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Posts posted by slice

  1. Found this in Nth Dakota? seems to have all the bolts https://www.ebay.com/itm/1981-Yamaha-XJ-550-Maxim-engine-cases-block-crankcase/172256816248?hash=item281b4e6c78:g:UAQAAMXQWzNSc7uZ

    As to them being available in the UK new I could not find them, seems that they are "discontinued" here as well, not surprising really it's a long way back, you might find a man with a shed who has some on a shelf that he never used but between you and me I think your flogging a dead horse on "NEW".

  2. Hi David, well truth be told it would be best if you took your bike to the FJ owners club, I bet they can fix it! there is not much they can't do to your FJR and as for main dealers well let's just say they can on occasion be a little unhelpful if there is no money in it,. It costs about £12 to join the FJ club and Ernie or Peg will be only to willing to offer free advice or fix it for you at considerably less than a main dealer. This is the web address http://www.fjclub.co.uk/

    Plus look up the prices on the FJR catalogue page, you will be surprised at the savings on servicing and parts. Really depends where you are in the UK but they can even offer overnight accommodation at local B+Bs.

    Try it, at worst your out 12 quid!

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  3. Don't really matter what bike it is to tell the truth we like them all. My only experience of a decompression bike was an old BSA and that had the lever on the bars with a cable attached, I think they all had that as it would be a bugger to try and start the bike and find a lever on the head at the same time, might be wrong! been known to happen:) If your bike has a lever on the head then maybe it also have had a lever and cable at some time, folks were known to take them off.

  4. If your going to keep the YICS then I suggest you make your own YICS system tool, they are outrageously expensive if you try and buy one, even if you can find one that is, I used  a YICS system eliminator to tune the carbs, easy to use and much cheaper, there is one for sale on EBAY in Oregon I spotted a while ago. https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-YICS-Eliminator-Its-the-Ultimate-Tuning-Tool-for-Yamaha-XJ-motorcycles-/303014887105 

    Wish you luck cos my XJ was a right bastard to tune. There are loads of diagrams of YICS tools on the net so you can make your own with a few bit's of pipe and a bunch of rubber grommets.

    Here's a site I used to look up the dimensions for the "make your own tool" unfortunately it's in metric so your going to have to convert it to imperial if you go down this road. https://xjbikes.com/forums/threads/home-made-yics-tool-diagrams.72713/

  5. Ok I found this, you might have already seen it but you never know, anyway try here http://www.thisoldtractor.com/mg_manuals/book_motorcycle_identification.pdf

    It's really long winded and it's the only site that I can see that "MIGHT" have what your looking for?

    The next best place to ask is Yamaha UK who will look it up for you. they are usually extremely helpful. Try here https://www.yamaha-motor.eu/gb/en/contact/





  6. That's brilliant, a really nice bike when you get it all back together, I had the XJ750 version great little workhorse. Also had the Maxim midnight 750 which I think is the big brother to yours? Nice to see old bikes being looked after and appreciated. As Jimmy said keep the photos coming.

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  7. This post is 7 years old try a new thread of your own! Don't just ask the same question all over the site it get's confusing and annoying. If you read the date of the last post in a thread, usually at the top near left of the name, then it will tell you the last date someone posted, resurrecting old threads is not helpful!

  8. I'll give it a go mate, should not be to hard as I visit my Mum every fortnight and at 300 miles a pop I should be done in about 6 months, plus of course the YOC weekend usually gets about 5 or 600 miles all in. Oh and yeah with my whizzy new camera you can come along as well. :lol:

  9. Carb icing can occur at any time regardless of the outside temp, if you have the fittings for it then use it as it is usually only fitted to bikes that have been prone to it. This can also operate as an extra kind of preheater to help the bike run in cold morning starts, reduces the need for long runs on choke.

  10. Well if you have the correct amount of oil in the forks then it can only be the oil weight that makes a difference, if you used a standard 10 weigh then empty it out and use a 5 weight oil, if that's too soft then your into mixing half and half with 10W and 5W oil to get about 7 weight. Also remember if you have ridden anything bigger than this then the forks on little bikes can seem harsh just due to the fact that they weigh bugger all! Hope that helps? Just one more thing, if your going to stick around then please say hello in the "New members section", you get more feedback if your a regular visitor and not a one hit wonder, Just sayin!

    Read this if you really want the low down on fork oil, it should really be graded in Centistokes.


  11. Right first off Hi and welcome to the YOC, next did you read the warranty front to back? I only ask as in most cases these things are written in such a way that any and all claims can be refused due to one clause or another, I would however suggest that you contact a good general claims lawyer to see what he might make of the wording of the warranty, most are not worth the paper they are written on and usually only cover stuff that rarely if ever goes wrong in the first few years. Other than that tell them you will never buy another bike from then, it won't do any good but makes you feel better to swear at someone about your problem. Sorry if this doesn't answer the question in the way you wanted but these things are just a way to add to the sales bill. :icon_sad:

  12. Ok that's better, right, next thing to try look at the earth wires on your bike(no I don't know where they are, look it up) but it sounds like a bad earth which is causing the problem. look at the battery and undo the earth cable, follow it to where it earths to the frame and clean around and under it, big dollop of copper grease to seal it and pretty sure that should fix it, remember to clean around the earth cable and the frame both on top and underneath. Just to be clear here UNDO the cable completely and make sure it's clean on both sides.

  13. Just to say A merry Christmas to you all, may you all get what you want from Santa and not what you really deserve.. ! Me, I already know what SWMBO has got for me as I had to buy it..! I am now the proud owner of a Drift Ghost X + all the trimmings. Take care all of you and have fun. 

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