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Everything posted by JonMat

  1. I've only had my XVS 125 a couple of days (my first ever bike!) but just discovered there is an oil leak from the front right fork. My Dad said he would help me fix it if I can get a copy of the Workshop manual.Can anyone advise where I can get one? I tried searching this forum, but the links I found were dead. All the copies on the internet are either on sites which set off my anti-virus alarm or cost money to download. I'm a skint college student and hoping to find a free copy somewhere - can anyone here help me? Please? :-) Cheers, Jon M.
  2. Hi there folks! I've just bought my first bike (XVS 125 Dragstar) today and so I've joined this forum. Hopefully I'll be able to get help and advice along the way, as I'll be trying to fix it myself if anything goes wrong! :-) Cheers! Jon M.
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