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Posts posted by slice

  1. Scardo Welcome to the YOC, mate a picture will make it easier to help with your problem, plus of course an intro in the new members section will help as well. We get loads of one hit wonders so folk are wary of saying anything cos they get what they want then (without a THANK YOU) their gone till they need advice again. Just sayin!

  2. Yeah like Cynic I bought my own set off of ebay, best £20 I ever spent, take the rubber bungs off the carbs push on the pipes from the gauges and that's about it really, adjust all the carbs to number 3 and Roberts your fathers brother!

  3. Hi Harry, welcome to the YOC. Sorry to hear about your problem mate, just a suggestion tho, you have no electrical problems as it starts and runs so it's almost certainly a fuel air mix problem, you seem to have fixed all the other things it might be so that only really leaves the fuel. Not sure with these bikes if they have crank seals cos some of the lads on here say that crank seals can give this type of problem, usually when they bog down like this it's to much air so check for leaks around the whole of the inlet side of the fuel system, good luck mate.

  4. Scotch locks corrode and are subject to vibration, simple as that really. Much better to create your own soldered joints than cut into your loom with a metal push pin, the problem is that you stand the chance of not only losing your extra lights but also the light your connected to. Just saying, not my bike so it's very much down to whether your happy to do it or not.

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  5. Oh mate you jammy bastard!!! That is an impressive machine, rip your head off fast and a thrill to just tootle about on but when you give it the beans it's going to give Captain Kirk a run for his money. Not jealous or anything mutter mutter mumble!!!!

    • Like 1
  6. Ah you see we get a LOT of ONE HIT WONDERS on here so as you didn't reply Tommy thought that you had asked your question and disappeared off to parts unknown, glad you didn't by the way, you see it's normal for folks to say "Hi" in the new members section before they ask a how do I fix my bike/life/marriage question and we get a bit jaded when we answer a question and the folks don't come back. As to the "F" in the quote I leave that to your own imagination, no offence was intended I'm sure just one of those "oh f**k why do I bother" moments that we all have. Stick around if you want to we're really a reasonable bunch of folks just occasionally this internet get's the best of us. :rolleyes:

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  7. Your gunna need to put some photos up mate, tho truth be told it sounds "interesting" odd strange and above all else seriously out there also comes to mind! :wacko: Not saying you shouldn't do this sort of thing after all each to there own.

  8. First thing DON'T PANIC most engines have small flakes of metal in them even new ones, just treat it like you always do and see what the next service is like, as long as it starts ok and there are no odd noises coming from it you'll probably find it's just normal wear and tear. Honest it's quite normal !!!

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  9. You "might" be able to stamp the head stock with an official set of stamps but how you would get hold of them or even if your allowed to is something I don't know. It will impact your ability to sell it as well as your going to have to prove the frame is the original one compared to a replacement. How much would it cost to get hold of another chassis? Your in a world of "oh f**k" at the moment but there must be a way around it cos you can't be the first person for this to happen to. Keep your pecker up mate can only get better from the bottom of the hole your in now!

  10. Not sure but don't think you can just "attach" your own mate cos if you can everyone will be doing it! Was it the STICKER kind or the Aluminium plate? You might get an official one from Yam UK but don't hold your breath, your going to have to jump through all sorts of hoops to get it sorted I think. Remember they are stamped with a particular font and spaced really precisely so even if you can make one it won't fool anyone official. Police will just LOVE you if they check it !!!

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