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Maintenance and Servicing

  1. Started by Tomintoul,

    Alright all, I've just bought my daughter a XSR 125 as her first bike and wanted to lower it for her. Obviously there's no Haynes for it as it's a new bike, and finding torque settings appears to be mission impossible, but I was wondering whether it's actually possible to order the service manual from Yamaha. I'd rather not get some shady pdf from some dubious site and our local Yamaha dealer's about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. All the bikes I've had in the past, you could either get a Haynes for or you could buy the manual from the manufacturer, but either my Google-fu's failing or this doesn't seem to be the case with Yamaha. Any tips gratefully rec…

  2. Started by mozpdragon,

    Hi I have a xj600 pre diversion 1991 the diaphragms have gone crispy. I have not been able to find replacement diaphragms could I use the diaphragms for a 1992 xj600 diversion as I can get them easily, will they fit my carbs

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  3. Started by jmont,

    I own a 2007 YBR250 which is in need of a new exhaust. the front part of the exhaust has rusted and the problem is that Yamaha no longer sell the exhaust system and I cant seem to find any aftermarket parts either. are there any suggestions of a compatible exhaust system we could get or maybe another model exhaust which fits our model? any help or advice would be great. thanks Justin

  4. Started by jcr,

    has anyone replaced theirs? mine have reached their service limit so looking for some new springs. looking at YSS offering their spring is 15mm shorter than my stock spring, 82mm compared to 97mm. and my year model(1996) is 10mm longer than the rest of the Aces which are 87mm. its all a bit confusing. will YSS be a straight swap even though they are shorter and do i follow the instructions for the 97 year onwards models regarding oil quantities etc?

  5. Started by Snakebite68,

    May not be the correct place for this, but..: Does anyone know of a MOT only place around Wakefield/Leeds area for cars? We've had some trouble in the past with places trying to get work done that wasn't needed, so the idea is: If we get the MOT done at a place that does nothing but MOTs, they have no vested interest to make stuff up! Any ideas anyone?

  6. Started by NickyC,

    Hi all. Registered on the site tonight as a full member and after some advice. Got a 2006 YBR 125cc carb model in silver. Runs sweet but in need of a bit of TLC. Loads of choices on chain and sprockets (which mine is in desperate need of). Any advice on what size and teeth size to go for? Pro's and cons to 14 front v 15 front and 45 v 49 rear? Chain of 428 x 118 v 428 x 134? Also, its missing the LH side panel (battery cover). I've ordered a new one off ebay. Can anyone recommend a supplier or part for the lock? Ideally I'd get it to match the ignition key i guess but is this normal or does it normally come with a separate k…

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  7. Started by KeithJN,

    Hi there i've just bought a 1999 sr125 it has stood in a garage for 19 years, cleaned out carb replaced air filter starts fine with choke (heater) ticks over butwon't rev very well, tried pilot screw no luck, any clues please. Cheers Keith.

      • Thanks
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  8. Hi All, I've recently suffered a mid life crisis and bought a 1985 RS200 similar to the one I owned back when I was younger/happier. The bike is in very good condition overall, apart from the exhausts blowing slightly between the downpipes and and the silencers. I took off the silencers and found there were no gaskets between the downpipes and the silencers, which explains them blowing. I've spent hours online trying to find the gaskets but no luck so far. I phoned Fowlers Parts who were kind enough to dig out the microfiche for my model, but apparently the original gaskets have been discontinued. If anybody has any idea what I could use as replacemen…

  9. Started by Malc Johnstone,

    My son has a '96 Thunderace, low mileage, which he bought quite cheaply after he wrote his old ZZR1400 off. While his wrist recovers I'm going through the bike for him. Most of it seems good, if tatty, but I'm having a real problem with the exup valve. It's seized and seems to be seized in the fully closed position. It was a dog to get out, corroded and broken up cable pulley, snapped bolts etc. I'm fairly handy and can fix most things eventually, but what has got me really stuck is that the blade part of the valve is seized solid in the plate which unbolts from the exhaust. Absolutely nothing will shift it. And I can't find a replacement even if I drill the dam…

  10. Started by Bengt-Ove,

    Do anybody know where I can by Carburator repairkit to a XT400? Any site

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  11. Started by ragnarre,

    Hi Guys. Anyone got a wiring diagram for a yamaha xvs dragstar 250 that they could give me a copy of ?

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  12. Started by Markim,

    Hi; I recently purchased a 31000 Mike divvy 900. Have changed the oil to 10-40 shell advanced synthetic based and fitted a genuine filter. Somehow she seems noisier Am hoping someone could advise me if the oil I have used is suitable or not. The oil issue seems to be a minefield. Some are saying it should be SE oil due to age etc. Wondering if I need to drain and start again. Many thanks for your help in advance.

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  13. Started by Snakebite68,

    So, my Thunderaces swingarm is starting to seize up (frankly, I was constantly thinking it was my rear tyre that was soft! lol). I would like to do the work myself, but I'm skeered! 😰 I'm off work for a week, is there anyone in the Wakefield area that would like to come over and crawl around a hard garage floor with me to kinda give pointers and second guess me? There could well be bacon sandwiches and unlimited cups of tea in it..! Basically, since I've never removed a swingarm before, I just don't want to do it on my own in case I get into trouble and can't carry on... 🥺

  14. Started by docandy,

    Riding home from my first decent trip on my XT 125R last weekend and the front brake started causing problems, then gave up the ghost completely. Made it home very carefully with a good (recently rebuilt) rear brake to find the front disc covered in a black layer of mainly brake fluid and crap. OK, so no big deal, I'll get a rebuild kit and we'll be back on the road.....or so I thought. I've now gone through two kits with seals and pistons, both of which are rubbish. The first one was too small. I contacted the supplier, who told me he'd checked all the other kits on his shelf and they've all been wrongly labelled by the manufacturer and are 31.8mm diameter and …

  15. Started by NIJW,

    Tried Google but can't find a YS 125 Workshop Manual any ideas where I can get one or is the YBR 125 Haynes one any use what areas are similar any ideas if I can even get a YS wiring diagram anywhere ? Thanks in advance

  16. Started by Yam am ya Haas Nicolas,

    One of my spark plugs has worn away the thread were you screw it in would it be easier to get a new part were the spark plug goes or to get it re bored also what is the part called were the spark plug goes thank you for any help with this sorry for my novicenuss on this I don't know much about the mechanics of motorcycles what would be the price for getting it recoiled thanks

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  17. Started by Gordon Andrews,

    {Posted a request for information a few days ago, no answers! Just to let you know I found the answer trying to remove the main switch. G

      • Haha
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  18. Started by Simon TDM850,

    I have a 1992 TDM 850, a bit of a wreck that I want to get running and perhaps customise. I have got it to fire but it is very hit and miss, will fire better if I take both plugs out and clean them. After I have attempted to start for a few turns if I take the plugs our and test them against the head they wont fire, or there is a rouge spark; so to the body of the plug. cleaned they then spark properly, put them back in and it may fire again. when it does fire it is back firing and poping and banging. Is this most likely timing or fuel/air carbs or electrical where do I start? Thanks

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  19. Started by Gordon Andrews,

    Hi, Just started a project on a Teo's 125 and have a work shop manual but there is now information on how the main switch cap comwes away. Don't want to beak, could it be a bayanut or just a lift off? not sure. Anyone help.

    • 1 reply
  20. Started by Gordon Andrews,

    Hi, Just started a project on a Teo's 125 and have a work shop manual but there is now information on how the main switch cap comwes away. Don't want to beak, could it be a bayanut or just a lift off? not sure. Anyone help. 😀