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Posts posted by slice

  1. As above if one won't do it find someone else but is it just a straight key or one of those with a chip in it? If it has a chip then your going to have to get it from a specialist, my car has one of these and they are £90 a pop!

  2. Here's what you do Grouch, take the scaffolding down, put it in your back garden then when they come to get it back charge them for it. As Tommy said you now have the materials for your bike shed as well, always a silver lining mate.

    You couldn't make this shit up!!!

    • Like 3
  3. I've got a scott oiler sitting on my work bench that I have no use for Grouch plus 3/4 of a tin of oil if you want it your more than welcome to it mate? It does need some new pipes tho but you can buy them from the site for a few quid. PM me if your interested. Oh and it has one of those new double ring attachments plates with it as well.

    buy parts from here http://www.scottoiler.com/uk/Spares-Adaptors.html

    Mine looks something like this Image result for scottoiler

    this is the mount I have with it Image result for scott oiler mounts

    • Like 1
  4. Are you sure you've broken it? cos these things usually are a push fit or at most a single screw to hold them in place. Oh and it's usually called " swing arm chain guard" if it's what I think your talking about NOT a THINGY! :D

    Just so you know it's usual to say "Hi" in the new member section before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question and it helps if you fill in all the details of what bike you have and where you live so we don't tell you to buy your part in Scunthorpe and you live in Timbuktu. plus next time say what bike it is at least as this helps as well. Just sayin. 

    Welcome to the YOC :wavey: by the way it's good for folks to join these sort of forums as we have a wealth of knowledge and like to help out if we can.

    • Like 1
  5. Fraid so, it's usually a new relay if there is a problem, pretty cheap fix all in all. unless of course he has LEDs in it in which case it's again usually a relay but it's extra to the original to allow for the lower amperage I think? Folks on here will know more about that as some have fitted LEDs to their bikes.

  6. Hi DG, first your quote for the service is about average I suppose tho I mostly do it myself as it's easy and you know it's been done properly, as to tyres well it depends on what your looking for really, some give good grip in the dry some in the wet others have long life but no real grip and so on, to be honest it's a bit of a nightmare trying to offer advice on tyres as most folks want tyres that last for years and grip like shit to a blanket, if you find some let the rest of us know!! But really there are some great deals out there at the moment for tyre pairs and all you need to do is hunt them down, no one is going to say "go here" cos what suits them won't suit you. Just type your bike into the net and google it then buy what you can afford and suit your riding style. Best I can say tho is buy the best you can afford they are the only things between you and a hospital bed.

    • Like 1
  7. Yes any reasonable dealer will have a selection, or if not there are hundreds of small manufacturers out there that can knock you up a set for a few hundred quid. GOOGLE is your friend here just type in what you want and choose the ones you like or can afford. Starting price on a new set from Yamaha will cost the deposit on a house otherwise a more reasonable set can be had, you just have to find what you like.

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