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Posts posted by slice

  1. Hi Kyle, Welcome to the YOC, pretty little bike mate BUT don't use a jet washer on your bike you WILL fuck your wheel bearings and blow any lube off of the chain, hand wash time mate. Good luck with your CBT just stay calm and if you get something wrong just work through it.

  2. First check your earth attachments, usually something simple like that, make sure they are tight and have a good contact. Don't get tunnel vision with things like this try the simple things first then work your way up to something expensive rather than start there.

  3. Yeah I saw that the sidecar wheel was powered, that's what makes it such a beast in the mud and stuff. Would definitely not keep up with the TDR in the twisties..! :lol:

  4. Sounds like a plan, best of luck to you. Someone out there will help if they can, not all bike shops are full of arseholes who only want your money and can't be bothered to even say "thank you". So where are you keeping your bike then? Must be a bugger finding somewhere to store it and work on it. Not noted for space on the deck of a narrow boat.

  5. Don't know about the North West but just try your local bike shop/repair, they are usually only to pleased to offer advice on what to fit and where to find it, they might even offer to get it for you (at a price..!) and then if it don't work you can take it back. Just a suggestion.

    Where are you in the world? someone might know a local place near you if you tell us what part of the world you live in..! 

  6. Hang on a sec, You say the starter works then say it won't turn over, which is it? Or is it that it turns over but won't start cos if it's that then your going to have to explain some more cos there's not enough info there to make any kind of even wild guess why it won't start. Have you checked there is fuel to the cylinders? The electrics on these are complex even for a little bike so do you have the manual? If not then that's where you should start. Not having a pop at you, there is just not enough info to go on, we like to help but you have to explain in detail what's not happening and what you have done so far. Also it might help if you say hello in the New members section cos one hit wonders usually don't get much in the way of replies. Just sayin..! Oh and see about filling in your profile while your at it as there might be someone nearby who could help out.

  7. As above Grouch, once they know where it is they will be back, tell the Police about your problem they will, if your lucky, add your street to their patrol and at least scare the sods away for a while. Get a paint ball gun, don't need a licence for one of them and those little ball thingys HURT..!

    • Like 3
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  8. Any half decent winding shop will do it, you don't need a specialist just a competent trader. Look in your local phone book and find the nearest and give them a call. Most of us are in the UK and a good few are in the USA with Australia not far behind so your best bet is to find a local club that might know more. Talk to your local bike shop and see if they are any help.

  9. Found this, (So apparently photobucket is now requiring a 399$ a year membership to share images 3rd party) so the "free" site now wants to make money, there's a surprise..!

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