

    and causing the pistion to "stick" this will cause your brakes to wear faster , as the piston can't return to it "free " position

    Good intel DT!

    Both pistons were a biatch to compress

    And the chap in the shop asked me if I used my rear break much because my rear pads had completely gone in 1 year/5000 miles. He said they should last longer.

    Caliper rebuild +fluid change then this winter!

  7. Paid the price for the ones I was watching on ebay in that I was on a course all day today, not able to get on internet and there were two bids....mine at £35.00 and the winner at......£36.00.....gutted.....and lesson learned I guess!

    Well you don't know that. Your opposite number may have put in a top bid of 65 quid. At £1 increments £36 is the next one up.

    As drewpy said, if you really want it and cant watch 't puter all day go Goofbid : http://www.goofbid.com/

  8. Further to this have any of you ever ordered a spare key for your Yam? and where?

    Reason being, in order to unlock my seat PO has cut 3/4 off the top of the key to get in behind the side pannier brackets.

    One of these days the wee hole he's drilled in the remainder for the key ring is gonna go 'pop' and opening the tank is a biatch.


  9. its simple Simon,Complete a NOVA.

    went through all this with my Gilera

    What he said. !!

    Google importing a bike into the UK, follow all the advice, open online account with HMRC, do NOVA --> all comes to nuffink anyway. Duty to be paid = 0

    Happy days. (know its a faff but keeps the pencil pushers happy and its a doddle)

    FJ flew through (the 650 + 250 before that)

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